Téléphone Milot Inc. - TN 80 and TN 80/A- 8740-M4-201506693

General Tariff - Direct Connection and Trunking Rates - 2015-06-22

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2017-08-10 - Telecom Order CRTC 2017-282 - Various companies – Final rates for direct connect services

2016-12-21 - Commission Letter - Description: Letter addressed to Richard Biron (Téléphone Milot Inc.) - RE: Téléphone Milot inc. Tariff Notice 80 for direct connect (DC) service – Amendment to filing date for responses  

2016-12-19 - Commission Letter - File #: 8740-M4-201506693 - Description: Letter addressed to Richard Biron (Téléphone Milot inc.) - Subject: Téléphone Milot inc. Tariff Notice 80 for direct connect (DC) service – Request for Information

2016-10-03 - Téléphone Milot Inc.
Description: Sogetel inc. (la Compagnie) dépose ses réponses à la demande de renseignements du Conseil datée le 22 octobre 2015 comme suivi à la décision de télécom CRTC 2016-355, Sogetel inc. – Demande d’utilisation du tarif de raccordement direct de la Société TELUS Communications au Québec et de retrait des avis de modification tarifaire 175 de Sogetel inc. et 80 de Téléphone Milot inc., datée le 2 septembre 2016.
Document: 2714732.zip - 311KB

2016-03-23 - Commission Letter - File #:8740-M4-201506693 and 8740-S4-201506726 Description : Letter addressed to Richard Biron (Sogetel Inc., Téléphone Milot Inc.)

2016-01-15 - Small Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (SILECs)
Description: These Reply comments are submitted by the small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs) that filed Tariff Notices (TNs), dated 22 June 2015, which contain revised rates for their respective Direct Connect (DC) services based on supporting cost studies. These Reply comments address interventions received from Bell Canada ("Bell")1 and Allstream Inc. ("Allstream")2 on 18 December 2015.
Document: 2519333.pdf - 178KB

2016-01-15 - Sogetel inc.
Description: Le 8 décembre 2015, Sogetel inc. (ci-après « Sogetel ») a déposé au Conseil l’avis de modification tarifaire No 175-A tandis que sa filiale, Téléphone Milot inc. (ci-après « Milot »), a déposé l’avis de modification tarifaire No 80-A. Le 1er janvier dernier, les deux entités ont fusionné. En vertu de l’article 286 de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions1, Sogetel agira donc dorénavant aux droits de Milot dans les deux dossiers mentionnés en titre. Une demande d’unification des tarifs des deux entités sera d’ailleurs présentée sous peu.
Document: 2518486.pdf - 149 Ko

2015-12-18 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with Commission staff's 17 November 2015 process letter, Bell Canada is filing these Comments on the 8 December 2015 responses filed by certain small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs) to the 22 October 2015 requests for information from Commission staff.  The requests for information were addressed to the 22 SILECs that on 22 June 2015 had filed DC rate applications in which the proposed rates were supported by cost studies.
Document: 2507972.zip - 388KB

2015-12-08 - Téléphone Milot inc.
Description: Le 22 octobre dernier, le personnel du Conseil a demandé à Téléphone Milot inc., de fournir des
renseignements dans le dossier mentionné en rubrique. Par lettre datée du 17 novembre 2015, le
Conseil a fixé au 8 décembre l’échéance pour le dépôt des documents.
Document: 2499075.zip - 47KB

2015-11-17 - Procedural Letter
File #: 8740-N23-201506594, 8740-N7-201506503, 8740-N10-201506742, 8740-U2-201506536, 8740-W3-201506578, 8740-B6-201506643, 8740-C1-201506627, 8740-C4-201506701, 8740-G2-201506635, 8740-H3-201506552, 8740-H4-201506495, 8740-L2-201506718, 8740-L3-201506528, 8740-M4-201506693, 8740-M5-201506510, 8740-Q2-201506544, 8740-R3-201506669, 8740-S4-201506726, 8740-S6-20150667, 8740-S7-201506651, 8740-T7-201506619 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Procedural issues related to the direct connect (DC) service rate submissions of small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs)

2015-11-06 - Canadian Independent Telephone Company - Joint Task Force
Description: On 22 October 2015, the Commission issued an extensive list of 26 Requests for Information, many with multiple parts, to those SILECs that have filed tariff pages for direct connect service in which the proposed rates were supported by cost studies.
Document: 2465776.pdf - 174KB

2015-10-22 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-N24-201506586, 8740-N23-201506594, 8740-N7-201506503, 8740-N10-201506742, 8740-U2-201506536, 8740-W3-201506578, 8740-B6-201506643, 8740-C1-201506627, 8740-C4-201506701, 8740-G2-201506635, 8740-H3-201506552, 8740-H4-201506495, 8740-L2-201506718, 8740-L3-201506528, 8740-M4-201506693, 8740-M5-201506510, 8740-Q2-201506544, 8740-R3-201506669, 8740-S4-201506726, 8740-S6-201506677, 8740-S7-201506651, 8740-T7-201506619 - Description : Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Small incumbent local exchange carriers (small ILECs) Various Tariffs Notices (TN) for direct connect (DC) – Request for Information & Establishment of Additional Process

2015-10-21 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-S4-201506726, 8740-L2-201506718, 8740-C4-201506701
Description: Letter addressed to Sogetel Inc., Téléphone Milot Inc., Téléphone de Lambton and Téléphone de Courcelles - Subject: Request to remove abridged documents filed in support of direct connect (DC) rates from the public record

2015-10-01 - Independent Telecommunications Providers Association
Description: These Reply comments are submitted by the small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs) that filed Tariff Notices (TNs), dated 22 June 2015, which contain revised rates for their respective Direct Connect (DC) services based on supporting cost studies.
Document: 2442888.zip - 275KB

2015-09-30 - Téléphone Milot Inc.
Dans le dossier mentionné en titre, Téléphone Milot inc. a déposé, le 23 juin 2015, un fichier intitulé MILOT TN 80 - ATTACHMENT - MILOT E E DC MODEL_22 JUNE
2015_ABRIDGED.xlsx. Il s’agissait en fait d’une version publique du fichier suivant
MILOT TN 80 - ATTACHMENT - MILOT E E DC MODEL_22 JUNE 2015_CONFIDENTIAL.xlsx déposé en version confidentielle.
Document: 2461475.pdf - 99KB

2015-09-21 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is filing these comments in accordance with Commission staff's 19 August 2015 process letter on the DC rate submissions filed by 10 SILECs after 22 June 2015. The DC rate submissions of these 10 SILECs, unlike the DC rate submissions filed by 12 other SILECs, were not accompanied by abridged versions. These 10 SILECs subsequently filed revised abridged submissions for the public record.
Document: 2435608.zip - 72KB

2015-09-21 - Allstream Inc.
Description: Allstream Inc. (Allstream) is filing this intervention in accordance with the process set out in a letter from Commission staff on 19 August 2015, with respect to tariff notices (TNs) filed by ten small ILECs proposing new Direct Connect (DC) toll interconnection rates.
Document: 2435434.doc - 98KB

2015-09-08 - Independent Telecommunications Providers Association
Description: These Reply comments are submitted by the smallincumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs) that filed Tariff Notices (TNs), dated 22 June 2015, which contain revised rates for their respective Direct Connect (DC) services based on supporting cost studies.
Document: 2426077.zip - 227KB

2015-08-31 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is providing these Comments in accordance with Commission staff's 19 August 2015 process letter regarding the DC rate submissions filed on 22 June 2015 by 22 small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs).  These SILECs propose to revise their respective DC rates based on supporting cost studies.
Document: 20150831.zip - 58KB

2015-08-19 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-N24-201506586, 8740-N23-201506594, 8740-N7-201506503, 8740-N10-201506742, 8740-U2-201506536, 8740-W3-201506578, 8740-B6-201506643, 8740-C1-201506627, 8740-C4-201506701, 8740-G2-201506635, 8740-H3-201506552, 8740-H4-201506495, 8740-L2-201506718, 8740-L3-201506528, 8740-M5-201506510, 8740-Q2-201506544, 8740-R3-201506669, 8740-S4-201506726, 8740-S6-20150667, 8740-S7-201506651, 8740-T7-201506619 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Procedural issues related to the direct connect (DC) service rate submissions of small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs)

2015-08-04 - Association des Compagnies de Téléphone du Québec
Description: These Reply comments are submitted by the small incumbent local exchange carriers that filed Tariff Notice, dated 22 June 2015, which contain revised rates for their respective Direct Connect service based on supporting cost studies.
Document: 2408846.zip - 217KB

2015-07-29 - Téléphone Milot Inc.
Description: Afin de se conformer à la lettre de Mme Lyne Renaud datée du 27 juillet dernier, Téléphone Milot inc. (ci-après appelée TMI) désire déposer au dossier mentionné ci-haut une nouvelle version abrégée des tableaux 1 à 5 de son étude de coûts comprenant les renseignements sur les coûts qui devraient être publiés.
Document: 2404634.zip - 330KO

2015-07-27 - Commission Letter - File #: 8740-M4-201506693 - Description: Letter addressed to Téléphone Milot Inc. - Subject: Designation of confidential cost information filed in cost studies supporting revised direct connect service rates

2015-07-23 - Bell Canada -Intervention
Description: Bell Canada is providing these Comments on the small incumbent local exchange carrier (SILEC) Tariff Notices (TNs), dated 22 June 2015, which contain revised rates for their respective Direct Connect (DC) services based on supporting cost studies.  The specific TN for each SILEC together with the associated CRTC file numbers are provided in Table 1 below.
Document: 2401074.doc - 130KB

2015-07-22 - Allstream Inc. -Intervention
Description: Allstream Inc. (Allstream) is filing this intervention with respect to tariff notices (TNs) filed by twenty-two small ILECs proposing new Direct Connect (DC) toll interconnection rates.  The applicants, tariff notice numbers, and proposed new DC rates are as follows:
Document: 2401087.doc - 99KB

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