Rogers Communications Partnership - TN 0042 - 8740-R28-201513010

Access Services Tariff - Wholesale mobile wireless services - 2015-11-23

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2018-03-22 - Telecom Order CRTC 2018-99 - Wholesale mobile wireless roaming service tariffs – Final rates - Public record: Bell Mobility Tariff Notices 1B, 1C, and 4; Rogers Communications Partnership Tariff Notice 42; and TELUS Communications Company Tariff Notice 501

2017-08-14 - Ice Wireless
Description: Ice Wireless Inc. (“Ice Wireless”) is hereby submitting its final comments in the abovecited
follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the
National Wireless Carriers.
Documents: - 589KB

2016-12-20 - Commission Letter - File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Interrogatories Second Round

2016-09-23 - Commission Letter - File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023 - Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution Lis t- Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Requests for disclosure of information designated as confidential and for further responses to requests for information with respect to Costing and Rates

2016-09-20 - Commission Letter - File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023 - Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services - Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers - Terms and Conditions - Further process

2016-08-29 - Commission Letter - File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services - Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers - Requests for disclosure of information designated as confidential and for further responses to requests for information with respect to Terms and Conditions - Further process

2016-06-21 - Procedural Letter - File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 - Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services - Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers - Response to request for procedural clarification

2016-06-21 - Ice Wireless Inc.
File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023
Description: Ice Wireless Inc. (“Ice Wireless”) is seeking clarification from the Commission concerning the request for information (“RFI”) process associated with the above-cited follow-up process to finalize the National Wireless Carrier tariffs for domestic wholesale roaming services. More specifically, Ice Wireless requests that the Commission confirm that only the National Wireless Carriers have an obligation to respond to RFIs by the filing deadline of July 8, 2016 and, by extension, file responses to requests for further information and public disclosure by July 22, 2016.
Document: 2643145.pdf - 787KB

2016-05-31 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description:This Reply is filed by Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) in response to Comments received on May 9, 2016 from Bragg Communications Inc., (“Bragg”) carrying on business as Eastlink (“Eastlink”), Canadian Network Operators Consortium (“CNOC”), Ice Wireless Inc. (“Ice Wireless”), on behalf of itself and its affiliate Sugar Mobile Inc. (“Sugar Mobile”), Quebecor Media Inc. (“Quebecor”) on behalf of its affiliate Videotron G.P. (“Videotron”) and WIND Mobile Corp. ("WIND") addressing the GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs and associated supporting cost studies filed by Rogers, Bell and TELUS1 (“national wireless providers”) on November 23, 2015.
Document : 2620360.pdf - 162KB

2016-05-13 - Procedural Letter
File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-2015078498740-B38-201600023
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Second schedule change

2016-04-07 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a letter from Ice Wireless Inc. (“Ice Wireless”) dated April 6, 2016. In its letter, Ice Wireless claims that Rogers’ responses to the Commission staff letter dated March 22, 2016 did not provide all of the information requested. Rogers has reviewed Ice Wireless’ letter and provides the following response.
Document : - 696KB

2016-04-06 - Ice Wireless Inc.
Description: Ice Wireless Inc. (“Ice Wireless”) is in receipt of additional information filed by Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) and TELUS Communications Company (“TCC”) pursuant to a Commission letter dated 22 March 2016 (the “22 March 2016 Letter”). The information in question relates to tariff notices for wholesale roaming services filed as part of the above-cited follow-up process to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177.
Document : 2576910.pdf - 791KB

2016-04-04 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a Commission staff letter dated March 22, 2016 where they have asked Rogers to provide additional cost detail information.  Due to an administrative issue Rogers was unable to file this letter and attachments on April 1, 2016 and apologizes for the delay.
Document : - 1029KB

2016-03-30 - Procedural Letter
File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-201507849, 8740-B38-201600023
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Modification to procedural dates

2016-03-29 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of a letter filed by Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) requesting certain changes to the process to review and finalize the tariffs for wholesale wireless roaming services set out by the Commission in its 18 March 2016 letter due to the upcoming public hearing component of Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2015-134, Review of basic telecommunications services (“Notice 2015-134”) that is scheduled to commence on 11 April 2016.
Document: 2571160.pdf - 239KB

2016-03-29 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: On March 28, 2016, Rogers filed a letter related to the process to review and finalize tariffs set out in the Commission staff’s letter of March 18, 2016. Rogers requested that the process commence three weeks later on May 2, 2016 instead of April 8, 2016, as stated by the Commission.
Document: 2571113.pdf - 145KB

2016-03-29 - WIND Mobile Corp.
Description: WIND Mobile Corp. ("WIND") is in a receipt of a letter from Rogers requesting a schedule change to the above-mentioned proceeding.  Specifically, Rogers is requesting that the deadline for interested parties to file interventions be extended from 8 April to 2 May 2016, that the deadline for the National Wireless Carriers to file reply comments be extended from 18 April to 12 May 2016, and that subsequent deadlines be adjusted accordingly.
Document: 2570851.docx - 98KB

2016-03-29 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: Vaxination Informatique in receipt of a letter from Rogers dated March 28th requesting a schedule change for the above noted process. Vaxination generally supports the request.
Document: 2570658.pdf - 521KB

2016-03-29 - Quebecor Media inc.
Description: Quebecor Media, on behalf of Videotron, is in a receipt of a letter from Rogers requesting a schedule change to the above-mentioned proceeding.  Specifically, Rogers is requesting that the deadline for interested parties to file interventions be extended from 8 April to 2 May 2016, that the deadline for the National Wireless Carriers to file reply comments be extended from 18 April to 12 May 2016, and that subsequent deadlines be adjusted accordingly.
Document: 2570402.doc - 145KB

2016-03-28 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: In its March 18, 2016 letter addressing requests of the disclosure of information designated as confidential in the proposed tariffs of Bell, Rogers and TELUS (national wireless carriers) dated November 23, 2015, Commission staff also laid out the next steps for the proceeding to review and finalize the tariff pages.
Document: 2570261.pdf - 36KB

2016-03-24 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc.’s (“Rogers”) is in receipt of Commission letter dated March 18, 2016 where they have asked carriers to disclose certain information previously filed in confidence.  Attached is Rogers’ response to this request.
Document: - 932KB

2016-03-22 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution list - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers - Reporting Requirements

2016-03-18 - Procedural Letter 
File #: 8740-T66-201513028, 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-B38-2015078498740-B38-2016000236 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services proposed tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers –Disclosure of confidential information

2016-01-29 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of letters dated January 15, 2016 from Quebecor Media Inc. (“Quebecor”), Corridor Communications, Inc. (“CCI”), Bragg Communications Inc. (“Eastlink”) and Wind Mobile Corp. (“Wind”) requesting the disclosure of certain information filed in confidence with the Commission with respect to Rogers Tariff Notice 42 (“TN 42”).
Document: 2530244.doc - 943KB

2016-01-15 - WIND Mobile Corp.
Pursuant to a Commission staff letter dated 18 December 2015, WIND Mobile Corp. (“WIND”) hereby files requests for disclosure of information designated confidential by Bell Mobility Inc. (“Bell”), Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) and TELUS Communications Company (“TCC”) (collectively “the National Wireless Carriers”) in their tariff notices filed on 23 November 2015.
Document: 2519354.doc - 184KB

2016-01-15 - Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink)
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of proposed tariffs and related cost studies, filed by Bell Mobility, Rogers Communications and Telus Communications (the “National Wireless Carriers”), under the follow-up to TRP CRTC 2015-177 Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services (“TRP 2015-177”). Eastlink herein provides our requests for further information and additional disclosure, pursuant to the procedure outlined in the Commission’s letter, dated 18 December 2015. Eastlink’s requests are specifically addressed to Bell, Rogers and Telus, as noted herein.
Document: 2519319.pdf - 313KB

2016-01-15 - Quebecor Media inc.
Description: Quebecor Media inc. (Quebecor Media), on behalf of Videotron s.e.n.c. (Videotron) and in accordance with the procedures set out in the Commission’s letter of 18 December 2015, hereby submits its requests for disclosure in relation to the regulatory economic studies (also referred to as cost studies) filed by Bell Mobility, Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers) and TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) pursuant to TRP 2015-177.
Document: 2518418.doc - 159KB

2015-01-15 - Corridor Communications, Inc. (“CCI”)
Description: Corridor Communications, Inc. (“CCI”) is an independent telecommunications service provider operating predominantly in Alberta. CCI provides Internet and voice services to residential and business subscribers via fixed wireless broadband technology.
Document: 2518124.pdf - 139KB

2015-12-18 - Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject : Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Modification to filing dates

2015-12-18 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) hereby re-issues its proposed final tariff pages for GSM-based wholesale roaming service, including terms and conditions, as requested by the Commission letter dated December 11, 2015.
Document: - 1025KB

2015-12-15 - Bell Mobility, on behalf of itself, Rogers Communications Partnership and TELUS Communications Company (collectively the National Wireless Carriers)
Description: Bell Mobility, on behalf of itself, Rogers Communications Partnership and TELUS Communications Company (collectively the National Wireless Carriers) are in receipt of comments filed by Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of its affiliate Videotron G.P. (QMI), dated 14 December 2015, as well as those filed by Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink), dated 15 December 2015, and those filed by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC), dated 16 December 2015, with respect of the file noted above.
Document: 2503828.doc - 190KB

2015-12-16 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of a 14 December 2015 procedural letter filed by Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Videotron s.e.n.c. (“Videotron”) requesting modifications to the process set out in the Commission’s 11 December 2015 letter to review the proposed rates, terms and conditions for GSM-based wholesale roaming services (“wholesale roaming services”) contained in the tariff notices filed by each of Bell Mobility, Rogers Communications Partnership and TELUS Communications Company (collectively, “the National Wireless Carriers”).
Document: 25028546.pdf - 249KB

2015-12-15 - Bragg Communications Inc. (Eastlink)
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of a letter, dated 14 December 2015, filed by Quebecor Media inc. (Quebecor Media), on behalf of Videotron s.e.n.c. (Videotron), in which it requested two procedural modifications under the follow-up to TRP CRTC 2015-177 Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services (“TRP 2015-177”). Eastlink herein provides our comments in support of Quebecor’s requests.
Document: 2501491.pdf - 243KB

2015-12-14 - Québecor Média inc.
Description: CRTC Files No. 8740-R28-201513010, 8740-R28-201513010 and 8740-T66-201513028 – Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177, Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services (TRP 2015-177) – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Request for Procedural Modifications
Document: 2499833.doc - 149KB

2015-12-11 - Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject : Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2015-177 – Regulatory framework for wholesale mobile wireless services – Follow-up process to finalize GSM-based wholesale roaming services tariffs for the National Wireless Carriers – Clarification of Process

2015-12-10 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) hereby re-issues its interim tariff pages for GSM-based wholesale roaming service, as per CRTC telecom Order 2015-537 and the Commission letter dated November 30, 2015.
Document: - 1025KB

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