2005-01-05 - #: 8657-C12-200500034 - Modifications des exigences réglementaires en matière de dépôt des rapports

2005-04-04 - Circulaire de télécom CRTC 2005-5 Dépôt des rapports sur la consultation manuelle de la base de données AAA 9-1-1 et sur les interruptions des services fournis par les ESLT aux concurrents. Référence : 8661-C12-01/98 et 8657-C12-200500034.

2005-05- 04 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Telecom Circular CRTC 2005-5, Filing of reports on 9-1-1 manual access to the ALI database and on incumbents’ service interruptions to competitors (dated 4 April 2005), directed TELUS Communications Inc. (the “Company”) at paragraph 13.
Documents: 050504.zip - 37KO

2005-01-19 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments filed by Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Allstream Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Inc. on 12 January 2005. Pursuant to the procedures set out in Commission staff's letter of 5 January 2005, the following constitutes the reply comments of Bell Canada.
Document: 050119.doc - 59KO

2005-01-12 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: These comments are filed on behalf of TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") in response to a staff request for comments dated 5 January 2005 on the above noted topic proposing a reduction in the reporting frequency from quarterly to annually, of reports listing service interruptions to competitors due to network outages.
Document: 050112.doc - 41KO

2005-01-12 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of the two Commission staff letters dated 5 January 2005 concerning the above subjects.
Document: 050112.doc - 35KO

2005-01-12 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. is in receipt of the Commission's letter of 5 January 2005 requesting comments on its proposal that service interruption reports due to network outages be filed with the Commission annually rather than quarterly as is currently the case.
Document: 050112.doc - 439KO

2005-01-12 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to Order 2000-397, Altering terms of service for competitors that are customers, as modified by Commission staff's letter of 4 June 2003, Bell Canada (or the Company) provides quarterly reports to the Commission detailing all service outages exceeding 15 minutes in duration that affect service to competitors.
Document: 050112.doc - 65KO

2005-01-12 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: Pursuant to Order CRTC 2000-397, Altering terms of service for competitors that are customers, as modified by Commission staff's letter of 4 June 2003, Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel" or "the Company") provides quarterly reports to the Commission detailing all service outages exceeding 15 minutes in duration that affect service to competitors.
Document: 050112.doc - 59KO

2005-01-12 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Order CRTC 2000-397, Altering terms of service for competitors that are customers, as modified by the Commission staff's letter of 4 June 2003 Aliant Telecom Inc. is required to file reports to the Commission detailing all service outages exceeding 15 minutes in duration that affect service to competitors.
Document: 050112.doc - 39KO

2005-01-05 - Lettre du Conseil
Description:  Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Object : Modifications des exigences réglementaires en matière des rapports

Mise à jour : 2005-05-10

Date de modification :