Network Planning: Contributions

Network Interconnection Group


CNTR0006.DOC - 13824 bytes - Table of Planning Information Requirements by CCTA

CNTR0007.DOC - 10240 bytes - CCTA Comments Regarding Carrier Interface Network Planning Document

NPCO001.DOC - NPSWG Work, POIs, Transiting, N/W Arch - 1997/06/11 - CCTA

NPCO002.DOC - 20992 bytes - TIF2 POIs - 1997/06/18 - Sprint

NPCO003.DOC - 21927 bytes - Dec 97-8 wrt to PN 96-28 - 1997/06/17 - Sprint

NPCO004.DOC - 26112 bytes - Dec 97-8 wrt to PN 96-28 - 1997/06/17 - MetroNet

NPCO005.DOC - 17408 bytes - Dec 97-8 wrt to PN 96-28 - 1997/06/16 - SRCI

NPCO006.DOC - 14848 bytes - Dec 97-8 wrt to PN 96-28 - 1997/06/16 - CCTA

NPCO007.DOC - 13824 bytes - NPSWG Doc Consensus/Non-Consensus Status - CCTA

NPCO008.DOC - 12800 bytes - Sample TIF form - 1997/06/24 - CCTA

NPCO009.PPT - PowerPoint - 226304 bytes - TIF1 Transiting configs - 1997/06/24 - CCTA

NPCO011.DOC - 3757 bytes - TIF2 POI Location Identification - 1997/06/25 - SRCI

NPCO012.DOC - 64246 bytes - TIF 2 SS7 POI Implementation Guidelines - 1997/06/25 - SRCI

NPCO013.DOC - 31744 bytes - Dec 97-8 wrt to PN 96-28 - 1997/06/25 - SRCI

NPCO014.DOC - 58368 bytes - Basic SS7 Toll Service - 1997/06/20 - AT&T

NPCO015.DOC - 19456 bytes - TIF 1 from TISWG - 1997/06/20 - AT&T

NPCO016.DOC - 63488 bytes - Toll Free Service - 1997/06/20 - AT&T

NPCO017.DOC - 18249 bytes - TIF 1 Transiting - 1997/06/25 - SRCI

NPCO018.DOC - 37376 bytes - TIF 2 CCS7 POIs - 1997/06/30 - CCTA

NPCO019.DOC - 70329 bytes - TIF 2 CCS7 POIs - 1997/07/03 - Clearnet

NPCO020.DOC - 11264 bytes - Template for Contribution Headers - 1997/07/03 - CCTA

NPCO021.DOC - 18359 bytes - TIF 1 Transiting - 1997/07/03 - Clearnet

NPCO022.DOC - 16197 bytes - TIF 1 CCS7 Transiting - 1997/07/07 - Clearnet

NPCO023.DOC - 25088 bytes - Action Item 2 Co-location Dec'n - 1997/07/07 - CCTA

NPCO024.DOC - 15360 bytes - Transiting and Tandeming Def'ns - 1997/07/07 - AT&T

NPCO025.DOC - 28160 bytes - TIF 2 Gateway POI Selection Criteria - 1997/07/08 - SRCI

NPCO026.DOC - 54784 bytes - TIF 2 SPOI Arch & Selection Criteria - 1997/07/09 - SRCI

NPCO027.DOC - 33280 bytes - TIF 2 CCS7 POI, re adopting Clearnet contribution (NPCO019.DOC) as Draft - 1997/07/09 - SRCI

NPCO029.PPT - PowerPoint - 90624 bytes - TIF 1 Transiting Charts - 1997/07/10 - MetroNet

NPCO030.DOC - 22016 bytes - TIF 2 POI Selection Criteria for Building Space - 1997/07/10 - Videotron

NPCO031.DOC - 22528 bytes - TIF 2 Interconn'g Trunks and CCS7 POIs - 1997/07/15 - Videotron

NPCO032.DOC - 4429 bytes - TIF 2 CCS7 SPOIs co-location with Voice POI - 1997/07/17 - Metronet

NPCO033.DOC - 15872 bytes - TIF 2 POI Selection Criteria Template - 1997/07/21 - CCTA

NPCO034.DOC - 29184 bytes - TIF 2 Facilities Build between POIs - 1997/07/21 - CCTA

NPCO035.DOC - 153088 bytes - TIF 1 Transiting Arrangements - 1997/07/21 - SRCI

NPCO037.DOC - 15360 bytes - - TIF 2 Interconnecting Trunks and CCS7 links - 1997/07/21 - SRCI

NPCO038.DOC - 13824 bytes - TIF 2 POI Selection - 1997/08/11 - SRCI

NPCO039.DOC - 10416 bytes - TIF 2 Selection of POI - 1997/08/13 - Sprint

NPCO041.DOC - 34304 bytes - TIF 9 List of equipment suitable for co-location - 1997/08/11 - Sprint

NPCO042.DOC - 24064 bytes - TIF 3 Alternative Routing of 800 Calls - 1997/08/08 - AT&T

NPCO043.DOC - 23040 bytes - TIF 3 Alternative Routing of 800/888 Calls - 1997/08/18 - MetroNet

NPCO044.DOC - 19968 bytes -TIF 4 N/W Architecture Data - 1997/08/18 - MetroNet

NPCO045.DOC - 30758 bytes - TIF 2 Basis for Gateway POI selection in LEC Environment - 1997/08/14 - Clearnet

NPCO046.DOC - 13312 bytes - TIF 2 Input to Final Summary Report - 1997/08/19 - SRCI

NPCO047.DOC - 255004 bytes - TIF 2 Non-Consensus Report on CCS7 POI Selection Criteria and Principles of CCS7 Environment - 1997/08/19 - Clearnet

NPCO048.DOC - 16896 bytes - TIF 2 SPOI Input for NPSWG Report to CRTC - 1997/07/30 - SRCI

NPCO049.DOC - 16896 bytes - TIF 2 Position of Competitors - 1997/08/20 - Sprint

NPCO050.DOC - 19456 bytes - TIF 2 POI Selection Criteria - 1997/08/18 - Microcell

NPCO051.DOC - 7004 bytes - TIF 1 Transiting EAS traffic from CLEC to Independent telco - 1997/08/18 - Videotron

NPCO052.DOC - 18432 bytes - TIF 4 N/W Architecture Data Exchange Requirements - 1997/08/18 - SRCI

NPCO053.DOC - 7171 bytes - TIF 2 Re-wording of Sections 3.4 and 4.3 of final report - 1997/08/27 - SRCI

NPCO055.DOC - 24894 bytes - Position of Competitors on the issue of Facilities Build - 1997/09/05 - MetroNet

NPCO056.DOC - 15066 bytes - Position of Competitors on the Service Definition for Transiting - 1997/09/05 - MetroNet

NPCO057.DOC - 30911 bytes - The Position of the Competitors with respect to the CCS7 Transiting Capability to be provided by the ILEC - 1997/09/08 - Clearnet

NPCO058.DOC - 158258 bytes - The Position of the Competitors with respect to CCS7 POI Selection Criteria and Principles of CCS7 Interconnection - 1997/09/08 - Clearnet

NPCO059.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Location for Calgary - 1997/09/10 - TELUS

NPCO060.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - List of Gateway POI Locations - 1997/09/10 - Bell

NPCO061.DOC - 45,504 bytes - CCS7 Transiting Arrangements - 1997/09/10 - Bell

NPCO062.DOC - 17,920 bytes - Additional clarification regarding expanded use of existing POIs - 1997/10/09 - TELUS

NPCO063.DOC - 37,888 bytes - Comments on POI Selection Criteria - 1997/09/10 - Stentor

NPCO064.DOC - 23,552 bytes - Gateway POI Location for Vancouver Exchange - 1997/09/10 - BCTel

NPCO065.DOC - 8,489 bytes - Grandfathering of Existing Interconnection Arrangements - 1997/09/17 - Cantel

NPCO066.DOC - 4,989 bytes - The Requirement for One SPOI per NPA - 1997/09/17 - Cantel

NPCO067.DOC - 17,084 bytes - Position of Competitors on the Service Definition for Transiting - 1997/09/18 - MetroNet

NPCO067A.DOC - 17,116 bytes - Position of Competitors on the Service Definition for Transiting - 1997/09/18 - MetroNet

NPCO068.DOC - 35,678 bytes - Position of Competitors on the issue of Facilities Build - 1997/09/18 - MetroNet

NPCO069.DOC - 16,525 bytes - Comments on SPOI Selection Criteria and Related Matters - 1997/09/18 - Stentor

NPCO070.DOC - 17,802 bytes - Compatibility and environmental requirements for co-located equipment - 1997/09/19 - K. Richardson

NPCO071.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway SPOI Locations for TELUS - 1997/09/19 - TELUS

NPCO072.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Locations for communities having EFRC with Calgary - 1997/09/19 - TELUS

NPCO072A.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Locations for communities having EFRC with Calgary - 1997/09/19 - TELUS

NPCO073.DOC - 19724 bytes - CCS7 Transiting Arrangements - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO074.DOC - 36686 bytes - List of equipment suitable for co-location - 1997/09/19 - Sprint

NPCO075.DOC - 8684 bytes - Facility Build Principles - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO076.DOC - 8379 bytes - Position of Competitors re Routing of 800/888 traffic - 1997/09/22 - Sprint

NPCO077.DOC - 7354 bytes - Position of Competitors re Task No 5 - 1997/09/22 - MetroNet

NPCO077A.DOC - 7379 bytes - Position of Competitors re Task No 5 - 1997/09/22 - MetroNet

NPCO078.DOC - 38931 bytes - Position of Competitors re Task No 4 - 1997/09/22 - MetroNet

NPCO079.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI and SPOI Locations for BCTel - 1997/09/22 - BCTel

NPCO080.DOC - 22528 bytes - Carriage of 800/888 traffic - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO081.DOC - 18432 bytes - Circuit Switched Transiting - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO082.DOC - 47104 bytes - Architecture Exchange Requirements Input - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO082A.DOC - 26624 bytes - Architecture Exchange Requirements Input - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO082B.DOC - 31744 bytes - Architecture Exchange Requirements Input - 1997/11/17 - Stentor

NPCO082C.DOC - 53760 bytes - Architecture Exchange Requirements Input - 1998/01/21 - Stentor

NPCO082D.DOC - 46592 bytes - Architecture Exchange Requirements Input - Information - Stentor

NPCO083.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - POI Locations - 1997/09/22 - Bell

NPCO084.DOC - 24576 bytes - Clarification on the issue of transiting and non-CCS7 connections - 1997/09/22 - Sprint

NPCO085.DOC - 11264 bytes - TIF 9 - Co-location Equipment Types - 1997/09/22 - Stentor

NPCO086.DOC - 8978 bytes - Map requirements - 1997/09/22 - MetroNet

NPCO087.DOC - 20555 bytes - Position of Competitors on Dispute NPDR004 - 1997/10/06 - MetroNet

NPCO088.DOC - 8877 bytes - Common (Shared) Facility Build - 1997/10/06 - TELUS

NPCO089.DOC - 6381 bytes - Carriage of 800/888 Calls - 1997/10/06 - Stentor

NPCO090.DOC - 14749 bytes - The Position of Competitors wrt Alternative Routing of 800/888 Calls - 1997/10/06 - AT&T

NPCO091A.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - List of SPOI Locations - 1997/11/17 - Bell

NPCO092.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - POI Locations - 1997/10/22

NPCO093.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - POI Locations - 1997/11/17 - Bell

NPCO094.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - SPOI Locations for NewTel Communications - NewTel Communications

NPCO095.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - SPOI Locations for MT&T - Stentor

NPCO096.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Location for MTS - Stentor

NPCO097.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - SPOI Locations for MTS - Stentor

NPCO098.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Locations for NB Tel - 1997/10/28

NPCO099.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - SPOI Locations for NBTel

NPCO100.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Locations for NewTel Communications - 1997/10/28

NPCO101.DOC - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - Gateway POI Locations for MT&T

NPCO102.DOC - 15872 bytes - N/W Architecture Data in the LERG - 1997/12/15

NPCO103.DOC - 18944 bytes - Stentor LERG Participation - 1998/01/14

NPCO104.DOC - 11264 bytes - Canadian Data currently in the LERG - 1998/01/22

NPCO105.DOC - 13312 bytes - Boundary Changes - 1998/02/17

NPCO105A.DOC - 13312 bytes - Boundary Changes - 1998/02/17

NPCO106.DOC - 11264 bytes - LRN Guidelines - 1998/02/17

NPCO107.DOC - 16896 bytes - Exchange of Point Codes for CMS

NPCO108.DOC - 27648 bytes - Transiting Configurations

NPCO109.DOC - 99328 bytes - Recommendations for Transiting Configurations

NPC109A.DOC - 91648 bytes - Recommendations for Transiting Configurations

NPCO110.DOC - 56832 bytes - Recommendations for Transiting Configurations

NPCO111.PPT - PowerPoint - 66756 bytes - Figure 1

NPCO112.DOC - 183KB - ILEC Proposed TRANSITING Configurations

NPCO113.DOC - 20KB - Recommendations for Treatment of Internet Service Provider Traffic.

NPCO114.DOC - 19KB - TASK: Tif #1: Transiting - ILEC Proposed TRANSITING Configurations

NPCO115.PPT - PowerPoint - 237,568 bytes - Figure 12

NPCO0116.DOC - 196096 bytes - Toll Transiting Configurations

NPCO0117.DOC - 16896 bytes - ILEC Proposed TRANSITING Configurations

NPCO0118.DOC - 229376 bytes - Transiting Strawman - Issue 2.0

NPC0118B.DOC - 627712 bytes - Transiting Strawman - Issue 2.0

NPC0118C.DOC - 546304 bytes - Transiting Strawman - Issue 2.0

NPCO118D.DOC - 528KB - Transiting & EAS Routing Status Report (NPTF001) - (Non consensus report - 3 November 1998)

NPCO0119.DOC - 13824 bytes - Arrangement pursuant to 98-486

NPCO130a.doc - Specific locations of POIs and/or SPOIs will be made available from the respective company Carrier Service Group upon receipt of an official request to interconnect - CallNet TIF 2 POI & SPOI locations (Alberta) - resubmitted -1999/03/30

NPCOLIST.DOC - 29KB - Provides by contribution the number, title, and who the submission came from.

NPCOSUMM.DOC - 66048 bytes - Following are the minutes of the Network Planning Sub-Working Group meeting. If you were unable to attend, however, and plan to participate in the future, please contact, Sharon Ledwell, Metronet (see attendees list at the bottom for details) to be added to the members list.

NP-PROC.DOC - 118272 bytes - Stentor Contribution - Network Planning Input for Local Trunk-Side Interconnections (Draft) 1996/10/29

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