Co-Location: Contributions


CLCO130A.DOC - 37KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Link Extension Service - 18 October 2002.

CLCO129A.DOC - 34KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from François Ménard and Infoteck Internet Inc. - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - reply to ILEC proposals - September 5, 2002

CLCO128A.DOC - 28KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from Alexander Adéyinka, Call-Net - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - reply to ILEC proposals - September 5, 2002

CLCO127A.DOC - 33KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from James Lefkovics and Chris Schmitt, AT&T - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - reply to ILEC proposals - September 5, 2002

CLCO126A.DOC - 42KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from Donna Lang, SaskTel - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - 30 August 2002

CLCO125A.DOC - 36KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004, joint contribution from David Peters, Aliant and Cliff Macleod, MTS - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - 2002/08/26

CLCO124A.DOC - 47KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribition from Doug Saunders and David Belchamber, Bell Canada - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - 22 August 2002

CLCO123A.DOC - 542KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from George Hearn and Ray Douthwaite, TELUS - TELUS ADSL Wholesale Service - 26 August 2002

CLCO122A.DOC - 30KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from James Lefkovics, Chris Schmitt, AT&T - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - Competitor Wholesale Tariff Requirements - 16 August 2002

CLCO121A.DOC - 46KB - Contribution from Alex Adeyinka, Call-Net - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Access to Remote-fed DSL Services - Competitor Wholesale Tariff Requirements - 11 July 2002

CLCO120A.DOC - 79KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics and Chris Schmitt, AT&T - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Access to Remote-fed Services - 16 May 2002

CLCO119A.DOC - 39KB - Contribution from Jacques Poddar, Call-Net - Ineligible Co-location Equipment - 9 April 2002

CLCO118A.DOC - 237KB - Contribution from Sharon MacDonald, Bell Canada - Relay racks in Bell Canada Type 2B Co-location - February 22, 2002 (consensus reached in CLRE031B, approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39, 10 July 2002)

CLCO117A.DOC - 35KB - Contribution from Mark Freeman and James Lefkovics, AT&T - Reply comments to CLCO114A (updates to the COLA (Alberta)) - January 21, 2002

CLCO116A.DOC - 53KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Co-location Equipment List - 22 January 2002

CLCO115B.DOC - 147KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS and James Lefkovics, AT&T - Report on CLG Activity of Co-location Issues from September 2000 to December 2001 - 17 December 2001

CLCO115A.DOC - 100KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS and James Lefkovics, AT&T - Report on CLG Activity and Status of Co-location Issues - September 2000 to December 2001 - December 17, 2001

CLCO114C.DOC - 26KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS COLA Amendments - March 11, 2002

CLCO114B.DOC - 221KB - TELUS COLA Amendments - February 22, 2002

CLCO114A.DOC - 29KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS COLA Amendments - December 14, 2001

CLCO113B.DOC - 62KB - Contribution from George Hearn and Ray Douthwaite, TELUS - Implementation of Order CRTC 2001-780 in TELUS - November 28, 2001

CLCO113A.DOC - 62KB - Contribution from George Hearn and Ray Douthwaite, TELUS - Implementation of Order CRTC 2001-780 in TELUS - November 28, 2001

CLCO112B.DOC - 50KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada and George Hearn, TELUS - Co-location equipment lists - February 26, 2002

CLCO112A.DOC - 46KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada and George Hearn, TELUS - Co-location equipment lists - December 19, 2001

CLCO111A.ZIP - 53KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - ILEC make-whole proposal - October 18, 2001

CLCO110A.DOC - 47KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - DS-0 / DS-1 / DS-3 Link Extension Service - 21 September 2001

CLCO109A.DOC - 40KB - DRAFT - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Jacques Poddar, Call-Net - Settlement of DC power charges pursuant to tariff structure changes - 18 September 2001

CLCO108A.DOC - 847KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution and presentation from Allan Mula, Sask Tel - Sask Tel Wholesale DSL Access Capability - 14 August 2001
Remote Access.ppt

CLCO107B.DOC - 89KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Interconnection of Non-adjacent Co-location Space (Supplement - Roles & Responsibilities) - 21 September 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE026C, approved in Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-39, 10 July 2002)

CLCO107A.DOC - 469KB - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Interconnection of non-adjacent co-location space - August 27, 2001

CLCO106A.DOC - 34KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Sub-loop Extension at Access Remotes - 28 August 2001

CLCO105A.DOC - 494KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS Wholesale DSL Solution - July 19, 2001

CLCO104D.DOC - 46KB - Contribution from Richard Britton, GT Group Telecom - Co-location Access Card and Card Issue-Duration - requested Details to CLRE013b - 24 September 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE027A, approved in Telecom Order CRTC 2002-63, 8 February 2002)

CLCO104C.DOC - 46KB - DRAFT - Contribution from Richard Britton, GT Telecom - Co-location Access Card and Card Issue/Duration - requested Details to CLRE013b - 24 September 2001

CLCO104b.DOC - 46KB - DRAFT - Contribution from Richard Britton, GT Telecom - Co-location Access Card and Card Issue/Duration - requested Details to CLRE013b - July 9 2001

CLCO103A.DOC - 30KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Bell Canada Wholesale DSL/ATM Service - 20 July 2001

CLCO102B.DOC - 56KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Central Office Access Procedures of Bell Canada and Manitoba Telecommunications Inc. - October 25, 2001

CLCO102A.DOC - 57KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Central Office Access Procedures of Bell Canada and Manitoba Telecommunications Inc. - July 13, 2001

CLCO101A.DOC - 30KB - Contribution related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Lawrence Beasley, TELUS and David Belchamber, Bell Canada - Power Provisioning Arrangements - July 11, 2001

CLCO100B.DOC - 48KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Randy Schuyler, Coalition for Better Co-location - Preliminary Power Study Results - 12 July 2001

CLCO100A.DOC - 39KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Randy Schuyler, Coalition for Better Co-location - Preliminary Power Study Results - 20 June 2001

CLCO099A.XLS - 28KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from Alexander Adeyinka, Call-Net - Access at Remotes - undated

CLCO098A.DOC - 44KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Contribution from Lawrence Beasley, TELUS, and Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Co-location Ordering Intervals - ILEC Response to CLCO093A - June 24 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE020C, approved in Decision CRTC 2001-661, 22 October 2001)

CLCO097A.PPT - 246KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Voice Over DSL - Network Architecture - 8 June 2001

CLCO096C.ZIP - 39KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Draft Power Study Results - 24 July 2001

CLCO096B.DOC - 37Zip - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Preliminary Power Study Results - 18 June 2001

CLCO096A.DOC - 23KB - CLCO096A.PPT - 67KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0001 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Preliminary Power Study Results - 4 June 2001

CLCO095A.DOC - 2 162KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - TELUS Remote Map Serving Area Data Information - May 28, 2001

CLCO094A.DOC - 42KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0004 - Contribution from James Busher, AT&T - Proposal for Access to ILEC Remotes - April 5, 2001

CLCO093A.DOC - 48KB - This contribution relates to TIF number CLTF0003 - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Co-location Ordering Intervals - Updated CBC Positions - May 18, 2001

CLCO092A.DOC - 43KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposed Terms and Conditions for Assignment of Co-location Space on a Site Specific Basis - May 28, 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE018, approved in Decision CRTC 2001-512, 20 August 2001)

CLCO091A.DOC - 35KB - Contribution from Dave Jarrett, AXXENT - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in TELUS Central Offices - March 26, 2001

CLCO090B.DOC - 549KB - This contribution relates to TIF number CLTF0002 - Contribution from Lawrence Beasley, TELUS - DS1/DS3 Link Extension - May 22, 2001

CLCO090A.DOC - 540KB - In relation to TIF number CLTF0002 - DRAFT Contribution from Lawrence Beasley, TELUS - DS1/DS3 Link Extension - 23 March 2001

CLCO089A.DOC - 34KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the transfer or assignment of site-specific co-location space in TELUS central offices - March 26, 2001

CLCO088A.DOC - 32KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Consultation Process for Network Information - March 26, 2001

CLCO087A.DOC - 31KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Network Planning Information - March 26, 2001

CLCO086A.DOC - 38KB - DRAFT Contribution from Al Hills, TELUS - TELUS proposal for improvements to co-location rebate process - 23 March 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE019B, approved in Decision CRTC 2001-511, 20 August 2001)

CLCO085A.DOC - 50KB - Related to TIF number CLTF0003 - Contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Co-location Ordering Intervals - Status Report to CLG - March 18, 2001

CLCO084A.DOC - 26KB - Related to CLTF0001 - Contribution from Lawrence Beasley, TELUS - TELUS comments on CLCO077B (Power Provisioning Arrangements) - 16 March 2001

CLCO083B.DOC - 494KB - Related to CLTF0004 - Remotes - Contribution from Jeffrey Cowan, C1 Communications - ADSL Technology Submission - March 9, 2001

CLCO083A.DOC - 489KB - Related to CLTF0004 - Remotes - Contribution from Jeffrey Cowan, C1 Communications - ADSL Technology Submission - March 5, 2001

CLCO082A.doc - 33KB - Contribution from Alexander Adéyinka, NorthPoint Canada - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in ILECs Central Offices: IC-to-Subsidiary Sublicensing - February 26, 2001

CLCO081C.DOC - 42KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the sublicensing of co-location space in ILEC Central Offices - April 23, 2001

CLCO081b.DOC - 55KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the sublicensing of co-location space in TELUS Central Offices - March 26, 2001 (consensus reached in CLRE017, approved in Decision CRTC 2001-289, 25 May 2001)

CLCO81A.doc - 54KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in TELUS Central Offices - February 23, 2001

CLCO080a.doc - 252KB - Related to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Bell Canada - ADSL Service Elements - 14 February 2001

CLCO079a.doc - 29KB - Related to TIF CLTF0001 - Contribution from Randy Schuyler, AXXENT Corp. - Proposed Alternate Methods for Delivery of Redundant Power from an ILEC's Power Plant to a CLEC's Co-Location Site - February 23, 2001

CLCO078a.doc - 43KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0001 - Contribution from Norm Peacey, AXXENT Corp. - Proposed Cost/Rate Relationship and Proposed New Rate Structure - February 19, 2001

CLCO77b.doc - 30KB - Related to TIF CLTF0001 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Power Provisioning Arrangements - February 28, 2001

CLCO077a.doc - 39KB - Related to TIF CLTF0001 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada - Power Provisioning Arrangements - February 19, 2001

CLCO076a.doc - 32KB - Related to TIF CLTF0002 - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada and Lawrence Beasley, TELUS - Loop Extension - February 21, 2001

CLCO075A.doc - 34KB - Contribution from Dave Jarrett, AXXENT - Proposal for the Provision of ILEC Access Network Information to Co-locaters - February 26, 2001

CLCO074A.DOC - 26KB - This Contribution is related to TIF CLTF0002 - Contribution from Don Bowles, Call-Net - Principles related to loop extension -

CLCO073A.PPT - 498KB - This Contribution is related to TIF CLTF0002 - Contribution from Sharon Ledwell, AT&T - Co-location Alternatives

CLCO072A.DOC - 33KB - Contribution from George Hearn, TELUS - Proposal for the Sublicensing of Co-location Space in TELUS Central Offices - January 11, 2001

CLCO071A.DOC - 29KB - Contribution from Dave Belchamber, Bell Canada- Sub-Licensing of Co-located Floor Space -January 12, 2001

CLCO070A.ppt - 945KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Luc Harvey (Bell) - ILEC remote DSL configuration - 9 January 2001

CLCO069A.ppt - 12,740KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Luc Harvey (Bell) - Remote equipment enclosures (photographs) - 9 January 2001

CLCO068B.xls - 28KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Luc Harvey (Bell)/Eric Piirto (Axxent) - Access at Remotes - 9 January 2001

CLCO068A.xls - 24KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Dave Belchamber (Bell) - Access at Remotes - 9 January 2001

CLCO067B.xls - 24KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Luc Harvey (Bell) - Types of enclosures and services at remotes - 9 January 2001

CLCO067A.xls - 23KB - In relation to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Luc Harvey (Bell) - Types of Enclosures at Remotes - 9 January 2001

CLCO066A - This Contribution is related to TIF CLTF0004 - Contribution from Jeffrey Cowan, C1 Communications - Proposal for Access to ILEC Remote Locations - December 18, 2000

CLCO065B.doc - 91KB - Draft contribution from James Lefkovics, AT&T - Proposal for Improvements to Co-location Rebate Processes - 21 February 2001

CLCO065A.DOC - 97KB - Draft Contribution from AT&T/Bell/TELUS - Joint Proposal for Improvements to Co-location Rebate Processes - 21 November 2000

CLCO064E.DOC - 59KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Security Procedures of Bell Canada and its Partner Companies - 28 May 2001

CLCO064D.DOC - 32KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Security Procedures of Bell Canada and its Partner Companies - 23 April 2001

CLCO064C - This contribution has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee

CLCO064B.DOC - 31KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Security Clearance - January 22, 2001

CLCO064A.DOC - 28KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders, Bell Canada - Security Clearance - 24 November 2000

CLCO063C.DOC - 86KB - Contributionn from Lawrence Beasley, TELUS - Proposal for clarification of TELUS Security Clearance Practice - 14 May 2001

CLCO063B.DOC - 76KB - Contribution from Lawrence Beasley TELUS - Proposal for clarification of TELUS Security Clearance Practice - 14 December 2000

CLCO063A.DOC - 70KB - Contribution from Lawrence Beasley TELUS - Proposal for clarification of TELUS Security Clearance Practice - 24 November 2000

CLCO062A - Contribution from Bell Canada and Telus - Pre-Selection Site Tours - 24 November 2000. (This document has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee)

CLCO061A.doc - 40KB - Contribution from Kevin Broadfoot on behalf of the Coalition for Better Co-Location - Summary of Co-Location Group Issues as of November 7, 2000

CLCO060C.DOC - 26KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders Bell Canada and Lawrence Beasley TELUS - Pre-Selection Site Tours - 14 December 2000

CLCO060B.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders Bell Canada and Lawrence Beasley TELUS - Pre-Selection Site Tours - 24 November 2000

CLCO060A.DOC - 25KB - Contribution from Doug Saunders Bell Canada and Lawrence Beasley TELUS Corporation - Pre-Selection Site Tours - 23 October 2000

CLCO059a.DOC - 41KB - 79KB - Draft contribution from AT&T/Bell/TELUS - Joint proposal for improvements to Co-location Invoice Detail - submitted 20 October 2000

CLCO058.DOC - 22KB - Contribution from Jonathan Daniels on behalf of Coalition for Better Co-location - Sub-lease of Floor Space, 17 July 2000

CLCO057.DOC - 22KB - Contribution from Jonathan Daniels on behalf of Coalition for Better Co-location - Security Clearances, 17 July 2000

CLCO056.DOC - 24KB - Contribution from Jonathan Daniels o behalf of Coalition for Better Co-location - Invoices and Rebates for Co-location Arrangements, 17 July 2000

CLCO055.DOC - 49KB - Contribution from Jonathan Daniels on behalf of Coalition for Better Co-location - Pre-Selection Site Tours, 17 July 2000

CLCO054.DOC - 19KB - Co-Location Group Contribution List - 10 December 1998

CLCO053.DOC - 18KB - Co-Location Group Contribution List - 18 November 1998

CLCO052 - Contribution from TELUS, J. MacKenzie, Proposed Consensus Document, 27 January 2000 - Approved by the Commission on 27 November 2000

  • CLRE007.DOC - 27KB - Consensus report - Consensus on Co-location Equipment Characteristics
  • CLRE008.DOC - 28KB - Consensus report - Consensus on New Additions to NCEL
  • CLRE009.DOC - 21KB - Consensus report - Process for Audits Requiring Co-locator Assistance

CLCO051.DOC - 47KB - Contribution from AT&T - DSLAM Equipment - Final - 6 January 2000

CLCO050.DOC - 133KB - Contribution from Bell Canada - Co-location Arrangement Entrant Information Package, Issue 5.0, March 15, 1999 - 2 December 1999

CLCO049.DOC - 21KB - Contribution from Bell Canada - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer Affidavit (draft) - 2 December 1999

CLCO048.DOC - 23KB - Contribution from Call-Net - Co-location Building Modification charges Reimbursement Process - 24 November 1999

CLCO047.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from Call-Net - Co-location Application Process for Subsequent Changes to Co-location Sites - 24 November 1999

CLCO046.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from Call-Net - Audit Framework - 24 November 1999

CLCO045.DOC - 14KB - Contribution from AT&T - Equipment Impacted by Letter Decision 24 September 1999 - This contribution provides an initial list of equipment that AT&T Canada Corp. (AT&T Canada) submits should be allowed in light of the recent determination regarding "Pass-Through" traffic (CRTC Letter Decision 24 September 1999). This contribution builds upon CLCO029b - summary of Outstanding Equipment List Items, 1 October 1998 - 19 October 1999

CLCO044.DOC - 28KB - Contribution from Bell - Inspection process for discussion at the next CLG meeting - 21 October 1999

CLCO043.DOC - 13KB - Contribution from AT&T - Equipment Requiring IC Participation - this contribution provides an equipment list that is a sub-set of the National Co-location Equipment List (NCEL) and which, in AT&T Canada's and Call-Net's opinion, represents the equipment which will require Interconnecting Carrier (IC) participation for the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) to audit. - 30 July 1999

CLCO042.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from Stentor - Inspection Framework - 1 July 1999

CLCO041.DOC - 20KB - Network Operations - guidelines for Co-location - Version 1.0 CISC - 15 April 1999

CLCO040.DOC - 53KB - Contribution from Stentor - Audit Framework - 1 April 1999

CLCO039.DOC - XXKB - Contribution from AT&T - DLSAMs included on the National Co-location Equipment List - 18 March 1999

CLCO038.DOC - 26KB - Contribution from Stentor - Connection to Services - 13 January 1999

CLCO037B.DOC - 23KB - Contribution from TELUS & Stentor - Leasing a Co-located Carrier's Facilities - 15 April 1999

CLCO037.DOC - 124KB - Contribution from Stentor - Leasing a Co-located Carrier's Facilities - 9 December 1998

CLCO036.DOC - 13KB - Contribution from Stentor - Megaroute, Centrex and Customer-Owned Router - 9 December 1998

CLCO035.DOC - 16KB - Contribution from Stentor - Equipment. Further, additional response to competitor's request for network access, signal processing, multiplexing and optical equipment. - 9 December 1998.

CLCO034.DOC - 15KB - Contribution from Stentor - Connection to Services - 9 December 1998

CLCO033A.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from Call-Net - DLC Audits - 18 November 1998

CLCO032A.DOC - 37KB - Contribution from Call-Net - Connection to Services - 18 November 1998

CLCO031.DOC - 122KB - Contribution from Fundy Communications - Access to Services - 9 September 1998

CLCO030.DOC - 23KB - Contribution from Sprint - Modification to proposed equipment list revision process - 13 August 1998

CLCO029B.DOC - 19KB - Contribution from MetroNet - Summary of Outstanding Equipment List Items - 1 October 1998

CLCO029A.DOC - 18KB - Contribution from MetroNet - Summary of Outstanding Equipment List Items - 12 August 1998

CLCO028A.DOC - 28KB - Contribution from MetroNet - xDSL Terminology and Definitions - 7 August 1998

CLCO027A.DOC - 23KB - Contribution from MetroNet - Sample DLC Audit Procedure - 4 August 1998

CLCO026A.DOC - 17407 bytes - Contribution from Bell and Stentor - Further Information Regarding Feature Group D Access for IXCs Using Co-location or Co-located Third Party Facilities - 26 June 1998

CLCO025C.DOC - 60416 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Equipment List Revision Process - 22 July 1998

CLCO025B.DOC - 58880 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Equipment List Revision Process - 9 July 1998

CLCO025A.DOC - 57856 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Equipment List Revision Process - 24 June 1998

CLCO024A.DOC - 10585 bytes - Contribution from Keith Richardson, consultant in Telecommunications Technology - xDSL Terminology - 15 June 1998

CLCO023A.DOC - 75776 bytes - Contribution from AT&T, Cogeco, fONOROLA, MetroNet, Rogers, Shaw FiberLink, Sprint - FOTS Configuration for Co-location - 19 June 1998

CLCO022B.DOC - 12800 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Affidavit for co-locating DLC terminals - 4 June 1998/Revision 23 June 1998

CLCO022A.DOC - 12800 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Affidavit for co-locating DSL terminals - 4 June 1998

CLCO021A.DOC - 11776 bytes - Contribution from Rogers - xDSL Definitions - 15 May 1998

CLCO020A.DOC - 54784 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - ADM and DCC Co-location Equipment - 15 May 1998

CLCO019A.DOC - 12800 bytes - Contribution from Sprint - Clarification on equipment suitable for co-location - 14 May 1998

CLCO018A.DOC- 13312 bytes - Contribution from Sprint - List of sites offering co-location - 13 May 1998

CLCO017A.DOC - 27KB - Contribution from fONOROLA, MetroNet & Sprint - Fibre Optic Repeaters - 24 April 1998

CLCO016A.DOC - 56832 bytes - Contribution from K. Richardson - Co-location of xDSL equipment - 14 April 1998

CLCO015A.DOC - 11264 bytes - Contribution from grouptelecom - Co-location of DLC equipment - 8 April 1998

CLCO014A.DOC - 16896 bytes - Contribution from AT&T - Process for Revising Equipment List - 7 April 1998

CLCO013B.DOC - 14336 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Revised Position for Co-location of DLC Terminals - 3 April 1998

CLCO013A.DOC - 13312 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Co-location of DLC terminals - 2 April 1998

CLCO012B.DOC - 18944 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Connection to Services - 17 April 1998

CLCO012A.DOC - 18944 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Connection to Services - 26 March 1998

CLCO011B.DOC - 142313 bytes - Contribution from Bell and Stentor - Feature Group D Access for IXCs Using Co-location or Co-located Third Party Facilities - 26 June 1998

CLCO011A.DOC - 113KB - Contribution from Bell Canada - Feature Group D access for IXCs using co-location or co-located third party facilities - 17 April 1998

CLCO010A.DOC - 46KB - Contribution from Sprint - List of Equipment Suitable for Co-location - 12 March 1998

CLCO009A.DOC - 15360 bytes - Contribution from BC TEL - BC TEL Physical Co-location - 11 March 1998

CLCO008A.DOC - 22528 bytes - Contribution from RNS - Customer Billing - 11 March 1998

CLCO007A.DOC - 12288 bytes - Contribution from RNS/AT&T - Connection to Services - 11 March 1998

CLCO006A.DOC - 14848 bytes - Contribution from Sprint - BC TEL Physical Co-location - 27 February 1998

CLCO005F.DOC - 29KB - Contribution from Stentor - National Co-location Equipment List - 27 October 1998

CLCO05E - Contribution from Stentor - Co-location Appropriate Equipment List - 3 September 1998 - (This document has not been forwarded to the Steering Committee)

CLCO005D.DOC - 28KB - Contribution from Stentor - Co-location Appropriate Equipment List - 12 August 1998

CLCO005C.DOC - 56832 bytes - Contribution from Stentor, Co-location Appropriate Equipment List - 5 June 1998

CLCO005B.DOC - 56832 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Co-location Appropriate Equipment List - 20 May 1998

CLCO005A.DOC - 55808 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - Co-location Appropriate Equipment List - 16 February 1998

CLCO004A.DOC - 16384 bytes - Contribution from Sprint - List of Equipment Suitable for Co-location - 11 August 1997

CLCO003A.DOC - 12,288 bytes - Contribution from Stentor - TIF9 Co-location Equipment Type - 24 September 1997

CLCO002A.DOC - 30208 bytes - Contribution from AT&T, Clearnet, fONOROLA, MetroNet, Microcell, Sprint, Vidéotron, WIC - List of Equipment Suitable for Co-location - 22 September 1997

CLCO001A.DOC - 20480 bytes - Contribution from K. Richardson - Compatibility and environmental requirements for co-located equipment - 12 September 1997

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