Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) : 8622-C151-202208024

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Demande de règlement d'un différend par arbitrage de l'offre finale (AOF) - La Canadian Cable Systems Alliance et Telelatino Media Group - 2022-09-20

2023-04-28 - Dossier fermé - Demande # : 2022-0802-4 - Description : Lettre adressée à Chris Edwards (Canadian Communication Systems Alliance Inc.) et Kevin Goldstein (Goldstein Communications Law) - Objet: Fermeture de dossier - Arbitrage de l’offre finale concernant le service facultatif Telelatino Network

2022-09-20 - Lettre du Conseil - Demande # : 2022-0802-4 - Description : Lettre adressée à Canadian Communication Systems Alliance Inc. et Goldstein Communications Law - Objet: Demande d’arbitrage de l’offre finale (2022-0802-4) à l’égard du service facultatif de Telelatino Network Inc.

Description: We are counsel to TMG, licensee of TLN. This letter constitutes TMG’s response to the above-referenced application by the CCSA dated August 25th, 2022.
Description: 4235925.pdf - 89 Ko

2022-08-25 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: This application for Final Offer Arbitration (“FOA”) is filed by the Canadian Communication Systems Alliance Inc. (“CCSA”) pursuant to Section 12(1) of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations (the “BDU Regulations”) and pursuant to Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2019-184 (the “Information Bulletin”).
Description: 4230875.pdf - 123 Ko

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