Business Process Working Group: Task Identification Forms

Working Group Contacts

Chair: Justin Gerogiannis

CRTC: Cyrille Épée and Jean-François Leblanc-Poirier

Meeting Schedules

BPTF001.doc - 36KB - Authorization and Dispute Procedures for Customer Transfers Between LECs - Completed. Revised 1999-05-18

BPTF002.doc - 12KB - Identify impacts of Decision 97-8 on existing resale processes including (but not limited to): the impact of increased resale activity: the current lack of standardized processes; and the Commission’s direction with respect to telephone number retention and other LNP issues; and equal access. Revised May 24, 1999 - Completed

BPTF003.DOC - 33KB - An industry process map for customer migration was developed by the CTSWG in Round 1 of the CISC proceeding and included in the April 30, 1997 report to the CRTC. The CRTC Decision 97-8 and the Round 2 of CISC discussions require further changes to this map. Revised 1999/04/22 - Completed

BPTF004.DOC - 30KB - Under the existing NANC NPAC-SMS Specifications there are a number of different types of conflicts that can be initiated by the current LEC to block the initial attempt to port a WTN. This TIF will define under what circumstances a current LEC can initiate the various conflict types, and how conflicts will be resolved. Revised 1999/04/22 - Completed

BPTF0005.doc - 50KB - Appointment of an Independent Dispute Arbitrator. TIF reviewed at CISC and it was determined that there is no need for an Arbitrator at this time. CLOSED November 29, 2002.

BPTF006.doc - 16KB - To develop business processes for the porting of resold local service. COMPLETE September 15, 1999

BPTF007.doc - 38KB - Work in conjunction with the Network Operations SWG, as part of a joint OBSWG/NOSWG task force, to identify the standard service intervals to completely order an interconnection circuit from initiation to circuit acceptance. This will include intervals for escalation and expedite requests. Activities transferred to BPTF0011 - CLOSED Jan. 26, 1999

BPTF008.doc - 14KB - In conjunction with the Network Operations SWG, determine the impact of decision 98-108. Review the ordering and provisioning processes for each loop sub-type to determine whether or not the current service intervals will be impacted - COMPLETE September 22, 1999

BPTF009.DOC - 24KB - As identified in Consensus document BORE036a.doc, the C-LOG will be subject to revisions or additions as the industry processes and requirements change. As such, this TIF will capture all required revisions to Version 4 of the C-LOG. The outcome of this task will be C-LOG version 4.1. Revised September 15, 1999 - COMPLETE March 27, 2000

BPTF010.DOC - 19KB - Revise industry data interchange guidelines to include additional interfaces and other required clarifications to CDIG Version 1 (December 1997) and to the draft Data Interchange Schedule - COMPLETE March 27, 2000

BPTF011.DOC - 126KB - Service Intervals. Decision CRTC 2002-14 established definitive timelines for ILECs to provide CLECs unbundled loops. C-LOG Bulletin 051-009 issued to document and publicize industry agreement on procedures for confirmation of LSRs with 2-day intervals, service intervals for porting associated with loop migration, and loop make-up requests. Consensus Report BPRE011a on the format and content of the loop forecast approved Dec. 2002. C-LOG Section 11 on Service Intervals (BPRE0011b) approved April 2005. COMPLETE March 24, 2005.

BPTF012.doc - 15KB - CLEC-IXC Agreement - Shcedule 4 Revisions': Determine if revisions are required in respect of Telecom Order CRTC 99-379. Revise the Written Order Confirmation wording to be consistent with the wording in the Customer Transfer Schedule to the MALI. Determine if there are any other required changes or revisions and quality check the agreement. - COMPLETE December 22, 1999.

BPTF0013.doc - 17KB - Common Language Code Assignment - To determine the responsibilities of the parties for the assignment of the appropriate CLLI codes in the context of network interconnection and colocation between two LECs. COMPLETE May 11, 2001.

BPTF0014.doc - 17KB - Develop processes and recommend service intervals to enable the transfer of leased loops between LECs where there is change in end customer at the same customer premise. COMPLETE September 13, 2000.

BPTF0015.doc - 103KB - Abbreviated Access Service Request (AASR) - COMPLETE December 18, 2000.

BPTF0016.doc - 116KB - Data Elements for Equipment Records. COMPLETE June 15, 2001.

BPTF0017.doc - 32KB - Enhance Customer Migration Process Maps (Part IV) to address the scenario where an end-customer transfers service between two local resellers, and to consider proposed general revisions to the process for notifying the current local service provider. COMPLETE July 20, 2000.

BPTF0018.doc - 31KB - PIC/CARE Access Handbook Revisions. COMPLETE July 20, 2000

BPTF0019.doc - 34KB - Develop industry ordering and billing procedures for the use of LEC in-building wire as directed by the CRTC's June 5, 2000 letter decision. COMPLETE - July 26, 2000.

BPTF0020.doc - 27KB - Revise industry local ordering guidelines (C-LOG) to clarify ambiguities and correct errors identified during C-LOG V5.0 implementation activities. The outcome of this TIF will be the publication of C-LOG Version 5.1. COMPLETE October 20, 2000.

BPTF0021.doc - 93KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) - Work in progress, Version 5.1. All open items transferred to BPTF0044. COMPLETE October 16, 2003.

BPTF0022.doc - 33KB - Updates to BPWG Schedules in Master Agreement for Local Interconnection between LECs (MALI). COMPLETE May 11, 2001.

BPTF0023.doc - 35KB - Update and Publication of BPWG Process Maps (completed February 26, 2001). CLOSED January 21, 2003

BPTF0024.doc - 33KB - Updates to BPWG Schedules in Master CLEC / IXC Agreement. COMPLETE May 11, 2001.

BPTF0025.doc - 36KB - Portability of Suspended or Disconnected Telephone Numbers. COMPLETE December 12, 2001.

BPTF0026.doc - 51KB - Letter(s) of Agency/Authorization (General). CLOSED June 16, 2003.

BPTF0027.doc - 30KB - Enforcement Measures for Reseller Mandated Requirements. COMPLETE October 8, 2002.

BPTF0028.doc - 28KB - Quality of Service Indicators. COMPLETE May 11, 2001.

BPTF0029.doc - 35KB - Due Dates Missed Attributable to End Customers or CLECs. COMPLETE February 12, 2002.

BPTF0030.doc - 119KB - Quality of Service Indicators - Final Review of Performance Standards. Non-consensus Report issued December 2, 2002. Revised December 2, 2002. In Telecom Decision 2003-72 the Commission addressed all of the outstanding Q of S issues. CLOSED Oct. 30, 2003

BPTF0031.doc - 65KB - Business Failures. Report (BPRE031a) Business Failures for initial phase issued to CRTC on September 28, 2001. Consensus Report (BPRE031b) for LSP Business Termination Guidelines issued September 30, 2002. Consensus Report (BPRE031c) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-35. Closed 15 August 2013.

BPTF0032.doc - 72KB - Revise the Network Operations Guidelines for Co-location. COMPLETE December 15, 2004.

BPTF0033.doc - 141KB - Update of Local Competition Billing and Collection Services Agreement and Technical Guideline. Revised Technical Guideline, Version 1.2 approved October 7, 2002. Agreement update complete - Non-Consensus Report submitted to the Commission (June 4, 2004) for approval and further direction. CLOSED without decision 19 June 2007.

BPTF0034.doc - 35KB - C-LOG Password Guidelines. In response to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-42 guidelines have been established for the use of passwords on LSRs. COMPLETE October 8, 2002.

BPTF0035.doc - 59KB - Consensus Report (BPRE035a) and updated Model PIC/CARE Handbook approved CRTC 2003-80. No further action required. COMPLETE January 19, 2004.

BPTF0036.doc - 81KB - Failed Provisioning of New and Migrated Unbundled Loops. Consensus Report submitted to CISC for approval. Any further action will take place under TIF 45. COMPLETE March 15, 2004.

BPTF0037.doc - 143KB - Unbundled Loops - Errors or Defective Installation Service Recovery. Consensus Report (BPRE037a) for Version 3.0 submitted to Commission for approval. Further activities to be addressed with TIF45. COMPLETE March 17, 2004.

BPTF0038.doc - 114KB - Insulation and Labelling of Unbundled Loops Carrying High Voltages. Interim process implemented April 29, 2002 - refer to C-LOG Bulletin 051-008. Consensus Report (BPRE038a) dated June 17, 2004 submitted to Commission. COMPLETE September 14, 2004.

BPTF0039.doc - 105KB - Updating Network Management Guidelines (Loading of NXX Codes in Switches). COMPLETE January 16, 2003.

BPTF0040.doc - 89KB - Quality of Service Indicators related to Decision 2002-34. BPWG is addressing Q of S for CDNA. Non-consensus Report issued May 5, 2003. Revised May 5, 2003. In Telecom Decision 2003-72 the Commission addressed all of the outstanding Q of S issues. CLOSED Oct. 30, 2003

BPTF0041.doc - 186KB - Electronic File Transfer Service Replacement. Report (BPRE041a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-60. Technical standards and CDIG V3.0 completed - Report (BPRE041b) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-38. ASn implementation completed on schedule. COMPLETE 26 November 2006.

BPTF0042.doc - 101KB - Double Dispatch. CLOSED January 20, 2004.

BPTF0043.doc - 38KB - ILEC Provision of DSL to CLEC PES. C-LOG processes drafted. All further work will be covered by C-LOG TIF 44. COMPLETE September 21, 2004.

BPTF0044.doc - 404KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 5.2). All open items transferred to TIF 65. Completed November 15, 2006.

BPTF0045.doc - 159KB - Unbundled Loops - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines - Version 4.0. Consensus Report BPRE045a submitted to Commission on November 18, 2005. ITMG Version 4.0 approved per Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-4. Completed January 26, 2006.

BPTF0046.doc - 46KB - Follow-up to Decision 2004-4 - Promotion of local residential competition. Consensus Report (BPRE046a) submitted to Commission for approval March 29, 2004. Draft ITMG Version 3.1 issued. Revised April 22, 2004.

BPTF0047.doc - 45KB - Follow-up to Decision 2004-4 - Consumer Education. Consensus Report (BPRE047a) submitted to Commission for approval. COMPLETE April 22, 2004.

BPTF0048.doc - 44KB - Sharing of Customer Credit Information. Consensus Report (BPRE048a) submitted to Commission. Closed November 18, 2005.

BPTF0049.doc - 40KB - CO Code Cleanup. Closed January 14, 2005.

BPTF0050.doc - 68KB - Co-location Link Changes (CLC) Procedures. Decision CRTC 2004-83 tasked the BPWG to develop the procedures for completing Co-location Link Changes. COMPLETE March 24, 2005.

BPTF0051.doc - 81KB - Update MALI, CLEC-IXC Agreements and associated Process Maps to expand the methods of customer authorization per Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-15. COMPLETE December 8, 2005

BPTF0052.doc - 81KB - Privacy Safeguard issues with the Implementation of VoIP Technologies. Interim Report re Technical Issues BPRE052a dated Nov. 1/05 referred to NTWG. NTWG submitted letter to BPWG, dated 23 Jan. 09 addressing technical issues associated with VoIP privacy. Report (BPRE052b) Privacy Safeguard Related to VoIP approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-512. COMPLETE 18 June 2009.

BPTF0053.doc - 162KB - OSWG Process Impacts. Report (BPRE053a) Final Update on CLEC Access to ILEC Operational Support Systems (OSS) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-120. Report (BPRE053b) OSS Management Guidelines (OSMG v1.1) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-281. Report (BPRE053c) OSS Management Guidelines (OSMG v1.2) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-150. COMPLETE 19 November 2009.

BPTF0054.doc - 141KB - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Standalone Number Portability - Version 5.0. Consensus Report BPRE054a submitted to Commission on June 9, 2006. ITMG Version 5.0 approved per Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-43. Completed June 9, 2006.

BPTF0055.doc - 72KB - Standalone Local Number Porting Process Review. Closed May 3, 2006.

BPTF0056.doc - 655KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.0) - Work to address System related changes identified since version 5.0, OSWG impacts and WNP roll-out impacts. The BPWG issued a series of five reports (BPRE056a,b,c,d,e) which were approved in Telecom Decisions CRTC 2006-29, 2007-62, 2007-121 and 2008-61. C-LOG V6.0 was successfully implemented over the weekend of July 13/14, 2008. COMPLETE 17 October 2008.

BPTF0057.doc - 50KB - Business Rule Manual related to Retail Quality of Service (QoS) Indicators. COMPLETE March 24, 2006

BPTF0058.doc - 58KB – Update PIC CARE Record Definition. Report (BPRE058a) and updated Handbook (BPGLHB32) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-121. COMPLETE 26 November 2007.

BPTF0059.doc - 100KB - MALI and LEC IXC Agreements. Report (BPRE059a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-62. COMPLETE 14 May 2007.

BPTF0060.doc - 96KB - WNP Impacts on BPWG processes and Documents. Report (BPRE060a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-24. Second report (BPRE060b) addressing LEC/WSP INPOA agreement (INPOAV1_0) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-68. COMPLETE 25 July 2007.

BPTF0061.doc - 172KB - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Number Portability - Version 6.0. Report (BPRE061a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-62. Further ITMG work will be covered in BPTF0066. COMPLETE 2 March 2007.

BPTF0062.doc - 408KB - Shared NXX Process for Wireless Number Portability. Initial Reports defining Bulk Porting processes (BPRE062a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-74 and (BPRE062b) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-3. Report outlining Procedures for Reporting and Error Handling (BPRE062c) approved Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-39. Report covering Processes and Timelines for Bulk Porting Post-launch (BPRE062d) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-34. Report covering ‘steady state' processes(BPRE062e) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-122. COMPLETE 21April 2008.

BPTF0063.doc - 168KB - 900 Service. Report (BPRE063a) incorporating 900 Services ARM content guidelines with the B & C Agreement approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-76. Non-consensus Report (BPRE063b) addressing Thresholds for Termination of Service approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-18. Report (BPRE063c) along with Billing and Collections Agreement, version 1.6 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-61. COMPLETE 17 April 2008.

BPTF0064.doc - 282KB – CQoS Business Rules. Initial report (BPRE064a) revising Business Rules for QoS per CRTC 2006-59 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-54. Report (BPRE064b) dealing with additional indicators approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-126. Report (BPRE064c) dealing with missed due dates approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-126. Report (BPRE064d) dealing with Business Rules associated with LNA codes approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-28. Report (BPRE064e) addressing the re-opening of Trouble Tickets approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-32. COMPLETE 3 March 2009.

BPTF0065.doc - 183KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 5.3). COMPLETE 22 May 2008.

BPTF0066.doc - 124KB – Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Number Portability - Version 7.0. Report (BPRE066a) and updated guidelines (BPGLITMG70) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-68. Further ITMG work will be covered in BPTF0069. COMPLETE 21 April 2008.

BPTF0067.doc - 204KB – On-boarding of New Trading Partners. Guidelines / Task Lists for new LEC and WSP entrants. Report (BPRE067a) and On-boarding Guide (BPGLTPOB10) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-120. COMPLETE 16 October 2008.

BPTF0068.doc - 75KB – Update of Billing & Collections Services Agreement and Technical Guidelines. Updated guidelines version 1.3 and report (BPRE068a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-25. COMPLETE 24 November 2008.

BPTF0069.doc - 223KB - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Number Portability – enhance Version 7.0. Work in Progress. Non-consensus Report (BPRE069a) CDN DS1 Process approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-664. Follow-up Report (BPRE069b) providing new sections in the ITMG (version 8) addressing Bulk Porting WSP TNs (section 5) and CDN DS1 process (section 6) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-303. Further ITMG work will be covered in BPTF0080. COMPLETE 17 March 2010.

BPTF0070.doc – 88KB - Small/Outsourced CLEC - Agreement Requirements. Report (BPRE070a) and Special MALI (BPAGSMALI1) approved with changes, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-574. BPWG issued letter to the Commission requesting clarification of items contained in Decision. Commission staff provided clarification. Report (BPRE070b) and version 1.1 of Special MALI (BPAGSMALI1.1) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-455. COMPLETE 19 September 2012.

BPTF0071.docx - 139KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.1). Report (BPRE071a) Exchange of LSR/LSC Data with AS2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-118. Report BPRE071c) Manual ERs for Resale Customers approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-150. Report (BPRE071e) Electronic Exchange of LSRs approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-520. Report (BPRE071f) re CQoS Indicators AS2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-723. Report (BPRE071g) Express Consent for Manual Equipment Records approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-472. COMPLETE 10 June 2014.

BPTF0072.doc – 65KB – Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines (CDIG Version 3.2). Report (BPRE072a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-25. COMPLETE 24 November 2008.

BPTF0073.doc – 100KB – Network Management Guidelines update. Primary focus is on Mass Calling notification process. Report (BPRE073a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-186. Completed 21 July 2010.

BPTF0074.docx - 48KB - On-Boarding Tasks. Report (BPRE074a) On-boarding of New Trading Partners and On-boarding Guide (BPGLTPOB12) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-9. Complete 13 February 2015.

BPTF0075.doc – 79KB - Fulfillment of Type 3/4 CLEC Obligations. Report (BPRE075a) approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-92. COMPLETE 23 February 2011.

BPTF0076.docx - 51KB - Review of Customer Transfser Process Maps. Report (BPRE076a) Customer Transfer Process Maps v8.0 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-472. Report (BPRE076b) Customer Transfer Process Maps version 8.1 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-350. COMPLETE 25 July 2013.

BPTF0077.docx - 191KB - Review of BLIF and CLIF Industry Documentation. Report (BPRE077a) BLIF Guidelines version 2 (BPGLBLIF20) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-792. Report (BPRE077b) CLIF Guidelines version 2.0 (BPGLCLIF20) and BLIF Guidelines version 2.1 (BPGLBLIF21) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-674. Report (BPRE077c) BLIF Agreement version 2.0 (BPAGBLIF20) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-477. Report (BPRE077d) Complex Listing Interchange File (CLIF) Guidelines version 2.1 (BPGLCLIF21) approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-403. COMPLETE 1 August 2014.

BPTF0078.doc – 55KB - Implementation of HST for Billing and Collection. Report (BPRE078a) and Technical Guideline version 1.4 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-150. COMPLETE 12 March 2010.

BPTF0079.doc - 79KB - LSR Rejections. Report (BPRE079a) LSR Rejections approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-680. Report (BPRE079b) Reduction of LSR Rejections approved - CISC 10 Dec. 2010. Status Report (BPRE079c) approved - CISC 28 Mar. 2011. Status Report (BPRE079d) approved - CISC 15 July 2011. Status Report (BPRE079f) approved - CISC 18 November 2011. Report (BPRE079e) Reduction of LSR Rejections - Use of EAN/EATN field approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-107. COMPLETE 16 March 2012.

BPTF0080.doc - 85KB - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Number Portability report (BPRE080a) and guidelines (BPGLITMG90) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-280. COMPLETE 29 April 2011.

BPTF0081.docx - 45KB - Contact and Escalation List. Report (BPRE081a) Contact and Escallation Lists approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-472. COMPLETE 16 September 2011.

BPTF0082.docx - 111KB - Series of Resellers. Non-consensus Report (BPRE082a) Series of Resellers approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-678. Revisions will be made to C-LOG in TIF 88. Consensus Report (BPRE082b) and revised Reseller Process Maps (v8.1 - Part IV (rev 1)) approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-403. COMPLETE 1 August 2014.

BPTF0083.docx - 150KB - Customer Transfer Process - re Cancellation of TV/Internet. Report (BPRE083a) Customer Transfer Process - cancellation approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-261. Non-consensus Report (BPRE083b) Implementation Date for Customer Transfer Process approved Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-261. Non-consensus Report (BPRE083c) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-48. Information Reports (BPRE083d and BPRE083e) have been submitted to the CISC. Report (BPRE083f) Service Provider Operations Agreement Version 1.0 and SPOA agreement template (BPAGSPOA1) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-165. COMPLETE 29 April 2015.

BPTF0084.docx - 68KB - LSR Rejection Charges - Dispute and Audit. Report (BPRE084a) LSR Rejection Charges approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-6. COMPLETE 20 February 2014.

BPTF0085.docx - 46KB - CSG Related Documentation and Agreement Updates. Report (BPRE085a) Carrier Services Group (CSG) Related Documentation and Agreements approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-168. The Decision also approved revisions to the following agreements; MALI (v20), IXC (v20), LEC INPOA (v2), Special MALI (v2). COMPLETE 17 October 2013.

BPTF0086.doc - 79KB - Implementation of Enhanced Security at TLS. Report BPRE096a approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2018-62. Revised 26 August 2021

BPTF0087.docx - 75KB - Permanent DNCL. Report (BPRE087a) Permanent DNCL submitted to the CRTC. COMPLETE 25 July 2013.

BPTF0088.docx - 114KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.2). Report BPRE088a submitted to the CISC Steering Committee for information. Further C-LOG revisions (Version 6.3) will be covered under TIF 100. Closed 19 October 2017

BPTF0089.docx - 73KB – Billing and Collections Issues. Non-consensus Report (BPRE089a) Billing and Collection Issues approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-290. Consensus Report BPRE089b and BPAGBC20 Billing and Collections Services Agreement Version 2.0 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2016-134. COMPLETE 19 May 2016.

BPTF0090.docx - 32KB - Number Portability Notifications. COMPLETE 1 August 2014.

BPTF0091.docx - 80KB – Installation Testing & Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Number Portability – Version 10. Report BPRE091a and BPGLITMG10 ITMG version 10 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-526. COMPLETE 17 December 2015.

BPTF0092.docx - 38KB – Model PIC/CARE Handbook. Report BPRE092a and BPGLHB33 Model PIC/CARE Handbook version 3.3 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2016-55. COMPLETE 17 March 2016.

BPTF0093.docx - 57KB – Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines (CDIG Version 4). Report (BPRE093a) for establishment of milestones for migration to SHA 2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-435. Report (BPRE093b) and CDIG Guidelines – Version 4.0 (BPGLDI40) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2016-150. Report (BPRE093c) and CDIG Guidelines – Version 4.1 (BPGLDI41) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2017-31. Closed 2 Feb 2017.

BPTF0094.docx - 28KB - Network Management Guidelines Version 3.3). Report (BPRE094a) Network Management Guidelines Version 3.3 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-480. COMPLETE 25 October 2015.

BPTF0095.docx - 34KB – Maintenance of On-Boarding Tasks. Report (BPRE095a) and On-boarding Guidelines – version 1.3 (BPGLTPOB13) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2017-108. Closed 21 April 2017.

BPTF0096.docx - 209KB – Implementation of Enhanced Security at TLS. Report BPRE096a approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2018-62. Consensus Report BPRE096b and CDIG 5.0 approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2022-264. Work is continuing with TLS 1.3 adoption, with roll-out to be completed by 30 June 2023. Roll-out is complete. Report BPRE096c and CDIG 5.1 submitted to CISC and CRTC for approval. Revised 12 December 2023.

BPTF0097.docx - 30KB – Network Management Guidelines Review. The Network Management Guidelines will be updated after output of the 1540 Working Group is approved by the Commission. Closed 12 May 2021.

BPTF0098.docx - 68KB – Harmonization of Network Notification. Report BPRE098a approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2017-289. Report BPRE098b and Network Management Guidelines (Version 3.4) approved, Telecom decision CRTC 2020-109. Further work pending the completion and approval of the work of the CISC 1540 Ad-hoc Working Group. COMPLETE 12 May 2021.

BPTF0099.docx - 81KB – Review of Agreements. Consensus Report BPRE099a and Master Agreement for Local Interconnection (MALI) version 30.1 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2022-313. BPRE099b and Master Agreement for Local Interconnection (MALI) version 30.2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2023-356. Work continues with review of the Special MALI (SMALI). Further work put on hold. Revised 2 November 2023.

BPTF0100.docx - 161KB – Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.3). Bulletins 063-004 and 063-005 re customer authorization were issued on 31 May and 21 June 2021 respectively. Bulletin 063-006 was approved with an effective date of 14 February 2024. Revised 8 August 2024

BPTF0101.docx - 50KB – Traceback Process Development. The NTWG and industry have completed all work required on this initiative and no work is required for the BPWG. CLOSED 26 August 2021.

BPTF0102.docx - 237KB – Competitor Quality of Service Regime. Non-consensus Report BPRE102a approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2020-408. Consensus Reports BPRE102b, BPRE102c and Reporting Guidelines BPGLCQoS2.0, BPGLCQoS2.0 - (Appendix A) approved with minor modifications, Telecom Decision CRTC 2021-340. CLOSED 16 May 2023.

BPTF0103.docx - 598KB - CLEC Model Tariff. Report BPRE103a and interim Model Tariffs submitted for Commission information. Report BPRE103b and MALI (type 1 (v36), type iii/iv (v2),Guide (V6)) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2023-104. BPRE103c, CLEC Type 1/2 Model Tariff (V37), CLEC Type 3/4 Model Tariff (V3) submitted to CISC and CRTC 24 Nov 2023. Further activity is on hold until decision from Commission. Revised 7 December 2023.

BPTF0104.docx - 33KB – Porting Verification. Initiated 25 August 2022. This TIF will be confidential. Only porting stakeholders may participate. Documents will not be posted on the CRTC CISC BPWG web site, except for post-CRTC Decision actioned changes to the Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG).

BPTF0105.docx - 126KB – Wireless Internet Cancellations. Revised 22 July 2024.

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