Network Working Group (NTWG)

Working Group Contacts

Chair: Richard Polishak

CRTC: James Ndirangu

Meeting Schedules

The NTWG is a Working Group that undertakes tasks related to the network operations and addresses any other network issues such as mass calling events.

The Network Working Group was set up in January 1999 as an amalgamation of several other working groups which addressed network issues. These groups (Network Interconnection, Network Planning, Technical Interface, and Shared Costs Facilities) are now listed as Discontinued Groups. Documents revised/revisited after January 1999 may be found on the Network Working Group web pages; other documents will be found on the web pages of the original working groups.

As a result of the amalgamation, the filenames on some of the Network Working Group web pages are inconsistent. A document revised after January 1999 may still have the filename assigned to it by the original working group; thus the TIFS page, for example, has documents with filenames beginning NT (Network), NP (Network Planning), and TI (Technical Interface). For a detailed explanation of the naming convention, please refer to Appendix 10 of the Administrative Guidelines.

Click on an issue to access associated tasks, disputes, reports, decisions and other associated documents (click on left navigator bar to access documents by type)

310, 610, and 810 NXX’s

710 NPA

Cable Systems TPIA Issues

CCS7 Messaging

Centrex Interworking

Community Notification Service

Diversity (Shared Cost Facilities Task Force)

Emergency Telecom Planning

Impact of ‘roaming’ on Intercarrier Interfaces

IP-to-IP Interconnection

LEC to IXC Network Interface Specifications

LEC Business Failure

LNP Roll-out Schedule for WNP (Decision 2006-28)

Mass Calling Events

Miscellaneous Documents - ie Task Summary Reports

Network Architecture Data Info

Payphone Competition Implementation Issues

Review of Forecast Data

Routing and Alternative Routing of 800/888 Calls

Schedule 3 - Network Planning: Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection Consumers Report

Selection of Points of Interconnection (POI)

Shared Cost

Spectrum Management

Transiting Arrangements


WNP: Request Driven Process

WSP-PSTN Interface Specification (IS-01 Document)

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