Norouestel Inc. - AMT 889 - 2012-09-18 - # 8740-N1-201211838

Tarif général - Service de réseaux aux région métropolitaine (RRM) Ethernet

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2014-01-30 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2014-31 Norouestel Inc. – Modification du service de réseau métropolitain Ethernet, Numéros de dossiers : Avis de modification tarifaire 889 et 889A

2013-08-07 - Northwestel Inc.
Description : Northwestel has received the Commission’s letter dated 22 July 2013 requesting certain information from Northwestel. In this letter Commission Staff notes that Northwestel proposed in TN 889 (1) modifications to the list of communities where the service is available and (2) a new pricing structure. The Commission also noted in its request for information that certain proposed rates would increase by more than 10 percent, contrary to the annual pricing constraint of 10 percent at the rate element level established in Telecom Decision 2011-771.
Document : 1952177.pdf - 165KO

2013-07-29 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel has received the Commission’s letter dated 22 July 2013 requesting certain information from Northwestel.
Document: 1948076.docx - 323KO

2013-07-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Norouestel inc - Objet : Norouestel inc. – Avis de modification tarifaire 889 et 889A

2012-10-15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On 05 October 2012, Northwestel received comments from the Yukon Government (YG) on the above referenced Tariff Notice. The following constitutes Northwestel response.
Document: 1781197.pdf - 184KO

2012-10-05 - Norouestel Inc.
Description: The Yukon Government wishes to intervene for the purpose of registering its concerns with Northwestel’s proposed tariff filing, particularly with respect to the implications for customers, the potential impacts on competition, and regarding the principles of universality and affordability.
Document: 1775820.pdf - 256KO

2012-09-25 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Norouestel Inc. - Objet: Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 889 – Service de réseau métropolitain Ethernet

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