2008-09-05 - #: 8622-T7-200812083 - Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. - Demande visant à obtenir des ordonnances obligeant Bluewater TV Cable Ltd. à cesser de fournir sans autorisation et de manière inappropriée des services locaux concurrentiels aux abonnés situés dans les zone de desserte de services locaux titulaire de Tuckersmith

Déposer en utilisant les services en ligne

2008-11-13 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2008-106 Demande présentée par Tuckersmith Communications Co‑operative Ltd. concernant la fourniture par Bluewater TV Cable Ltd. de services locaux concurrents à Bayfield, en Ontario
Référence : 8622-T7-200812083

2008-09-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. et Bluewater TV Cable Ltd. - Objet: Demande présentée en vertu de la Partie VII par Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. contre Bluewater TV Cable Ltd.

2008-09-19 - Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Description:  Tuckersmith or the Company, in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Commission staff letter of 9 September 2008, herebymakes its reply to comments filed by Bluewater TV Cable in response to the above noted Part VII Application by the Company.
Document:  954092.pdf - 363KO

2008-09-17 - Bluewater TV Cable
Description:  Bluewater is in receipt of the Part VII application filed by Tuckersmith Communications on September 5, 2008.  Bluewater hereby files its reply to thie Part VII.
Document: 952836.pdf - 63KO

2008-09-09 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.  et Bluewater TV Cable Ltd. - OBJET : Demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. contre Bluewater TV Cable Ltd.

2008-09-05 - Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd.
Description: Please find attached hereto an Application made by Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd. (Tuckersmith or the Company) pursuant to sections 7, 24, 32, 55 and 61 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act) and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules) requesting tha the Commission issue certain orders directing Bluewater TV Cable Ltd.  (Bluewater) to ceasem and desist from the unauthorised and inappropriate delivery of competitive local exchange services to subscribers situate within the incumbent local exchange areas of Tuckersmith
Document: 948213.pdf - 1659KO

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