LNP - Test Plan Development: Contributions

Network Interconnection Group


TRIALCOS.DOC - 76,288 bytes - Indices of Trial Plan SWG contributions (last updated September 3rd)

AT&T.DOC - 12800 bytes - This contribution represents AT&T Canada Long Distance Services’ view with regards to the role of ‘Technical Arbitrator’ as discussed in the Trial SWG meeting of 97/10/30 and again on 97/11/06.

STENTOR.DOC - 11264 bytes - This contribution represents Stentor’s view in regards to the role of ‘Technical Arbitrator’ as discussed in the Trial SWG meeting of 97/10/30 and again on 97/11/06.

1) Regarding TIF - TPTF01.DOC - LNP Trial Participants and Location

TPCO0101.DOC - 19968 bytes - 1997/06/20 - Videotron Télécom ltée

TPCO0102.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/06/23 - Stentor

TPCO0103.DOC - 14848 bytes - MetroNet

TPCO0104.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/06/24 - Sprint

TPCO0105.DOC - 15360 bytes - 1997/07/01 - Videotron Télécom ltée

TPCO0106.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/07/02 - AT&T Canada LDS

TPCO0107.DOC - 13312 bytes - 1997/07/02 - Microcell

TPCO0108.DOC - 18432 bytes - MetroNet

TPCO0109.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/07/02 - Sprint

TPCO0110.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/07/02 - Rogers Network Services

TPCO0111.DOC - 11264 bytes - 1997/06/19 - fONOROLA

TPCO0112.DOC - 20480 bytes - 1997/07/17 - CLEC/IXC Group

TPCO0113.DOC - 19456 bytes - 1997/07/15 - Stentor

TPCO0114.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/07/10 - Sprint

TPCO0115.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1997/07/22- MetroNet

TPCO0116.DOC - 18432 bytes - 1997/07/23 - Stentor

TPCO0117.DOC - 16896 bytes - 1997/07/22 - Videotron Télécom ltée

TPCO0118.DOC - 14336 bytes - Summary of Contributions

TPCO0119.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1997/07/29 - BCTEL and MetroNet

TPCO0121.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/10/05 - TELUS

TPCO0122.DOC - 12800 bytes - 1997/10/16 - BCTEL

2) Regarding TIF - TPTF02.DOC - LNP Trial Scope and Objectives

TPCO0201.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1997/10/08 - CCTA

TPCO0202.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1997/06/17 - Microcell

TPCO0203.DOC - 21504 bytes - 1997/06/24 - Stentor

TPCO0204.DOC - 29696 bytes - 1997/07/08 - Stentor

TPCO0205.DOC - 17408 bytes - 1997/07/09 - CLEC/IXC Group

TPCO0206.DOC - 19968 bytes - 1997/10/08 - CCTA

TPCO0207.DOC - 18432 bytes - 1997/07/22 - Videotron Télécom ltée

TPCO0208.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1997/07/22 - Sprint

TPCO0209.DOC - 13312 bytes - 1997/07/29 - Sprint

TPCO0210.DOC - 23040 bytes - 1997/10/08 - CCTA

TPCO0211.DOC - 18432 bytes - 1997/11/26 - MetroNet & Videotron Télécom ltée

TPCO0212.DOC - 24576 bytes - 1997/11/25 - Sprint

TPCO0213.DOC - 17920 bytes - 1997/11/28 - AT&T Canada Long Distance Services

TPCO0214.DOC - 15360 bytes - 1997/12/05 - Stentor resource Centre Inc.

TPCO0215.DOC - 16384 bytes - 1997/12/18 - Vidéotron Telecom Ltée.

TPCO0216.DOC - 13824 bytes - 1998/01/27 - Bell Canada

TPCO0217.DOC - 24576 bytes - 1998/01/30 - Metronet, Vidéotron, Sprint Canada, Bell Canada, Microcell, TELUS and BCTEL

TPCO0218.DOC - 21504 bytes - 1998/02/03 - Vidéotron Télécom Ltée.

TPCO0219.DOC - 15360 bytes - 1998/02/11 - Vidéotron Télécom Ltée.

TPCO0220.DOC - 18432 bytes - 1998/02/17 - BCTEL / TELUS

TPCO0221.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1998/02/17 - Microcell

TPCO0223.DOC - 28160 bytes - 1998/02/25 - Stentor Resource Centre

TPCO0224.DOC - 18944 bytes - 1998/02/25 - Bell Canada

TPCO0225.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1998/03/03 - Microcell

TPCO0226.DOC - 58368 bytes - 1998/03/04 - Bell Canada

TPCO0227.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1998/03/19 - Microcell

TPCO0228.DOC - 22528 bytes - 1998/03/25 - BCTEL / TELUS

TPCO0229.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1998/03/25 - fONOROLA

TPCO0230.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1998/04/08 - grouptelecom

TPCO0231.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1998/04/02 - MetroNet

TPCO0232.DOC - 17920 bytes - 1998/04/14 - Vidéotron Télécom Ltée.

TPCO0233.DOC - 16384 bytes - 1998/04/28 - MetroNet

TPCO0234.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1998/06/08 - BC TEL

TPCO0235.DOC - 16896 bytes - 1998/04/18 - Microcell

TPCO0236.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1998/05/12 - Microcell

TPCO0237.DOC - 13824 bytes - 1998/05/13 - BC TEL

TPCO0238.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1998/05/14 - Industry Coordinator Canadian LNP Trial

TPCO0239.DOC - 17920 bytes - 1998/06/11 - Vidéotron Télécom Ltée.

TPCO0240.DOC - 16384 bytes - 1998/06/11 - TELUS Communications Inc.

TPCO0241.DOC - 20992 bytes - Trial Test Plan Contributions

TPCO0242.DOC - 11,264 bytes - LNP 10Digit Unconditional Trigger - Submission from Metronet on August 20th

3) Regarding TIF - TPTF03.DOC - Timing and Duration

TPCO0301.DOC - 13824 bytes - 1997/06/17 - Microcell (Dennis Beland)

TPCO0302.DOC - 13312 bytes - 1997/08/20 - Videotron Télécom ltée (Hélène Lahaie)

TPCO0303.DOC - 16384 bytes - 1997/11/05 - Videotron Télécom ltée (Hélène Lahaie)

TPCO0304.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1998/05/04 - Stentor

TPCO0305.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1998/05/08 - Sprint Canada

TPCO0306.DOC - 13312 bytes - 1998/05/08 - MetroNet

TPCO0307.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1998/06/02 - Stentor

TPCO0308.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1998/06/03 - Sprint Canada

TPCO0309.DOC - 13312 bytes - 1998/06/03 - MetroNet

TPCO0310.DOC - 15360 bytes - 1998/06/12 - MetroNet

4) Regarding TIF - TPTF04.DOC - LNP Business Methods and Procedures

TPCO0401.DOC - 13,312 bytes - LNP 10 Digit Unconditional Trigger Utilization - Submission from Metronet on August 25th

TPCO0402.DOC - 35,840 bytes - LNP 10 Digit Unconditional Trigger Utilization - Submission from Stentor on September 1st

TPCO0403.DOC - 27KB - Contribution To the LNP Trial Sub Working Group from the PMTG's BPTG re. BPTGBPTG 10 Digit Unconditional Trigger Trial Assessment. Submitted on Sept. 11, 1998

5) Regarding TIF - TPTF05.DOC - LNP Test Plan

TPCO0501.DOC- 18432 bytes

TPCO0502.DOC - 14336 bytes - 1997/06/13 - MetroNet

TPCO0503.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1997/06/17 - Microcell

TPCO0504.DOC - 126464 bytes - 1997/09/30 - Bell Canada - Proposed Interim Arrangements

TPCO0505.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/10/09 - Microcell

TPCO0506.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/10/15 - TELUS

TPCO0507.DOC - 12800 bytes - 1997/10/16 - BC Tel

TPCO0508.DOC - 26624 bytes - 1997/10/16 - MetroNet (Participation in Trial)

TPCO0509.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1997/10/14 - TelcoPlus (Participation in Trial)

TPCO0510.DOC - 12800 bytes - 1997/10/21 - AT&T Canada (Participation in Trial)

TPCO0511.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1997/10/22 - Sprint Canada (Participation in Trial)

TPCO0512.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1997/10/23 - fONOROLA (Participation in Trial)

TPCO0513.DOC - 17920 bytes - 1997/10/31 - GT Group Telecom (Participation in Trial)

TPCO0514.DOC - 32,768 bytes - Canadian Industry LNP Entrance Criteria - Submission from LNP Test Plan Task Group on August 20th

6) Regarding TIF - TPTF06.DOC - Network Architecture

TPCO0601.DOC - 202752 bytes - 1997/06/16 - Microcell

TPCO0602.DOC - 11264 bytes - 1997/07/22 - Videotron Télécom ltée

TPCO0603.DOC - 221696 bytes - 1997/07/29 - Microcell

TPCO0604.DOC - 15872 bytes - 1997/08/08 - Sprint

TPCO0605.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1997/08/19 - Stentor

TPCO0606.DOC - 38912 bytes - 1997/08/22 - TelcoPlus and Microcell

TPCO0607.DOC - 25088 bytes - 1997/09/05 - MetroNet

TPCO0608.DOC - 23552 bytes - 1997/09/23 - MetroNet

TPCO0609.DOC - 12288 bytes - 1997/10/31 - Sprint Canada Inc.

TPCO0610.DOC - 28672 bytes - 1998/05/28 - NATG - Network

7) Regarding TIF - TPTF07.DOC - Selection of the Overall Coordinator and the New Test Teams Responsible for the Detailed LNP Trial Test Plan and Trial Implemntation

TPCO0701.DOC - 12800 bytes - 1997/08/25 - Sprint

TPCO0702.DOC - 14848 bytes - 1997/08/26 - Stentor

TPCO0703.DOC - 13824 bytes - 1997/08/26 - Stentor

TPCO0704.DOC - 27136 bytes - 1997/08/26 - Microcell

8) Regarding TIF - TPTF08.DOC -

TPCO0801.DOC - 13824 bytes - 1997/08/19 - TelcoPlus


Project Management Task Group (TM)

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Business Process Task Group (TB)

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Network Architecture Test Task Group (TA)

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Test Plans Task Group (TT)

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