Business Process Working Group: Data Interchange Issues


  • BPTF007.doc - 38KB - Work in conjunction with the Network Operations SWG, as part of a joint OBSWG/NOSWG task force, to identify the standard service intervals to completely order an interconnection circuit from initiation to circuit acceptance. This will include intervals for escalation and expedite requests. Activities transferred to BPTF0011 - CLOSED Jan. 26, 1999
  • BPTF010.DOC - 19KB - Revise industry data interchange guidelines to include additional interfaces and other required clarifications to CDIG Version 1 (December 1997) and to the draft Data Interchange Schedule - COMPLETE March 27, 2000
  • BPTF011.doc - 126 KB - Service Intervals. Decision CRTC 2002-14 established definitive timelines for ILECs to provide CLECs unbundled loops. C-LOG Bulletin 051-009 issued to document and publicize industry agreement on procedures for confirmation of LSRs with 2-day intervals, service intervals for porting associated with loop migration, and loop make-up requests. Consensus Report BPRE011a on the format and content of the loop forecast approved Dec. 2002. C-LOG Section 11 on Service Intervals (BPRE0011b) approved April 2005. COMPLETE March 24, 2005.
  • BPTF0030.doc - 119KB - Quality of Service Indicators - Final Review of Performance Standards. Non-consensus Report issued December 2, 2002. Revised December 2, 2002. In Telecom Decision 2003-72 the Commission addressed all of the outstanding Q of S issues. CLOSED Oct. 30, 2003
  • BPTF0033.doc -147 KB - Update of Local Competition Billing and Collection Services Agreement and Technical Guideline. Revised Technical Guideline, Version 1.2 approved October 7, 2002. Agreement update complete- Non-Consensus Report submitted to the Commission (June 4, 2004) for approval and further direction. Revised November 17, 2005.
  • BPTF0040.doc - 89 KB - Quality of Service Indicators related to Decision 2002-34. BPWG is addressing Q of S for CDNA. Non-consensus Report issued May 5, 2003. Revised May 5, 2003. In Telecom Decision 2003-72 the Commission addressed all of the outstanding Q of S issues. CLOSED Oct. 30, 2003
  • BPTF0041.doc - 185 KB - Electronic File Transfer Service Replacement. Consensus Report (BPRE041a) approved, Decision CRTC 2004-60. Industry notification letter issued October 27, 2004. Technical standards and CDIG V3.0 completed. Sunset date for Large File Transfer (BGS Mailbox) is April 1, 2006. Industry notification reminder issued December 13, 2005. ASn implementation completed on schedule. Intreim version of CDIG Version 3 finalised (BPRE041b). Revised May 3, 2006.
  • BPTF0044.doc - 383 KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 5.2) - Work in progress. Revised July 19, 2006
  • BPTF0071.doc - 276 KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.1). Report (BPRE071a) re Exchange of LSR/LSC Data with AS2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-118. Report (BPRE071d) re Manual equipment record for Resale Customers approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-150. Revised 19 February 2010.
  • BPTF0072.doc - 65 KB - Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines (CDIG Version 3.2). Report (BPRE072a) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-25. COMPLETE 24 November 2008.
  • BPTF0081.doc - 44KB - Contact and Escalation List. Report (BPRE081a) Contact and Escallation Lists (BPGLCEL10) approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-472. COMPLETE 29 April 2011.
  • BPTF0093.docx - 45KB – Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines (CDIG Version 4). Report (BPRE093a) for establishment of milestones for migration to SHA 2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2015-435. Report (BPRE093b) submitted to the CISC and Commission for approval. Revised 25 February 2016.


  • BPCO013A.DOC - 12KB - Microcell - Version 2 of the CDIG - Source - Dennis Béland, Microcell Telecommunications Inc. - 1999/07/14
  • BPCO052a.doc - 49KB - D.I.G. System Requirements - July 4, 2003.
  • BPCO052b.pdf - 130KB - D.I.G. Data Interchange Proposal - June 16, 2003
  • BPCO052c.doc - 38KB - D.I.G. FTP Solution - August 12, 2003.




  • BPRE010b.DOC - 44KB - "Consensus Report- Data Interchange Schedule to the MALI " - 1999/08/04
  • BPRE010c.doc - 272KB - Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines Version 2.1 - March 27, 2000.
  • BPRE071a.doc - 219 KB - Minimum Requirements for the Exchange of LSR and LSC Data - 17 July 2009.
  • BPRE071e.doc - 263 KB - Electronic Exchange of LSR and LSC Data - 327 May 2010.
  • BPRE072a.doc - 82 KB - BPGLDI32.doc - 550 KB - Canadian Data Interchange Guidelines - Version 3.2 - 24 November 2008.


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