2010-02-02 - # 8340-T8-200906100 - Modification - TBayTel / Bell Canada & Bell Aliant Regional Communications - Entente d'interconnexion de l'interurbain - Entente 1299/01

2010-09-13 - Ordonnances de télécom CRTC 2010-681 TBayTel – Entente d’interconnexion pour la fourniture du service 9 1 1

2010-02-15 - Ordonnance de Télécom CRTC 2010-90 Ordonnance simplifiée
Le Conseil approuve provisoirement la demande suivante :
Entente d'interconnexion pour la fourniture du service 9-1-1 à une entreprise de services locaux concurrente entre TBayTel/Bell Canada et Bell Aliant.

2010-02-26 - TBayTel
Description: Pursuant to the Commssion's letter of February 24, 2010 regarding comments from Shaw Telecom G.P. ("Shaw") on TBayTel's Appendix 2 - Provision of 9-1-1 Service of the Master Toll Interconnection Agreement between TBayTel, Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, by its General Partner Bell Aliant Regional Communications Inc., TBayTel is filing the following reply comments.

Document:  1364300.pdf - 275KO

2010-02-26 - Bell Aliant
Description:  Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) is in receipt of comments dated 19 February 2010 from Shaw Telecom G.P. (Shaw) on Master Toll Interconnection Agreement - Appendix 2, Provision of 9-1-1 Service between TBayTel and Bell Aliant (the Agreement).  Bell Aliant is also in receipt of Commission Staff's letter dated 24 February 2010 requesting that reply comments be filed by 26 February 2010.

Document:  1364297.doc - 68KO

2010-02-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8340-T8-200906100
Description: Lettre adressée à TBayTel - Objet: Entente 1299/01 – TBayTel / Bell Canada & Bell Aliant Regional Communications - Entente d'interconnexion de l'interurbain

2010-02-19 - Shaw Telecom G.P.
Description: Shaw has been made aware of a Master Toll Agreeemnt - Appendix 2 - Provision of 9-1-1 Service between TBay Tel and Bell Aliant Regional Communications filed by TBay Tel on 2 Feburay 2010. 

Document:  1361791.pdf - 85KO


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