676766 Ontario Limited o/a KWIC Internet - 8180-O68-201800053

Documents from CLECs, proposed CLECs and related documents for 2019

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2019-06-07 - Commission Letter - File #: 8180-O68-201800053 - Description: Letter addressed to 676766 Ontario Limited - Subject: Registration of 676766 Ontario Limited as a CLEC

2019-04-09 - 676766 Ontario Limited, operating as KWIC Internet
This letter amends the one dated March 20, 2019. The following exchanges are now excluded and will be the subject of a subsequent letter: LIR ON09: Fort Albany LIR ON40: Barry’s Bay, Calabogie, Chalk River, Cobden, Deep River, Douglas, Eganville, Foymount, Golden Lake, Killaloe, Palmer Rapids, Pembroke, Petawawa, Renfrew, Rolphton and Whitney
Document: 3627289.pdf - 419KB

2019-03-20 - 676766 Ontario Limited, operating as KWIC Internet
Description: Please accept this notification by 676766 Ontario Limited, operating as KWIC Internet (KWIC Internet) that it has fulfilled all of the Commission's CLEC obligations, set out in Telecom Decision 97-8, as modified from time to time, and requests that the Commission recognize KWIC Internet as a Type IV Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC).
Document: 3614486.pdf - 419KB

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