2007-02-16 - #: 8680-B2-200702805 - Bell Canada et Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership - Demande de sursis d''exécution des ordonnances 2007-20, 2007-21 et 2007-22

Déposer en utilisant les services en ligne

2007-06-27 - Décision de Télécom CRTC 2007-46 Demandes des entreprises de services locaux titulaires concernant la mise en ouvre des ordonnances Ethernet et LNPA. Référence : 8680-T66-200707325, 8680-T66-200702945, 8680-S22-200703026, 8680-B2-200702805.

2007-05-25 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  By letter dated April 17, 2007 (as amended), the Commission prescribed a process for interested parties to file comments regarding the above-noted applications.
Document: 768088.pdf - 81KO

2007-05-25 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description:  The attached reply comments are being submitted by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) pursuant to the procedure established with respect to the above noted applications by Commission letter dated 17 April 2007 and subsequently amended by letters dated 11 May 2007 and 14 May 2007.
Document: 768055.zip - 42KO

2007-05-25 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description:  In accordance with Commission staff letters dated 17 April 2007, 11 May 2007, 14 May 2007 and 16 May 2007, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) hereby provide their reply comments
Document: 768026.zip - 71KO

2007-05-22 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description:  This constitutes the amended Answer of Cybersurf with respect to the above-cited matter.
Document: 765786.pdf - 188KO

2007-05-16 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-B2-200702771, 8680-B2-200702805, 8662-T66-200703464, 8680-T66-200702945, 8662-T66-200704462, 8680-S22-200703026, 8662-S22-200704199, 8662-S22-200704529, 8680-T66-200707325
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demandes de sursis d'exécution de diverses ordonnances prises en vertu de la Loi sur les télécommunications relativement aux services Ethernet et LNPA

2007-05-14 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8662-B2-200702771, 8680-B2-200702805, 8662-T66-200703464, 8680-T66-200702945, 8662-T66-200704462, 8680-S22-200703026, 8662-S22-200704199, 8662-S22-200704529, 8622-C122-200705642, 8680-T66-200707325
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Appels liés aux services Ethernet et LNPA - Autre changement des dates de processus

2007-05-11 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-B2-200702771, 8680-B2-200702805, 8662-T66-200703464, 8680-T66-200702945, 8662-T66-200704462, 8680-S22-200703026, 8662-S22-200704199, 8662-S22-200704529, 8622-C122-200705642
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Appels liés aux services Ethernet et LNPA - Changement des dates de processus

2007-05-11 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: On May 8, 2007, Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf) received a document from Telus Communications Company (Telus) dated May 4, 2007, which Telus characterizes as an Answer to the applications of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell
Canada (Bell) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) to stay and review and vary Telecom Order CRTC 2007-20, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-21, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-22 and Telecom Order CRTC 2007-24.
Document: 761412.pdf - 127KO

2007-05-04 - Vonage Canada Corp.
Description:  Vonage hereby submits its response to the Part VII Applications submitted by Bell Canada, Bell Aliant, Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS seeking to review and vary and/or stay four recent Orders by the Commission.
Document: 826226.pdf - 3644KO

2007-05-04 - Xittel Telecommunications inc.
Description: Find enclosed in the attachment, the comments of Xittel telecommunications inc. (Xittel) with request to above mentioned Part VII applications for stay, review an variance of recent Commission decisions relating to DSL and Ethernet services
Document: 758458.doc - 955KO

2007-05-04 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description:  This constitutes the intervention of Cybersurf Corp. with respect to the above-cited matter.
Document: 758470.pdf - 179KO

2007-05-04 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS is in receipt of the Commission staff correspondence dated 7 March 2007 and 17 April 2007 concerning the process for responding to the applications filed by Bell and Bell Aliant (collectively the Companies) and SaskTel to review rescing, vary and stay.
Document: 758406.doc - 57KO

2007-05-04 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description:  The CAIP is in receipt of various application submitted by Bell Canada, Bell Aliant REginoal Communications, Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communication seeking to review, vary and/or stay several orders issued by the Commission on January 25, 2007 regarding the ILECs' wholesale ADSL services and their wholesale Ethernet services.
Document: 757953.pdf - 79KO

2007-05-04 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus is in receipt of the Commission's letter, dated 17 April 2007, in which it establishes the process for dealing with a number of ILEC applications for a stay order and/or applications requesting that the Commission review and vary orders associated with wholesale Ethernet and ADSL services.   Pursuant to the process established by the Commission, Primus hereby files its Answer
Document: 757928.doc - 94KO

2007-05-04 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  MTS Allstream files its answer to the applications for stays and the applications to review and vary with the Commission as per the Commission's letter dated 17 April 2007.
Document: 757914.doc - 227KO

2007-05-04 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  In accordance with the procedure set out in the Commission Staff letter of 17 April 2007, Rogers Communications submits the following comments with respect tothe applications noted above.
Document: 757889.pdf - 185KO

2007-05-02 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8662-B2-200702771, 8680-B2-200702805, 8662-T66-200703464, 8680-T66-200702945, 8662-T66-200704462, 8680-S22-200703026, 8662-S22-200704199, 8662-S22-200704529, 8622-C122-200705642
Description: Lettre adressée à François D. Ménard et à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demande de prolongation de la date du 4 mai 2007 pour la soumission des observations

2007-05-02 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  MTS Allstream Inc. is in receipt of a letter from Xittel telecommunications inc. (Xittel), dated 1 May 2007, requesting that the Commission revise the procedures set out in a Commission staff letter of 17 April 2007 (the Procedural Letter) regarding the Part VII Applications submitted by Bell Canada, Bell Aliant, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), and TELUS Communications Company (collectively, the Applicants and Applications) seeking to review and vary and/or stay five recent Orders by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Document: 756943.doc - 92KO

2007-05-01 - Xittel Telecommunications inc.
Description:  Find enclosed in the attachment, a letter requesting a modification to the process surrounding the above mentioned Part VII applications for stay, review an variance of recent Commission decisions relating to DSL and Ethernet services.
Document: 756838.doc - 944KO

2007-04-17 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8662-B2-200702771, 8680-B2-200702805, 8662-T66-200703464, 8680-T66-200702945, 8662-T66-200704462, 8680-S22-200703026, 8662-S22-200704199, 8662-S22-200704529, 8622-C122-200705642
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demandes en ce qui concerne diverses Ordonnances de télécom concernant les services Ethernet et LNPA

2007-03-07 - Correspondence du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8662-B2-200702771 - 8680-B2-200702805 - 8662-T66-200703464 - 8680-T66-200702945 - 8680-S22-200703026
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Diverses demandes soumises en vertu de certaines ordonnances concernant les services Ethernet et LNPA

2007-02-21 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description:  Bell Aliant is filing these supplementary commentsto an application filed on 2007 02 16 pursuant to Part VII of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure and the Telecommunications Act for the urgent and expedited review and rescission of three recent Commission orders.
Document: 726048.pdf - 80KO

2007-02-16 - Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (the Companies)
Description:  Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant, collectively, the Companies) hereby apply under Part VII of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules ) and the Telecommunications Act (the Act ) for the urgent and expedited review and rescission of three recent Commission orders, namely Telecom Order CRTC 2007-20, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-21, and Telecom Order CRTC 2007-22 (hereinafter, collectively referred to as, the Orders) and an urgent and expedited stay of these three Orders.
Document: 724330.zip - 97KO

Mise à jour : 2007-11-07

Date de modification :