2007-11-28 - # 8740-T8-200717043 - TBayTel (anciennement The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay - Telephone Division) - AMT 138 - Tarif général - Retrait du service de réseaux de télédistribution à propriété partagée

2008-03-13 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2008-74 TBayTel - Retrait du service de réseaux de télédistribution à propriété partagée
Référence : AMT 138

2008-05-15 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Telecom Decision 2007-107 directed TBayTel and Shaw to enter into a Partial System Agreement ("PSA") similar to that of Bell Canada.
Document: 907472.zip - 121KO

2008-05-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Telecom Inc. et TBayTel - Objet: Contrat visant un réseau de télédistribution à propriété partagée entre TBayTel et Shaw

2008-04-14 - Shaw Telecom Inc.
Description: Telecom Decision 2007-107 directed TBayTel and Shaw to enter into a Partial System Agreement ("PSA") similar to that of Bell Canada.
Document: 891154.doc - 44KO

2008-03-12 - TBayTel
Description:  On March 6, 2008, the Commission issued Decision 2008-22 which amended the requirements for service destandardization/withdrawal as set ou in Telecom Circular 2005-7
Document: 877571.pdf - 52KO

2008-02-07 - TBayTel
Description: On 10 January 2008 , TBayTel received two interrogatories from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in respect of its Application to withdraw its Partial Cable Distribution System offering (PSO) service as set out in Tariff Notice 138 (TN-138). TBayTel prepared and filed its submission in response to the CRTC's interrogatories on 21 January 2008 .
Document: 864487.doc - 657KO

2008-01-31 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: These comments are filed by Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) in respect of the response to Commission interrogatories filed by TBayTel on 21 January 2008.
Document: 861109.doc - 53KO

2008-02-21 - TBayTel
Description: On 10 January 2008 , TBayTel received two interrogatories from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in respect of its application to withdraw its Partial Cable Distribution System offering (PSO) service as set out in Tariff Notice 138 (TN-138). The following are TBayTel's submissions in response to the CRTC interrogatories.
Document: 854925.doc - 652KO

2008-01-10 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à TBayTel - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 138 - Retrait du service de réseaux de télédistribtion à propriété partagée - Demandes de renseignements

2008-01-08 - TBayTel
Description: The purpose of this letter is to notify the Commission of a document that was sent today by Shaw Communications Inc. to the residents of Thunder Bay, Ontario (Shaw letter). TBayTel believes that the Shaw letter contains both inaccurate and misleading information with respect to matters that are currently before the
Document: 850468.zip - 2,690KO

2008-01-01 - Pugh, Paul
Description: I am writing concerning your decision allowing "competition" for Thunder Bay Telephone (TBayTel) service.
Document: 850485.pdf - 55KO

2007-12-19 - TBayTel
Description: On November 28, 2007, TBayTel filed an application for approval by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-107 and Telecom Circular CRTC 2005-7, for the withdrawal of TBayTel's General Tariff (GT) Section TB1200 Sub-section 2, Partial Cable-Distribution System (TN 138).
Document: 844597.doc - 396KO

2007-12-14 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8740-T8-200717043 - 8661-S9-200510588
Description: Lettre adressée à TBayTel et Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet: Avis de modification tarifaire 138 - Réseau de télédistribution à propriété partagée (RTPP) de TBayTel et demande en vertu de la Partie VII de Shaw Communications Inc. concernant le tarif RTPP de TBayTel

2007-12-14 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Shaw is in receipt of the Commission's Decision dated 14 December 2007 regarding TBayTel Tariff Notice 138 - Partial System Offering (PSO) and Shaw Communications Inc. Part VII application related to TBayTel's PSO tariff. In this Decision, the Commission made interim, effective the date of this Decision, the monthly PSO rate while the Commission considers TBayTel's TN 138 and pending a determination of Shaw's Part VII application.
Document: 843009.doc - 50KO

2007-12-14 - TBayTel
Description: This letter is further to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ("CRTC " or "Commission") letter of 23 November 2007 on the above noted subject and in addition to our comment letter of 7 December 2007.
Document: 843014.doc - 382KO

2007-12-10 - TBayTel
Description: Further to the correspondence which has been initiated by your letter of 05 December, 2007, the following are further comments in response to the letter of Shaw Communications Inc. ("Shaw") dated 7 December, 2007.
Document: 840265.doc - 394KB

2007-12-07 - TBayTel
Description:  We have received and reviewed the letter from Shaw dated 06 December 2007 in respect to our application to vary a portion of CRTC Telecom Decision 2007-107
Document: 839707.doc - 389KO

2007-12-07 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description:  In a letter dated 5 December 2007 the Commission initiated a comment and reply process in response to TBayTel's Tariff Notice 138.
Document:  839690.doc - 51KO

2007-12-06 - TBayTel
Description: We note that for the Commission to deal with two of the issues related to TN 138 that you have initiated a comment and reply process by Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) and TBayTel.
Document: 839448.doc - 390KO

2007-12-06 - Shaw Communiations Inc.
Description: In a letter dated 5 December 2007 the Commission initiated a comment and reply process regarding TBayTel's Tariff Notice 138. In that letter the Commission posed the following question to Shaw:
Document: 839437.doc - 45KO

2007-12-05 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description:  These comments are filed by Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) in response to TN138 and the Commission's letter of November 23, 2007 , permitting Shaw and TBayTel to refresh the record of the PSO Part VII Application with current information or additional submissions, and are meant to provide a fulsome response to all the issues raised therein
Document: 838502.doc - 78KO

2007-12-05 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8661-S9-200510588 - 8740-T8-200717043
Description: Lettre adressée à TBayTel et Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet: TBayTel - Avis de modification tarifaire 138 - Retrait du service de réseaux de télédistribution à propriété partagée

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