Network Working Group: Impact of ‘roaming’ on Intercarrier Interfaces
- NTTF005aa.doc - 149 KB - Impact of "Roaming" on Intercarrier Interfaces, 2 May 2000, Revised 20 July 2005
- NTTF005bb.doc - 148 KB - Impact of "Roaming" on Intercarrier Interfaces, May 2/00, Revised Sep 27/05
- NTTF005Z.doc - 145 KB - Impact of "Roaming" on Intercarrier Interfaces, May 2/00, Revised May 18/05
- NTTF005Y.doc - 136KB - Impact of "Roaming" on Intercarrier Interfaces, May 02/00, Revised May 16/05
- NTTF005.DOC - 226KB - Impact of ‘roaming’ on intercarrier interfaces - 2000/05/02. Revised 2001/10/19.
- NTCO072.doc - 23KB - TELUS - Roaming Issues - Wireless & IP - 2000/02/08
- NTCO079.doc - 64KB - TELUS - Roaming Issues - Wireless & IP - 2000/03/07
- NTCO079a.doc - 326KB - TELUS - Roaming Issues - Wireless & IP - 2000/03/28
- NTCO080.doc - 30KB - Bell - Wireless CLEC Roaming Issues - 2000/03/28
- NTCO083.doc - 42KB - TELUS - Geographic and number portability definitions - 2000/05/02
- NTCO084.doc - 45KB - TELUS - Additional Roaming - Issues - 2000/05/02
- NTCO085.doc - 29KB - Bell - Roaming Issues - Calling Origination - 2000/05/02
- NTCO087.doc - 108KB - Clearnet - Roaming Issues - Cordless Phones - 2000/05/02
- NTCO088.doc - 20KB - AT&T - Roaming Issues - 2000/06/12
- NTCO089.doc - K.Richardson - Comments on NTTF00X.doc (draft report on the impact of roaming on intercarrier interfaces) - 2000/06/12
- NTCO090.doc - Clearnet - Roaming Issues - US enviroment - 2000/06/12
- NTCO091.doc - TELUS - Response to NTCO087.doc (Clearnet roaming issues, cordless phones) - 2000/06/12
- NTCO092.doc - TELUS - Examples to support NTCO079a.doc (Telus roaming issues, wireless and IP) - 2000/06/12
- NTCO093.doc - Bell - Location Information in Roaming - 2000/06/12
- NTCO106.doc - 16KB - Chair NTWG - Scope of work and term of reference re : solutions to interexchange billing and routing issues - 2000/10/11
- NTCO107.doc - 116KB - Microcell - Equal access in a wireless world - 2000/10/11
- NTCO108.doc - 109KB - Bell - Wireless CLEC roaming - 2000/10/11
- NTCO109.doc - 34KB - TELUS - Wireless CLEC roaming issues - 2000/10/11
- NTCO109a.ppt - 43KB - Telus - Diagram for NTCO109.doc - 2000/10/11
- NTCO110.doc - 28KB - AT&T - Wireless CLEC roaming issues - 2000/10/11
- NTCO111.doc - 31KB - Bell - Flat Rate Distance Insensitive Scheme -2000/10/27
- NTCO112.doc - 60KB - Telus - Wireless CLEC Roaming Issues - 2000/10/27
- NTCO113.doc - 135KB - Microcell - EQAC within Digital Coverage - 2000/10/27
- NTCO114.doc - 92KB - Chair NTWG - Report on Billing&Routing Alternatives - 2000/10/27
- NTCO114a.doc - 98KB - Chair NTWG - Draft report on Billing & Routing Alternatives - 2000/11/14
- NTCO114b.doc - 93KB - Chair NTWG - Draft report on Billing & Routing Alternatives - 2000/11/28
- NTCO114c.doc - 130KB - Chair NTWG - Draft report on Billing & Routing Atlernatives 2000/12/06
- NTCO115.doc - 110KB - Microcell - Equal Access Mobile Terminating Calls - 2000/11/14
- NTCO116.doc - 30KB - Videotron - IXC Screening on Roaming Calls - 2000/10/30
- NTCO117.doc - 28KB - Bell - Wireless CLEC Roaming - Billing Option - 2000/11/14
- NTCO118.doc - 29KB - Bell - Wireless CLEC Toll-free Access - 2000/11/14
- NTCO120.doc - 240KB - Microcell - Scope of Wireless Equal Access - 2001/02/07
- NTCO0120a.ppt - 391KB - Microcell - Scope of Wireless EQAC - presentation - 2001/02/07
- NTCO124.doc - 35KB - Bell - Equal Access for mobile terminating calls MTC - 2001/02/27
- NTCO126.doc - 25KB - Bell - Draft Report on MTC in Equal Access - 2001/03/20
- NTCO126a.doc - 32KB - Bell - Report on MTC in Equal Access - Rev 2 - 2001/04/10
- NTCO126b.doc - 30KB - Bell - MTC in EQAC - Draft report 3 - 2001/05/01
- NTCO132.doc - 37KB - Bell - Roaming Updates - 2001/05/29
- NTCO303.doc - 43 KB - Bell Canada, Wireless CLEC Equal Access, March 11, 2005
- NTCO0329.doc - 180KB - RWI (Fido), JIP & Wireless CLEC Equal Access, Jul 19/05
- NTRE008.doc - 100KB - Chair NTWG - Report on Billing and Routing alternative for Roaming submitted to the Commission on 8 Dec 2000 - 2000/12/08
- NTRE009.doc - 58KB - NTWG - MTC for Equal Access (report) - 2001/05/29
Dispute(s): None
Decision(s): None
- Date modified: