Groupe Maskatel LP - TN 66 - 8740-M22-201502105

General Tariff - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) services - 2015-02-27

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2016-08-15 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-B6-201506643, 8740-B7-201601774, 8740-C141-201601790, 8740-C1-201506627, 8740-C41-201601758, 8740-C4-201506701, 8740-G2-201506635, 8740-M22-201601766, 8740-H3-201506552, 8740-H4-201506495, 8740-L2-201506718, 8740-L3-201506528, 8740-M5-201506510, 8740-N24-201506586, 8740-N23-201506594, 8740-N7-201506503, 8740-N10-201506742, 8740-Q2-201506544, 8740-R3-201506669, 8740-S6-20150667, 8740-S7-201506651, 8740-T7-201506619, 8740-U2-201506536, 8740-W4-201602110, 8740-W3-201506578
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - RE: Call For Final Comments on various direct connect (DC) service rate submissions of small incumbent local exchange carriers (SILECs)

2015-03-16 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Groupe Maskatel LP - Subject: Tariff Notice 66 – Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Service

2015-03-11 - Groupe Maskatel LP
Desciption: Par la présente, Groupe Maskatel LP (Maskatel), à titre de PESLT, demande le retrait de l'Avis de modification tarifaire (AMT) 66 déposé le 27 février 2015.
Document: 2295367.pdf - 103KB

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