2004-02-23 - #: 8640-B2-200401506 - Bell Canada - Forbearance for High-Speed Intra-Exchange Digital Services

2007-05-25 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-35 Framework for forbearance from regulation of high-speed intra-exchange digital network access services. Reference: 8640-C12-200507618 and 8640-B2-200401506.

2005-10-28 - Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-8-2 The Commission introduces additional process and revises the timelines of Framework for forbearance from regulation of high-speed intra-exchange digital services , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-8, 30 June 2005, as amended by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-8-1, 22 July 2005. Reference:  8640-C12-200507618 and 8640-B2-200401506

2005-07-22 - Telecom public Notice 2005-8-1 The Commission revises the timelines of Framework for forbearance from regulation of high-speed intra-exchange digital services , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-8, 30 June 2005 . Reference: 8640-C12-200507618 and 8640-B2-200401506.

2005-06-30 - Public Notice CRTC 2005-8 The Commission initiates a proceeding to seek submissions on a framework for forbearance from the regulation of high-speed intra-exchange digital services. The Commission also invites comments on a Bell Canada forbearance application, with respect to these services. Reference: 8640-C12-200507618 and 8640-B2-200401506.

2007-11-20 - Commission Letter
File #: 8640-B2-200401506 - 8638-C12-200708003
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Disclosure of information filed in confidence with the Commission pursuant to Telecom Decision 2007-35

2004-04-21 - Johnston & Buchan on behalf of UTC Canada
Description: These comments are submitted on behalf of UTC Canada (UTC), an industry association that represents utility-based telecommunications carriers
Document: 040421.doc - 314KB

2004-04-05 - Microcell Solutions Inc.
Description: Microcell Solutions Inc. is in receipt of the above-mentioned Application, as well as correspondence from Commission staff dated March 5, 2004 suspending the process associated with the Application.
Document: 040405.doc - 38KB

2004-04-02 - Allstream Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises (the Competitors)
Description: Allstream Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises Ltd. (collectively, the Competitors) are in receipt of comments from Bell Canada dated 18 March 2004 which were filed with the Commission in response to two letters that Bell received regarding its Part VII Application of 23 February 2004
Document: 040402.doc - 278KB

2004-03-18 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada acknowledges receipt of a letter dated 5 March 2004 from Commission staff stating that, until further notice, the above referenced application is suspended. Bell Canada is also in receipt of a letter from Allstream Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) dated 9 March 2004, supporting the staff decision to suspend the proceeding and adding various reasons why such a suspension should continue.
Document: 040318_2.doc - 74KB

2004-03-09 - Allstream Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: Allstream Corp. and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) are in receipt of a letter dated 5 March 2004 from Commission staff suspending procedures on an application dated 23 February 2004 which was submitted by Bell Canada pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules) and section 34 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act).
Document: 040309.doc - 250KB

2004-03-05 - Commission Letter
Description: Lette addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Part VII Application for Forbearance for High-Speed Intra-Exchange Digital Services

2004-02-23 - Bell Canada
Description: The attached application is submitted by Bell Canada (or the Company) in accordance with Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 040223.zip - 1710KB

Date Modified: 2007-11-20

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