LNP - Test Plan Development: Other Documents

Network Interconnection Group


CISCLNPT.DOC - 41,984 bytes - Changes to LNP Trial Test Plan Web site

METRONET.DOC - 13312 bytes - Subworking Group: LNP Trial Planning Title: Information regarding Technical Arbitrator

SPRINT1.DOC - 12800 bytes - The following constitutes the position of Sprint Canada Inc. (Sprint) with respect to the role of the ‘Technical Arbitrator’ as discussed in the LNP Trial SWG meeting of 97/10/30 and again on 97/11/06

TRIALPLA.DOC - 74240 bytes - LNP Trial Participants and Location

TPLE06.DOC - 13312 bytes - 1997/06/18 - LNP Trial Non-disclosure Agreements

TPLE04.DOC - 13824 bytes - 1997/06/18 - LNP Business Methods and Procedures


Project Management Task Group (TM)

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Business Process Task Group (TB)

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Network Architecture Test Task Group (TA)

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Test Plans Task Group (TT)

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