2004-08-18 - #: 8640-B2-200408840 - Bell Canada - Demande d'abstention du Service point d'accès commuté à Internet

Dossier fermé - Lettre du Conseil - 2005-08-16

2005-08-16 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Demande en vertu de la Partie VII présentée par Bell Canada - Abstention de la réglementation du sevice de point d'accès commuté à Internet

2004-12-02 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments dated 17 September 2004 filed by Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net), Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (IMCAIP), TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) and WorldCom Canada Ltd. (d/o/b as MCI Canada) on behalf of itself and on behalf of MTS Allstream Inc. (collectively, the Competitors), relating to an Application filed 18 August 2004 by the Company
Document: 041202.doc - 158KO

2004-11-12 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net is in receipt of the Commission Staff letter dated 30 September 2004, in which further process was established for Bell Canada’s Application for Forbearance of IDP Services. In the letter, Commission staff directed Bell Canada to respond by 29 October 2004 to interrogatories served by Call-Net. As per the Commission Staff letter, Call-Net is filing comments on those interrogatory responses
Document: 041112.doc - 46KO

2004-11-12 - WorldCom Canada Ltd. (MCI Canada) and MTS Allstream Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: In accordance with the directions on procedure set out in the Commission’s letter of 30 September 2004, the following constitutes the supplmental comments of WorldCom Canada Ltd. (d/o/b as MCI Canada) and MTS Allstream Inc. (collectively, the Competitors) on Bell Canada’s request for forbearance of its Internet Dial Port (IDP) services
Document: 041112.doc - 614KO

2004-10-29 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of interrogatories dated 15 October 2004 filed by Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) and WorldCom Canada Ltd. on behalf of itself and on behalf of MTS Allstream Inc., relating to an Application filed 18 August 2004 by the Company. The Company's responses are attached
Document: 041029.zip - 308KO

2004-10-15 - WorldCom Canada Inc. (MCI Canada)
Description: In accordance with the directions on procedure set out in the Commission’s letter of 30 September 2004, please find attached the interrogatories of WorldCom Canada Ltd. (d/o/b as MCI Canada) and MTS Allstream Inc. in the above-referenced matter.
Document: 041015.doc - 596KO

2004-10-15 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net is in receipt of the Commission staff letter dated 30 September 2004 concerning the above subject. Pursuant to the process specified in that letter, Call-Net is addressing the following interrogatories, attached to this letter, to Bell Canada concerning the Part VII Application for Forbearance for Internet Dial Port (IDP) services (Application).
Document: 041015.doc - 56KO

2004-09-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description:  Lettre adressée à Bell Canada, Call-Net Enterprises Inc., MCI Canada, Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet, TELUS Corporation - Objet: Demande en vertu de la Partie VII présentée par Bell Canada en vue d’obtenir l’abstention de réglementation pour les services de point d’accès commuté à Internet (SPACI) : procédure révisée

2004-09-27 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments dated 17 September 2004 filed by Call-Net Enterprises Inc., the Canadian Association of Internet Providers, TELUS Corporation Inc. and WorldCom Canada Ltd. on behalf of itself and on behalf of MTS Allstream Inc., relating to an Application filed 18 August 2004 by the Company, pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, requesting that the Commission make a determination to refrain wholly and unconditionally from exercising its powers and performing its duties under sections 24, 25, 27, 29 and 31 of the Telecommunications Act with respect to current and future Internet Dial Port services.
Document: 040927_2.doc - 62KO

2004-09-17 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: This submission is filed by the Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (IMCAIP) in connection with the above-referenced matter.
Document: 040917.doc - 125KO

2004-09-17 - WorldCom Canada Ltd. (MCI Canada) and MTS Allstream Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: The Competitors are in receipt of an application by Bell Canada, dated 18 August 2004, requesting that the Commission make a determination under section 34 of the Telecommunications Act
Document: 040917.pdf - 94KO

2004-09-17 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS supports Bell’s Application for forbearance of IDP service.
Document: 040917.doc - 63KO

2004-09-17 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) submits these comments with respect to Bell Canada’s August 18, 2004 Part VII Application for Forbearance for Internet Dial Port (IDP) services (Application).
Document: 040917.doc - 37KO

2004-08-18 - Bell Canada
Description: The attached Application is submitted by Bell Canada (or the Company) in accordance with Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 040818.doc - 767KO

Mise à jour : 2005-08-17

Date de modification :