Network Planning: Reports

Network Interconnection Group


CNTR0019.DOC - 145408 bytes - Network Planning Imput for Local Trunk-Side Interconnections

NPRE001A.DOC - 47616 bytes - Attached is the concensus document describing the mandated transiting arrangements discussed on the July 30 conference call

NPRE001C.DOC - 113335 bytes - Transiting Arrangements - 1997/0829

NPRE002.DOC - 261775 bytes - Criteria for the Selection of POIs - 1997/08/28

NPRE003B.DOC - 31276 bytes - Alternative Routing of 800/888 Calls - 1997/08/27

NPRE004A.DOC - 170496 bytes - Network Architecture Data Exchange Requirements - 1997/08/29

NPRE005B.DOC - 19968 bytes - Review of Forecast Data - 1997/08/29

NPRE006.DOC - 16224 bytes - Exchange of Forecast and Architecture Data - 1997/08/28

NPRE007.DOC - 21KB - Joint Build Facilities Principles and Processes (NPTF002) - (approved by Commission 6 April 1998)

NPRE010B.DOC - 89KB - Telus Network Information Exchange - v 0.3 - 1999/02/16

NPRE011B.DOC - 49KB - Bell Forecast Information Exchange - v 0.3 - 1999/02/16

NPRE010d.doc - 141KB - Telus TIF 4 Network Information Exchange Doc v 0.5 - 1999/03/31

NPRE011d.doc - 112KB - Bell TIF 5 Forecast Information Exchange Doc v 0.5 - 1999/03/31

NPSWGRE.DOC - 69180 bytes - CISC NPSWG Summary Report - 1997/08/27

NPRE0429.DOC - 38912 bytes - Status Report - Development of Carrier Interfaces and Other Procedures

NPINFOEX.DOC - 457728 bytes - Input for Local Trunk-Side Interconnection Arrangements and Unbundled Network Components

NP_ISS01.DOC - 14336 bytes - Issue 1 - Line Side Interconnection

NP_ISS02.DOC - 12093 bytes - Issue 2 - The Impact of Unbundled Loop Specifications on the Range of Local Services Subject to Competition

NP_ISS03.DOC - 15360 bytes - Issue 3 - Meet Point for Unbundled Loops

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