WPA Public Awareness Ad-hoc Working group (WPWG): Letters

Working Group Contacts

Chair: Tim Trytten
CRTC : Carl Pineau
CRTC : Nanao Kachi

Meeting Schedules


2018-11-29 - WPL181129 - Description: Letter addressed to Distriubtion List - Subjet : Wireless Public Alerting (WPA) – 28 November 2018 visible test alerts

2018-11-29 - Responses

2018-10-17 - lt181017a - Description: Letter addressed to Videotron - Re: Wireless Public Alerting – 21 September 2018 tornado emergency alert

2018-10-24 - Response from Vidéotron

2018-09-24 - lt180924 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution list - Subject: Wireless Public Alerting – 16 September 2018 Saskatchewan Amber Alert   

2018-10-01 - Responses


2018-10-03 - WPL181003 - Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Requirement that Wireless Service Providers distribute additional visible wireless test alerts

  • SOREM letter: Request for a second, all channel, public awareness test message

2018-05-17 - WPL180517a
Description: Letter addressed to Pelmorex Weather Networks (Television) Inc. - Subject: Implementation of Wireless Public Alerting - Visible test alerts

2018-05-17 - WPL180517
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Implementation of Wireless Public Alerting - Visible test alerts

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