Network Working Group: WSP-PSTN Interface Specification (IS-01 Document)


Task(s): None


  • NTCO044.doc - 16KB - Bell - WSP-PSTN Interface Specification (IS-01) Disposition - 1999/09/21
  • NTCO053.doc - 16KB - Industry Canada - Proposed Introductory Text - Canada - IS-01 - 1999/11/09
  • NTCO057.doc - 20KB - Chair - Final Text - Introduction to IS-01 document entitled "Interconnection standard for the interface between cellular radio and common carrier networks" - 1999/12/07
  • NTCO098.doc - 17KB - Industry Canada - Letter on Wireless/PSTN Interconnection - 2000/07/17

Dispute(s): None

Report(s): None

Decision(s): None

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