Network Planning: Disputes and Positions Filed

Network Interconnection Group


NPDR002.DOC - 11649 bytes - CCS7 POI Selection Criteria and Principles of CCS7 Interconnection - 1997/09/16 - MetroNet

NPDR003A.DOC - 22978 bytes - Issues Associated with Circuit Switched Transiting and the Application of the Bill and Keep Regime - 1997/10/07 - MetroNet

NPDR004.DOC - 6817 bytes - Facilities Build Principles - 1997/09/26 - MetroNet

NPDR005.DOC - 6828 bytes - Routing of 800/888 traffic - 1997/09/26 - MetroNet

NPDR006.DOC - 18293 bytes - On the scope and attributes of the CCS7 transiting capability to be provided by the ILEC pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8 - Local Competition (Decision 97-8) dated 1 May 1997 - 1997/10/08 - Clearnet

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