8662-B55-200607046 - Barrett Xplore Inc. - Demande de révision et de modification de la décision 2006-9

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2007-03-14 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-15 Le Conseil rejette la demande de Barrett Xplore Inc. visant la révision et la modification de certaines conclusions tirées concernant l'expansion des services à large bande dans la décision Utilisation des fonds des comptes de report, Décision de télécom CRTC 2006-9. L'opinion minoritaire de la conseillère Cram est jointe à la présente. Référence : 8662-B55-200607046.

2006-12-27 - Barrett Xplore Inc.
Description: I am writing at the close of 2006 to ask you when we might expect to receive the Commission's decision on the application filed by Barrett Xplore Inc. on June 2, 2006 seeking review and variance of Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-9, Disposition of funds in the deferral accounts.
Document: 707346.pdf - 50KO

2006-08-25 - Telus Communications Company (TCC)
Description: Pursuant to the above-referenced notice, Telus Communications Company (Telus) hereby files its comments in reply to a petition filed by Barrett Xplore Inc.  Telus opposes the petition and urges the Governor in Council to reject it.
Document: 658309.zip - 119KB

2006-07-14 - Johnston & Buchan for Barrett Xplore Inc.
Description: This reply argument is filed by Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) in accordance with Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 644993.pdf - 3178KO

2006-07-05 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: These comments are submitted by Rogers Communications in respect to the application by Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) seeking review and variance of parts of Telecom Decision 2006-9
Document: 641553.pdf - 62KO

2006-07-04 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a Part VII application filed 2 June 2006 by Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) requesting that the Commission review and vary Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-9, pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act).   The following constitutes the Company's comments in this matter
Document: 641378.doc - 273KO

2006-07-04 - Xit Telecom Inc.
Description: These comments are being filed by Xit telecom inc. on its behalf and on behalf of Xittel telecommunications inc. (Xit telecom).
Document: 641197.doc - 121KO

2006-07-04 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: CCSA and its Member Companies strongly support Barrett Xplore’s application to review and vary Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-9 and concur with the submissions made by Barrett Xplore in its application
Document: 641192.doc - 283KO

2006-07-04 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS hereby files its reply to the Application in the attached comments. TELUS opposes the Application for the reasons explained therein.
Document: 641178.pdf - 222KO

2006-07-04 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Shaw’s comments herein are offered in support of the Stay Request as well as in respect of the primary relief sought in the Application
Document: 641171.doc - 66KO

2006-06-28 - UTC Canada
Description: These comments are submitted by the United Telecom Council of Canada (UTC Canada) in response tothe above-reference application of June 2, 2006 by Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI).
Document: 639552.pdf - 40 KO

2006-06-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8638-C12-200615586 - 8662-B55-200607046
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties intéressées à l'AP 2004-1 - Objet: Demande présentée par Barrett Xplore en vue de réviser et modifier une partie de la Décision de télécom CRTC 2006-9 intitulée Utilisation des fonds des comptes de report présentée par Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) - Requête visant à réduire le délai de réponse relativement à la demande de sursis

2006-06-08 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS is in receipt of the above-refererenced application dated June 2, 2006, seeking a review and variance of certain aspects of Telecom Decision 2006-9, insofar as these issues pertain to broadband services.
Document: 633659.pdf - 24KO

2006-06-06 - Bell Canada
Description: On 2 June 2006, Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) filed an Application pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure seeking orders to review and vary certain aspects of Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-9 (Decision 2006-9) insofar as they pertain to the use of funds from ILEC deferral accounts for the expansion of broadband to areas which meet the predetermined criteria identified in Decision 2006-9.
Document: 632594.doc - 63KO

2006-06-02 - Johnston & Buchan for Barrett Xplore Inc.
Description: This application is filed by Barrett Xplore Inc. (BXI) pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure
Document: 632133.doc - 1126KO

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