Co-Location: Reports


CLRE001.DOC - 23KB - Consensus report - Co-location of DLC terminals - 30 October 1998

CLRE001A.DOC - 40KB - Consensus Report - Equipment Suitable for Co-location - 4 June 1998

CLRE002.DOC - 21KB - Consensus report - Power Sources for Co-locating Companies - 30 October 1998

CLRE003.DOC - 21KB - Consensus report - Consultation Process for Co-location Design

CLRE004.DOC - 30KB - Consensus report - National Co-location Equipment List - 30 October 1998

CLRE004A.DOC - 17KB - Consensus Report # CLRE004 - National Co-location Equipment List - November 1998

CLRE005.DOC - 25KB - Consensus report - National Co-location Equipment List Revision Process - 30 October 1998

CLRE006.DOC - 20KB - Consensus report - Vendors and permitted Equipment - 30 October 1998

CLRE007.DOC - 27KB - Consensus report - Consensus on Co-location Equipment Characteristics - Approved by the Commission on 27 November 2000

CLRE008.DOC - 28KB - Consensus report - Consensus on New Additions to NCEL - Approved by the Commission on 27 November 2000

CLRE009.DOC - 21KB - Consensus report - Process for Audits Requiring Co-locator Assistance - Approved by the Commission on 27 November 2000

CLRE010.DOC - 40KB - Co-Location Group Consensus Report - 10 August 1998

CLRE011A.DOC - 81408 bytes - Consensus Report submitted by Bell Canada and Stentor - Feature Group D access for IXCs using co-location or co-located third party facilities - 17 April 1998.

CLRE012a.DOC - 29KB - Draft consensus Report - Improvements to Co-location Invoice Detail - December 12, 2000

CLRE012b.doc - 37KB - Draft consensus Report - Improvements to Co-location Invoice Detail - February 22, 2001

CLRE012C.DOC - 46KB - Consensus Report - Improvements to Co-location Invoice Detail - 10 May 2001 - Approved by the Commission 18 June 2001, Decision CRTC 2001-361

CLRE013A.DOC - 79KB - Consensus Report - Approved by CRTC 3 March 2001 - Proposal for clarification of TELUS Security Clearance Practice - January 18, 2001 - Approved by CRTC 2 March 2001 - Letter

CLRE013B.DOC - 201KB - Draft Consensus Report - ILEC Security Clearance Process - June 25, 2001

CLRE014A.DOC - 32KB - Consensus Report - approved by CRTC 3 March 2001 - Pre-Selection Site Tours - 22 January 2001 - (The Commission approved on 2 March 2001) - Letter

CLRE015A.DOC - 29KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - (DRAFT) - Power Provisioning Arrangements - 30 March 2001

CLRE015B.DOC - 43KB - Power Provisioning Arrangements - 30 March 2001 - (approved by the Commission 10 May 2001) - Letter

CLRE016a.DOC - 25KB - DRAFT REVISED by Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Provision of ILEC Network Information to Co-locaters - distributed 28 May 2001

CLRE017.DOC - 35KB -Approved by the Commission on 25 May 2001 by Decision 2001-287 - Sub-licensing of Co-location Space - 24 April 2001

CLRE018a.DOC - 32KB - (DRAFT) - Assignment of Co-location space - 23 April 2001

CLRE018b.DOC - 70KB - Draft Consensus Report - Assignment of Co-location Site - undated

CLRE018c.DOC - 73KB - Consensus Report - Assignment of Co-location Site - June 26, 2001 (Approved in Decision CRTC 2001-512)

CLRE019A.DOC - 30KB - DRAFT Consensus Report - Co-location Common Cost Rebate Process - June 19, 2001

CLRE019B.DOC - 30KB - Consensus Report - Co-location Common Cost Rebate Process - 17 July 2001 (Approved in Decision CRTC 2001-511)

CLRE020A.DOC - 29KB - DRAFT Consensus Report - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Co-location Ordering Intervals - Equipment Applications - June 18, 2001

CLRE020B.DOC - 30KB - DRAFT Consensus Report - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 Co-location Ordering Intervals - Equipment Applications - July 5, 2001

CLRE020C.DOC - 30KB - Consensus report - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Co-location Ordering Intervals - Equipment Applications - 30 August, 2001. (Approved in Decision CRTC 2001-661)

CLRE021A.DOC - 39KB - DRAFT Consensus Report - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Co-location Ordering Intervals - Revised Service Categories and Delivery Timelines - June 18, 2001

CLRE021B.DOC - 39KB - Draft Consensus Report - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Co-location ordering intervals - revised service categories and delivery timelines - August 15, 2001

CLRE021C.DOC - 42KB - Consensus report - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Co-location Ordering Intervals - Revised Service Categories - September 13, 2001. (Approved in Decision CRTC 2001-661)

CLRE022A.DOC - 45KB - Consensus Report - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Definition of co-location power cost components - August 20, 2001 - (Approved by Decision CRTC 2001-637, October 5 2001)

CLRE023B.DOC - 529KB - DRAFT Consensus Report - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Remote Access - Direct Interconnect Arrangement «Sub-Loop» Extension - 18 December 2001

CLRE024A.DOC - 30KB - DRAFT - Related to TIF number CLTF0002 - Central Office Link Extension Arrangements -Part 1: Near Essential Pricing Fundamental - November 20, 2001

CLRE024B.DOC - 27KB - Related to TIF CLTF0002 - Draft Consensus Report - TELUS (TCI) Central Office Link Extension Arrangements - Part 1: Near Essential Pricing Fundamental - 20 February 2002

CLRE024C. DOC - 27KB - Related to TIF CLTF0002 - Draft Consensus Report - Central office link extension arrangements - Near essential pricing fundamental - March 18, 2002

CLRE024D.DOC - 31KB - Consensus report - Central Office Link Extension Service (LES) - Near Essential Pricing Fundamental - Approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39, 10 July 2002.

CLRE025A.DOC - 56KB - Draft Consensus from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Central Office Access Procedures of Bell Canada and Manitoba telecommunications Inc. - November 26, 2001

CLRE026A.DOC - 114KB - Draft Consensus report - Intra-office interconnection of non-adjacent co-location space licensed by the same co-locator - 21 January 2002

CLRE026B.DOC - 115KB - DRAFT Consensus report - Intra-office Interconnection of Non-adjacent Co-location Space Licensed by the Same Co-locator - March 21, 2002

CLRE026C.DOC - 118KB - Consensus report - Intra-office Interconnection of Non-adjacent Co-location Space Licensed by the Same Co-locator - Approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39, 10 July 2002.

CLRE027A.DOC - 39KB - Consensus report - Co-location access card and card issue/duration - requested details to CLRE013b - 24 September 2001 (Approved by the Commission by Order 2002-63, 8 February 2002)

CLRE028A.DOC - 97KB - Consensus report - Issue 1 - Interim report on CLG activity and status of co-location issues - September 2000 to January 2002 - January 25, 2002 - Presented at 8 February 2002 CISC Steering Committee meeting

CLRE029A.DOC - 27KB - Draft Consensus report from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Destandardization of Virtual Co-location - 21 February 2002 - to be revisited in February 2003

CLRE030A.DOC - 55KB - Draft consensus report - Co-location Equipment Lists - April 9, 2002

CLRE030B.doc - 56KB - Draft consensus report - Co-location Equipment Lists - May 1, 2002

CLRE030C.DOC - 58KB - DRAFT Consensus report - Co-location Equipment Lists - 8 July 2002

CLRE030D.DOC - 78KB - Consensus report - Co-location equipment lists - 24 October 2002

CLRE031A.DOC - 239KB - Draft consensus report - Relay racks in Type 2B Co-location - April 8, 2002

CLRE031B.DOC - 239KB - Consensus report - Relay racks in Type 2B Co-location - Approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39, 10 July 2002.

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