2007-09-26 - #: 8622-S9-200713570 - Shaw Communications Inc. - Demande afin d'obtenir l'accès aux tours du développement Spectrum de Concord Pacific Group Inc.

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Dossier fermé - Lettre du Conseil - 2008-08-12

2008-08-12 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet: Shaw Communications Inc. - Demande d'accès aux tours du développement Spectrum de Concord Pacific Group Inc.

2008-03-19 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: We are writing to inform the Commission that Shaw Communications Inc. ("Shaw") has been granted access to Spectrum Towers C and D by the strata councils that have been formed following occupancy of these buildings.
Document: 880199.doc - 45KBO

2007-12-07 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Concord Pacific Group Inc. ( Concord ) filed additional correspondence with the Commission on 6 December 2007 in relation to the above noted proceeding. Concord 's submission is clearly out-of-process and should not be considered by the Commission. Concord has had a full opportunity to present its evidence and argument and its attempt to reargue its case and introduce new evidence at this juncture is outrageous and should be rejected outright.
Document: 839598.doc - 41KO

2007-12-06 - Heenan Blaikie for Concord Pacific Group Inc.
Description: We are regulatory counsel to Concord.  We have received Shaw's Reply dated November 19, 2007 which was filed in response to Concord's Answer dated November 12, 2007 in connection with the above-noted Application.
Document: 838708.pdf - 82KO

2007-11-30 - Heenan Blaikie for Concord Pacific Group Inc.
Description: We are regulatory counsel to Concord in connection with the above-noted matter. We are writing in response to Shaw's letter to the Commission of November 29, 2007.
Document: 836515.pdf - 58KO

2007-11-29 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: We are writing to report developments subsequent to the filing of Shaw's reply in this matter, to ensure that the Commission has an accurate evidentiary record before it.
Document: 836255.doc - 43KO

2007-11-20 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet: Shaw Communications: demande afin d'obtenir l'accès aux tours du développement Spectrum de Concord Pacific Group

2007-11-20 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8622-S9-200713570 - 8622-S9-200712564
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. et Concord Pacific Group - Objet: Demandes présentées par Shaw Communications afin d'obtenir l'accès aux tours du développement Spectrum de Concord Pacific Group

2007-11-19 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description:  This reply is filed by Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) in response to the Answer of Concord Pacific Group Inc. (Concord) to the above-noted application .   The Application seeks orders in respect of Concord and Novus Entertainment Inc. (Novus).
Document: 831179.doc - 72KO

2007-11-12 - Heenan Blaikie for Concord Pacific Group Inc.
Description:  We are regulatory council to Concord in connection with the above-noted matter.  This submission is provided on behalf of Concorn in responses to the Part VII Application filed on 26 September 2007 by Shaw
Document: 828537.pdf - 408KO

2007-10-31 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. et Concord Pacific Group - Objet: Shaw Communications: demande afin d'obtenir l'accès aux tours du développement Spectrum de Concord Pacific Group

2007-10-05 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. et Concord Pacific Group - Objet: Shaw Communications - demande afin d'obtenir l'accès aux tours du développement Spectrum de Concord Pacific Group

2007-09-26 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description:  Shaw seeks an order directing Concord Pacific Group Inc. to provide Shaw immediate access to Spectrum Towers A, B, C and D and prohibiting Novus Entertainment Inc. from offering or providing service to any additional customers at the Spectrum Towers until such time as shaw has been provided a reasonable opportunity to install its facilities in the development.
Document: 810105.zip - 396KO

Mise à jour : 2008-08-13

Date de modification :