BPTF007.doc - 14KB - Work in conjunction with the Network Operations SWG, as part of a joint OBSWG/NOSWG task force, to identify the standard service intervals to completely order an interconnection circuit from initiation to circuit acceptance. This will include intervals for escalation and expedite requests. - Revised Jan. 26, 1999
BPTF011.DOC - 67 KB - Service Intervals. CRTC released Decision 2002-14 establishing definitive timelines for ILECs to provide CLECs unbundled loops. C-LOG Bulletin 051-009 issued to document and publicize industry agreement on procedures for confirmation of LSRs with 2-day intervals, service intervals for porting associated with loop migration, and loop make-up requests. Consensus Report BPRE011a on the format and content of the loop forecast approved Dec.12, 2002. Revised July 10, 2003.
BPTF0044.doc - 268 KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) - Work in progress. Revised May 11, 2005.
BPCO009A.DOC -18KB - MetroNet - Unbundled Loop Service Intervals- MetroNet's submission of intervals which should be addressed by the Service Interval Team - 1999/04/20
BPCO012A.DOC - 28KB - Bell Canada - Service Intervals - ILEC response to MetroNet submission - 1999/06/16
BPCO023a.doc - 24KB - (Axxent Corp., AT&T Canada, Group Telecom, Eastlink Tel, Sprint Canada, Gateway Tel, C1.com Inc.) - Service Intervals - CLEC response to ILEC Service Interval Policy Changes - (Effective February 1, 2001) - February 16, 2001
BPCO024a.doc - 32KB - Bell Canada - ILEC Response to CLEC Contribution BPCO023a - March 15, 2001
BPCO035a.doc - 50KB - Call-Net - Proposal for Local Loop Forecasts - February 11, 2002
BPDI004.doc - 24KB - Axxent - ILEC Service Interval Policy Changes Effective February 1, 2001. Dated March 15, 2001
BPDI004a.doc - 14KB - Axxent - ILEC Service Interval Policy Changes Effective February 1, 2001. Updated April 5, 2001
BPDI011A.DOC - 12KB - Call-Net - Dispute Title: Service Intervals - New Loop Requests - Referenced Task: Service Intervals TIF BPTF011 and in part, BPTF007 - 1999/07/14
BPDP0401.doc - 100KB - Competitors Position, April 18, 2001
BPDP0402.doc - 41KB - ILEC (Aliant, Bell Canada , MTS, Sasktel) Position, April 18, 2001
BPDP0403.doc - 38KB - ILEC (TELUS) Position, April 18, 2001
BPDP1102.DOC - 15KB - Optel/AT&T Position Paper on Dispute BPDI011a. Referenced Task# Service Intervals TIF BPTF001 and in part, BPTF007 - 1999/08/04
BPDP1103.DOC - 27KB - ILEC on behalf of MTS/Bell/Telus/NBtel/MTT Position Paper on Dispute BPDI011a. Referenced Task# Service Intervals TIF BPTF001 and in part, BPTF007 - 1999/08/04
BPRE011a.doc - 399KB - Forecasts for Unbundled Local Loops - September 12, 2002.