Groupe de travail Plan de travail : ECILE (Entente cadre d'interconnexion locale entre ESL)


  • BPTF0022.doc - 33ko - Mises à jour des annexes du GTPT dans l'entente cadre d'interconnexion locale entre ESL (MALI) - COMPLÉTÉ le 11 mai 2001.
  • BPTF0051.doc - 85ko - Update MALI, CLEC-IXC Agreements and associated Process Maps to expand the methods for customer authorization per Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-15. Revised May 11, 2005.
  • BPTF0059.doc - 100ko - MALI and LEC IXC Agreements. Report (BPRE059a) submitted to the Commission May 22, 2007. Closed May 14, 2007.
  • BPTF0070.doc – 77 ko - Small/Outsourced CLEC - Agreement Requirements. Report (BPRE070a) and Special MALI (BPAGSMALI1) approved with changes, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-574. BPWG issued letter to the Commission requesting clarification of items contained in Decision. Commission staff provided clarification and BPWG submitted second report (BPRE070b) and version 1.1 of Special MALI (BPAGSMALI1.1). Revised 25 May 2012.
  • BPTF0075.doc – 86ko – Fulfillment of Type 3/4 CLEC Obligations. Report (BPRE075a) approved – Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-92. Completed 23 February 2011.
  • BPTF0085.doc - 47 KB - CSG Related Documentation and Agreement Updates. Report (BPRE085a) Carrier Services Group (CSG) Related Documentation and Agreement
  • BPTF0086.doc - 50 ko– 60 KB - IP Interconnection - agreement templates. Revised 24 May 2012.


  • BPCO041a.doc - 21ko - Call-Net - Modification de l'annexe H de l'entente cadre d'interconnexion locale (le « MALI ») intitulée Procédures de transfert d'abonnés - Le 1er août 2002.
  • BPCO041b.doc - 30ko - PIAC - Modification de l'annexe H de l'entente cadre d'interconnexion locale (le « MALI ») intitulée Procédures de transfert d'abonnés - Le 16 août 2002.
  • BPCO075a.doc - 36ko - Definition of Bill & Keep - 23 March 2006.
  • BPCO075b.doc - 38ko - Definition of Bill & Keep - 23 October 2006.
  • BPCO075c.doc - 37ko - Amended MALI B&K Definition - 15 December 2006.
  • BPCO095b.doc - 73ko - Inapplicability of MALI Process to Small CLECs - 29 April 2008.
  • BPCO0100a.doc - 333ko - Small CLEC - Small MALI Initial Draft - 7 September 2008.
  • BPCO0100b.doc - 42ko - Remarks on shaw Proposed Small CLEC Agreement - 9 December 2008.
  • BPCO0100c.doc - 327ko - Small CLEC - Small MALI Second Draft - 12 January 2009.
  • BPCO0100d.doc - 151ko - Small CLEC - Small MALI Second Draft - 14 January 2009.
  • BPCO0100e.doc - 52ko - Small CLEC MALI - 21 January 2009.
  • BPCO0100f.doc - 154ko - Small CLEC MALI - 14 January 2009.
  • BPCO0100g.doc - 121 ko - Small CLEC MALI - 4 February 2009.
  • BPCO0100h.doc - 192 ko - Small CLEC MALI - 20 February 2009.
  • BPCO0100i.doc - 462KB - Small CLEC MALI - 17 April 2009
  • BPCO0100l.doc - 462KB - Small CLEC MALI - 9 October 2009
  • BPCO0100n.doc - 84 KB - Small CLEC MALI  -  November 16, 2009.
  • BPCO100o.doc  -  42KB - Remarks on TELUS Contribution re Small CLEC - Agreement (BPC)100n)  -  November 17, 2009.
  • BPCO100p.doc  -  81KB - Small CLEC MALI  -  December 4, 2009.
  • BPCO100q.doc  -  75KB - Small CLEC MALI  -  June 25, 2010.
  • BPCO100r.doc  -  280KB - Special MALI - legal comments  -  June 24, 2010.
  • BPCO100s.doc  -  342 KB - Special MALI  -  June 25, 2010.
  • BPCO100t.doc  -  274KB - Special MALI  -  June 28, 2010.
  • BPCO100u.doc  -  217KB - SaskTel Legal Comment on Special MALI  -  July 5, 2010.
  • PCO100v.doc  -  71KB - Small CLEC MALI  -  October 1, 2010.
  • BPCO100w.doc  -  38KB - Small CLEC MALI - Comments- Oct 6, 2010
  • BPCO119a.doc - 46 ko - IP Interconnection - April 9, 2012.
  • BPCO119c.doc - 22 ko - Agreement for IP Interconnection - April 25, 2012.
  • BPCO119d.pdf - 32 ko - IP Interconnection - April 25, 2012.
  • BPCO119e.doc - 106 ko - Model IP Voice IC Interconnection Agreement- May 17, 2012.
  • BPCO119f.doc - 28 ko - Guidance Document for IP Interconnection Negotiation - June 14, 2012.




  • BPRE022a.doc - 39 ko - Mises à jour des annexes du GTPT dans l'entente cadre d'interconnexion locale entre ESL (MALI) - Le 11 mai 2001.
  • BPRE059a.doc - 100 ko - Updates MALI v29 and to LEC-IXC agreement v 19 to reflect recent Commission determinations and industry practices.
  • BPRE070a.doc - 86 ko - Small CLEC - Agreement Requirements. Adapting the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Local Exchange Carriers - MALI to take into consideration the specific circumstances of the small CLECs selecting to fulfil through an underlying carrier the interconnection CLEC obligation with the other LECs serving the same exchange. BPAGSMALI1.doc - 93ko - Special MALI - 1 December 2010.
  • BPRE070b.doc - 91 ko - Special MALI - BPAGSMALI1.1 - 94 ko - Special MALI version 1.1 - 1 June 2012
  • BPRE075a.doc - 160 ko - Fulfillment of Type 3/4 CLEC Obligations - 3 August 2010.


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