Suivi de la décision CRTC 2014-342 : 8638-C12-201412791

Suivi à la politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2014-342

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2015-10-23 - Lettre du Conseil 
Description : Lettre adressée à la Liste de Distribution - Objet : Conclusion à la demande de renseignements – Exactitude de la localisation des appelants au service 9-1-1 évolué sans fil

2015-02-27 - Wightman Telecom Ltd.
Description : Pursuant to your letter, dated 19 December 2014, Wightman Telecom Ltd. submits answers to the Commission’s request for information on Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy.
Document : - 60 Ko

2015-02-26 - Alliance pour le 9-1-1 au Canada
Description: L'Alliance pour le 9-1-1 au Canada, ci-après l' ALLIANCE, soumet ses observations non-sollicitées au Conseil, suite à la prise de connaissance d'une lettre du CRTC adressée exclusivement aux fournisseurs de service sans fil canadiens le 19 décembre 2014, concernant certains aspets en rapport avec leurs services et particulièrement avec le Service 9-1-1 évolué sans fil.
Document: 2286342.pdf - 544 Ko

2015-02-25 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission staff its letter dated December 19, 2014 and the subsequent extension granted to all parties on February 17, 2015, please find attached TELUS’ responses to the Commission’s requests for information.
Document: - 192 Ko

2015-02-25 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers is pleased to participate in the Commission’s fact-finding exercise and hereby files its responses to the questions from the Fact Finding Letter dated December 19, 2014.
Document: - 846 Ko

2015-02-25 - MTS Inc. (MTS)
Description: MTS Inc. (MTS) is filing these responses to requests for information received from the Commission on 19 December 2014, concerning Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy. 
Document: 2286279.docx - 153 Ko

2015-02-25 - Québecor Média
Description: Conformément aux directives du Conseil énoncées dans sa lettre du 19 décembre
2014, Québecor Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron, soumet par la présente ses
réponses à des demandes de renseignements.
Document: 2286329.pdf - 138 Ko

2015-02-25 - Shaw Telecom Inc. (Shaw)
Description: Shaw Telecom Inc. (Shaw) is in receipt of Commission correspondence of 19 December 2014 attaching several requests for information related to enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy.
Document: 2286300.pdf - 358 Ko

2015-02-25 - Bragg Communications Inc., O/A “Eastlink,”
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of a request for information from the Commission, dated 19 December 2014. We herein provide our abridged response.
Document: 2286291.pdf - 470 Ko

2015-02-25 - Data & Audio-Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc., O/A Mobilicity
Description: Pursuant to the letter request for information dated December 19, 2014, Data & Audio-Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc., carrying on business as Mobilicity, is pleased to submit the enclosed responses to the Commission.
Document: 2286247.pdf - 290 Ko

2015-02-20 - Tbaytel
Description: Tbaytel is responding to the Commission's letter of December 19, 2014 requesting information about enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Location Accuracy, by attaching the responses to the interrogatories to this letter.
Document: 2283095.pdf - 527 Ko

2015-02-20 - Ice Wireless
Description: Pursuant to the Commission letter dated 19 December 2014, Ice Wireless hereby provides its answers to the Commission request for information.
Document: - 4894 Ko

2015-02-18 - Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd.
Description: Further to your letter dated December 19, 2014 requesting information related to Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy, please be advised that Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. is an agent of Bell Mobility and as such uses Bell Mobility’s network and technologies to provide cellular and in particular location and related customer data information.
Document: 2281104.pdf - 304KB

2015-02-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à TELUS Communications Company - Objet : Demande de renseignements – Exactitude de la localisation des appelants au service 9-1-1 évolué sans fil –Demande de prolongation du délai

2015-02-17 - WIND Mobile Corp. (“WIND”)
Description: Pursuant to a Commission staff letter dated 19 December, 2014, WIND Mobile Corp. (“WIND”), hereby files the following Enhanced 9-1-1 interrogatories:
Document: - 485 Ko

2015-02-17 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: In accordance with the procedures outlined in the Commission’s letter of 19 December 2014, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) hereby files responses to the requests for information.
Document: - 316 Ko

2015-02-17 - Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited
Description: Further to your letter dated December 19, 2014 requesting information related to Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy, please be advised that Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited is an agent of Bell Mobility and as such uses Bell Mobility's network and technologies to provide cellular and in particular location and related customer data information. As such we refer the Commission to the responses provided by Bell Mobility for our input into this information gathering process.
Document: 2280710.pdf - 61 Ko

2015-02-17 - Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc.
Description: Further to your letter dated December 19, 2014 requesting information related to Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy. Please be advised that Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc. is an agent of Bell Mobility and as such uses Bell Mobility’s network and technologies to provide cellular and in particular, location and related customer data information. As such we refer the Commission to the responses provided by Bell Mobility for our input into this information gathering process.
Document: 2280475.pdf - 145 Ko

2015-02-17 - Bell Canada and Bell Mobility
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in a staff letter dated 19 December 2014, please find attached the responses of Bell Canada (filing in its role of 9-1-1 Service Provider) and Bell Mobility (filing as a Wireless Service Provider) to the Commission staff's requests for information.
Document: - 1028 Ko

2015-02-17 - Sogetel Mobilité
Description: Conformément aux accords intervenus entre Sogetel Mobilité et Bell Mobilité, nous référons le Conseil aux réponses fournies par Bell Mobilité pour l’obtention des informations demandées dans la lettre datée du 19 décembre 2014 concernant le processus de localisation des appelants au service 9-1-1 évolué sans fil.
Document: 2280234.pdf - 162 Ko

2015-02-17 - SSi Group of Companies(“SSi”)
Description: The SSi Group of Companies (“SSi”) received the Commission's letter dated December 19, 2014 with requests for information concerning Wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 services.
Document: 2280128.pdf - 169 Ko

2015-02-17 - Hay Communications
Description: Further to your letter dated December 19, 2014 requesting information related to Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy, please be advised that Hay Communications Co-operative Limited is an agent of Bell Mobility and as such uses Bell Mobility's network and technologies to provide cellular and in particular location and related customer data information. As such we refer the Commission to the responses provided by Bell Mobility for our input into this information gathering process.
Document: 2280009.pdf - 333 Ko

2015-02-17 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: TELUS Communications Company ( “TELUS”) is in receipt of requests for information from Commission staff dated December 19, 2014 with respect to enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy with responses due on February 17, 2015.
Document: 2279995.pdf - 135 Ko

2015-02-12 - Terrestar Solutions Inc.
Description: Provide your company’s views, with supporting rationale, on the appropriateness of using GPS as the primary means for determining the location of Canadians dialling 9- 1-1 from a wireless handset.
Document: 2277742.doc - 139 Ko

2015-02-03 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Objet : Demande de renseignements – Exactitude de la localisation des appelants au service 9-1-1 évolué sans fil

2015-01-30 - Québecor Média
Description : Québecor Média a pris connaissance de la requête procédurale déposée par Bell Canada le 27 janvier 2015 dans le cadre du dossier mentionné en rubrique, ainsi que de la réponse déposée en date d’aujourd’hui par Eastlink à la requête procédurale de Bell Canada.
Document : 2267689.pdf - 18 Ko

2015-01-30 - Rogers Communications
Description : Rogers is in receipt of the above titled letter from Bell dated January 27th 2015 expressing concerns with several of the questions that the Commission has asked in its Request for Information – Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy letter dated December 19th, 2014. Rogers wishes to assure the Commission that Bell’s concerns are not supported by Rogers and we will be pleased to respond to all of the questions that the Commission has asked, in order to provide the Commission with a complete assessment of the topic at hand.
Document : 2267586.pdf - 54 Ko

2015-01-30 - Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink”
Description : Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of Bell Canada’s procedural request, dated 27 January 2015, under the Commission’s fact-finding investigation regarding Enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy.
Document : 2267533.pdf - 235 Ko

2015-01-27 - Bell Canada and Bell Mobility
Description: Pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Parts 1 and 4 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, Bell Canada and Bell Mobility request that certain questions contained in Appendix 2 to the Commission's 19 December 2014 letter
Document: 2265412.doc - 47Ko

2015-01-15 - Execulink Telecom Inc.
Description : Execulink Telecom Inc. (Execulink) is responded to Commission letter dated 19 December 2014 requesting information about enhanced 9-1-1 wireless location accuracy.
Documents : 2261588.pdf - 93 Ko

2014-12-19 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à liste de distribution - Objet : Demande de renseignements – Exactitude de la localisation des appelants au service 9-1-1 évolué sans fil

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