Globalive Wireless Management Corp. : 8690-G44-201204627
Demande visant à obtenir une ordonnance d'accès aux tunnels souterrains et des stations de métro de la Canada Line au sein de la Ville de Vancouver - 2012-04-18
2013-02-12 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company
Description: As a follow up to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company’s (“TELUS”) letter of January 11, 2013, this letter is to advise that the parties are continuing to work toward a definitive agreement in the aforementioned matter. At this time, a Statement of Work with associated costs is being prepared for the purpose of sign-off by WIND and full implementation.
Document: 1845029.pdf - 78KO
2013-01-11 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company
Description: As a follow up to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company’s (“TELUS”) letter of November 2, 2012, this letter is to advise that the parties are continuing to work toward a definitive agreement in the aforementioned matter. At this time, basic design information and a Canada Line contact for training purposes has been provided to WIND. In the next few weeks TELUS will be providing a full project plan with associated costs for the purpose of sign-off by WIND and full implementation.
Document: 1821677.pdf - 108KO
2012-11-01 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company
Description: As a follow up to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company’s (“TELUS”) letter of October 4, 2012, this letter is to advise that the parties are continuing to work toward a definitive agreement in the aforementioned matter. At this time, Technical information has been exchanged and a Schedule of Work is being prepared.
Document: 1790612.pdf - 100KO
2012-10-04 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company
Description: As a follow up to the Commission’s letter dated August 23, 2012, to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. and TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”), this letter is to advise that the parties have resumed negotiations and are working diligently towards a definitive agreement in the aforementioned matter.
Document: 1773963.pdf - 91KO
2012-08-23 - Lettre procédurale du Conseil
Lettre adressée à Globalive Wireless Management Corp. et la Société TELUS Communications - Objet :
Demande en vertu de la partie 1 présentée par Globalive Wireless Management Corp., exerçant ses activités sous le nom de WIND Mobile, concernant l’accès aux tunnels souterrains et aux stations de la Canada Line
2012-07-09 - TELUS Communications Company
TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) is in receipt of interrogatories issued by Commission staff on June 27, 2012 in relation to the above-noted proceeding. In accordance with the instructions of Commission staff, TELUS files its responses to the interrogatories posed.
Document: - 395KO
2012-07-09 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (doing business as WIND Mobile (“WIND”))
Description: Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (doing business as WIND Mobile (“WIND”)) hereby files its responses to interrogatories numbered 1-5 from CRTC on June 27, 2012.
Document: 1735924.pdf - 77KO
2012-06-27 - Lettre procédurale du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la Société TELUS Communications - Objet :
Demande en vertu de la partie 1 de Globalive Wireless Management Corp., exerçant ses activités sous le nom de WIND Mobile (WIND), visant l’accès aux tunnels souterrains et aux stations de métro de la Canada Line
2012-06-27 - Lettre procédurale du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Globalive Wireless Management Corp. - Objet :
Demande en vertu de la partie 1 de Globalive Wireless Management Corp., exerçant ses activités sous le nom de WIND Mobile (WIND), visant l’accès aux tunnels souterrains et aux stations de métro de la Canada Line
2012-04-18 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Pursuant to Part 1 of the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure and sections 42 and 43 of the Telecommunications Act, Globalive Wireless Management Corp. doing business as Wind Mobile submits the attached applications.
Document: 1707731.pdf -
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