Network Working Group: Centrex Interworking
- NTTF006.DOC - 179KB - Centrex Interworking - 2000-06-13. Revised 2003-01-21.
- NTCO094.doc - AT&T - Centrex Interworking - 2000/06/12
- NTCO099.doc - 33KB - VTL - IP technology - CS-VoIP Interworking - 2000/08/15
- NTCO100.doc - 18KB - AT&T - CTX Interworking Interim Test Result - 2000/08/10
- NTCO104.doc - 31KB - AT&T - CTX Interworking Test Plan - 2000/09/19
- NTCO104a.doc- 31KB - AT&T - CTX Interworking Test Plan -revised - 2000/09/19
- NTCO121.doc - 72KB - AT&T / VTL - CTX Interworking Status - 2001/02/07
- NTCO127.doc - 74KB - AT&T - Centrex Interworking - Status Report - 2001/03/20
- NTCO134.doc - 68KB - AT&T and VTL - Centrex Interworking Issues VTL - 2001/06/26
- NTCO136.doc - 29KB - Bell - Response to NTCO134 on Centrex Interworking Issues- 2001/07/24
- NTCO146.doc - 29KB - AT&T - Centrex Interworking status report #3 - 2001/09/11
- NTCO147.doc - 100KB - AT&T, Vidéotron - Centrex Interworking Issues, Responses and Comments - 2001/08/30
- NTCO202.doc - 267KB - (AT&T) CTX Interworking Technical Feasibility report - 2002/05/07
- NTCO203.doc - 200KB - (Bell) Bell Questions/Comments on AT&T CTX Interworking report - 2002/06/18
- NTCO204.doc - 51KB - (Telus) - CTX Interworking - 2002/06/18
- NTCO205.doc - 22KB - (CRTC Staff) CRTC Staff Input to TIF6 Centrex Interworking - 2002/06/18
- NTCO207.doc - 130KB - (Vidéotron) Centrex Interworking: Responses to comments and questions - 2002/08/13
- NTCO217.doc - 127KB - Centrex Interworking TIF Report (Draft 1) - 2002/10/15
- NTCO217a.doc - 26KB - Centrex Interworking TIF Report (Revision) - 2002/10/15
- NTCO217b.doc - 17KB - Centrex Interworking TIF Report (Non-Consensus)
- NTCO220.doc - 35KB - (Telus) Comments on NTCO217 (Centrex Interworking TIF Report Draft 1) - 2002/11/05
- NTCO223.doc - 36KB - (Bell Canada) Comments on Centrex Interworking Report - 2002/11/05
- NTCO228.doc - 28KB - (Bell) Comments on Centrex Interworking Report - 2002/12/10
- NTRE019.doc - 51KB - NTWG - Centrex Interworking TIF Report - 2002/12/10
Dispute(s): None
Decision(s): None
- Date modified: