LNP - Test Plan Development: Task Identification Forms

Network Interconnection Group


TPTF01.DOC - 16,384 bytes - LNP Trial Participants and Location - 1997/05/30

TPTF02.DOC - 20,992 bytes - LNP Trial Scope and Objectives - 1997/07/24 (Revised)

TPTF03.DOC - 18,432 bytes - Timing and Duration - 1997/06/05

TPTF04.DOC - 14,336 bytes - LNP Business Methods and Procedures - 1997/06/06

TPTF05.DOC - 20,480 bytes - LNP Test Plan - 1997/06/09

TPTF06.DOC - 15872 bytes - TASK DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this TIF is to describe the network architecture required for the LNP trial to be successful. The document will list and describe all the network elements required from all participant as well as the common network element.

TPTF006-.DOC - 231936 bytes - Microcell Contribution for the LNP Trial network architecture - 1997/06/16

TPTF007.DOC - 13824 bytes - Selection of the Overall Coordinator and the New Test Teams Responsible for the Detailed LNP Trial Test Plan and Trial Implementation - 1997/08/19


Project Management Task Group (TM)

No documents


Business Process Task Group (TB)

No documents


Network Architecture Test Task Group (TA)

No documents


Test Plans Task Group (TT)

No documents

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