2004-03-22 - #: 8622-F18-200402321- FCI Broadband & Maskatel Inc. - Demande concernant la fourniture par l'ESL de services LAN autonomes aux clients des services vocaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux locaux parallèles

2005-04-08 - Dossier fermé - Lettre du Conseil

2005-04-08 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée
Description: Lettre adressée à FCI Broadband - Objet : Partie VII Demande concernant la fourniture par l'ESL de services LAN autonomes aux clients des services vocaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux locaux parallèles

2005-04-01 - Bell Canada
Description: The following is provided as an update to Aliant’s and Bell Canada’s letter of 15 September 2004, in which Bell Canada indicated that it intended, by the end of March 2005, to begin to make available DSL over Bell Canada’s "dry copper" to CLEC customers served over parallel networks, and to wireless customers.
Documents: 050401.zip - 31KO

2004-09-15 - Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada

Description: As outlined in their respective submissions regarding the above-noted proceeding Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant) and Bell Canada have provided the Commission with details of plans to offer DSL IS to new and existing customers over "dry loops". The purpose of this letter is to provide the Commission with an update on the status of these plans as well as for each Company to confirm their intentions to provide this capability once the appropriate technical solutions have been deployed in their networks.
Document: 040915_2.doc - 238KO

2004-07-30 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Demande présentée par FCI Broadband/Maskatel en vertu de la Partie VII concernant la fourniture par l'ESL de services LAN autonomes aux clients des services vocaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux locaux parallèles

2004-07-23 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) acknowledges receipt of your letter of 22 July 2004 in relation to the above referenced proceeding.
Document: 040723_1.doc - 68KO

2004-07-22 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée aux Participants - Objet: Demande présentée par FCI Broadband/Masketel en vertu de la Partie VII concernant la fourniture par l'ESL de service LAN autonomes aux clients des services locaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux locaux parallèles

2004-07-21 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS herein provides its reply comments in response to the supplemental comments provided by FCI Broadband and Maskatel in the context of the current proceeding
Document: 040721.doc - 56KO

2004-07-21 - FCI Broadband
Description: The attached Final Comments are filed today by FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. in reply to the final replies and comments of the parties.
Document: 040721.pdf - 62KO

2004-07-21 - Xit Telecom Inc.
Description: Xit télécom inc. ne déposera pas de répliques finales au présent dossier puisque les règles de procédures ne prévoient pas qu’une telle chose soit permissible
Document: 040721.doc - 91KO

2004-07-21 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: In a CRTC staff letter dated 2004 06 15 the Commission made Aliant Telecom Inc. a party to the proceeding associated with a Part VII application filed on 2004 03 22 by Futureway Communications Inc. and Maskatel Inc.
Document: 040721.doc - 48KO

2004-07-21 - Bell Canada
Description: The Commission's letters of 15 June 2004 and of 6 July 2004 issued directions on procedure pertaining to FCI Broadband's and Maskatel's (collectively, the Applicants) Part VII application regarding the marketing of Digital Subscriber Line services. In accordance with those directions, Bell Canada provides the attached supplementary reply.
Document: 040721.doc - 102KO

2004-07-14 - Xit Télécom inc.
Description: Commentaires supplémentaires de Xit télécom concernant la requête de FCI Broadband & Maskatel Inc.
Document: 040714.doc - 108KO

2004-07-14 - Microcell Solutions Inc.
Description: Microcell Solutions Inc. is pleased to provide the following further comments on the above-noted Application
Document: 040714.doc - 42KO

2004-07-14 -Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: The attached Comments are filed by SaskTel in accordance with the procedures outlined in the 6 July 2004 Commission letter in the above noted process
Document: 040714.doc - 93KO

2004-07-14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the directions set out by the Commission in its correspondence dated June 15, 2004, TELUS herein provides its supplemental comments in response to the evidence provided by FCI Broadband and Maskatel in the context of the current proceeding
Document: 040714.doc - 59KO

2004-07-14 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated 15 June 2004 MTS Allstream provides the following comments
Document: 040714.doc - 471KO

2004-07-14 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: In a CRTC staff letter dated 2004 06 15 the Commission made Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant) a party to the proceeding associated with a Part VII application filed on 2004 03 22 by Futureway Communications Inc. and Maskatel Inc (the Application).
Document: 040714.doc - 48KO

2004-07-14 - Bell Canada
Description: The Commission's letters of 15 June 2004 and of 6 July 2004 issued directions on procedure pertaining to FCI Broadband's and Maskatel's (collectively, the Applicants) Part VII application regarding the marketing of Digital Subscriber Line services. In accordance with those directions, Bell Canada provides the attached comments.
Document: 040714.doc - 135KO

2004-07-06 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à SaskTel - Objet: FCI Broadband/Maskatel - Demande en vertu de la Partie VII concernant la fourniture par l'ESL de services LAN autonomes aux clients des services vocaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux locaux parallèles - Prolongation de la date pour le dépôt des observations et des répliques aux observations

2004-06-30 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. (MTS) is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated 15 June 2004 requesting information pertaining to the provision of its digital subscriber line Internet service (DSL IS). MTS is providing the attached responses on behalf of the MTS Allstream Inc.
Document: 040630.zip - 122KO

2004-06-30 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedure established by the Commission in its correspondence dated 15 June 2004, TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS or the Company) herewith files its interrogatory responses
Document: 040630.zip - 40KO

2004-06-30 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Pursuant to the procedure established by Commission letter of 15 June 2004 Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits responses to the interrogatories posed by the Commission
Document: 040630.zip - 80KO

2004-06-30 - FCI Broadband
Description: The attachment is filed by FCI Broadband, a division of Futureway Communications Inc. and Maskatel Inc. in response to the Commissions's letter of 15 June 2004 and Interrogatories requested therein
Document: 040630.zip - 83KO

2004-06-30 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) is filing this request for a change in the procedure set out in the 15 June 2004 Commission letter (the Commission letter).
Document: 040630.doc - 56KO

2004-06-30 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures contained in the Commission's letter of 15 June 2004, attached are the Companies responses to the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 040630.zip - 85KO

2004-06-30 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: In accordance with the CRTC Staff Letter dated 2004 06 15, Aliant Telecom Inc. provides its responses to the Commission's interrogatories
Document: 040630.zip - 53KO

2004-06-15 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Aliant Telecom, Allstream, Bell Canada, FCI Broadband, Microcell, MTS Communications, Primus, SaskTel, TELUS et Xit Telecom - Objet: FCI Broadband/Maskatel - Demande en vertu de la Partie VII concernant la fourniture par l'ESL de services LAN autonomes aux clients des services locaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux locaux parallèles - Demandes de renseignements

2004-05-31 - Microcell Solutions Inc.
Description: Microcell is in receipt of a May 28, 2004 intervention by Bell in relation to the above-noted Application
Document: 040531.doc - 40KO

2004-05-28 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of comments from Xit télécom and Microcell Solutions Inc. (Microcell) dated 3 May 2004 and 4 May 2004, respectively, with respect to the above noted application. The following is Bell Canada's response to new information filed on the record by Xit télécom and to Microcell's request for the scope of the proceeding to be expanded to address circumstances different than those provided for in the FCI Broadband and Maskatel Part VII application.
Document: 040528.doc - 85KO

2004-05-28 - FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: The attached Reply Comments are filed by FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. (together “the Competitors”) in response to the Answers of Aliant Telecom, Allstream Corp., Bell Canada, Microcell Solutions Inc., Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc., Telus Communications Inc., Télébec, and Xit Télécom inc., pursuant to the Commission's letter dated May 13, 2004.
Document: 040528.pdf - 76KO

2004-05-13 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à FCI Broadband - Objet: Demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par FCI Broadband et Markatel Inc. Concernant la fourniture de services LAN autonomes par l'ESLT aux clients des services vocaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux parallèles

2004-05-12 - FCI Broadband
Description: FCI Broadband is in receipt of the answers filed by certain parties in connection with the above-noted Application
Document: 040512.doc - 60KO

2004-05-07 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Further to the Commission's letter of 14 April 2004 in which it issued directions on procedure, Aliant provides the folowing answer to the application.
Documen: 040507.pdf - 63KO

2004-05-04 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's directions in its letter dated April 15, 2004 the following Answer is provided by TELUS.
Document: 040504.doc - 52KO

2004-05-04 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. has obtained a copy of a Part VII Application, dated 22 March 2004, by FCI Broadband and Maskatel (the Competitors) regarding the provision of stand alone ILEC DSL services to CLEC voice customers served over parallel local networks
Document: 040504.doc - 71KO

2004-05-04 - Télébec, société en commandite
Description: Par la présente, Télébec, société en commandite dépose auprès du Conseil sa réplique à la demande de FCI Broadband et Maskatel Inc déposée selon la Partie VII des règles de procédure et portant sur le service de Ligne Numérique à Paire Asymétrique (LNPA) sur réseau parallèle
Document: 040504.doc - 43KO

2004-05-04 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of an application from Futureway Communications Inc., doing business as FCI Broadband (FCI) and from Maskatel Inc., (collectively, the Applicants), dated 22 March 2004. The Applicants seek an order from the Commission to require the ILECs to provide to existing and potential customers within their ILEC serving territory Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Internet services (IS) over local loops in instances in which the Applicants have constructed or otherwise provisioned their own local loop and in which an ILEC local loop is not used to provide local exchange telephone service.
Documen: 040504.zip - 541KO

2004-05-04 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream Corp. is in receipt of an application from FCI Broadband and Maskatel inc. (collectively, the Applicants) filed on 22 March 2004 . Allstream provides the following comments with regard to this application.
Document: 040504.doc - 253KO

2004-05-04 - Microcell Solutions Inc.
Description: Microcell is in receipt of the above-noted Application dated March 22, 2004, and the related procedural letter from Commission staff dated April 14, 2004. We are pleased to provide the following comments on the issues raised therein.
Document: 040504.doc - 41KO

2004-05-03 - Xit Télécom inc.
Description: Commentaires de Xit telecom concernant la requete de FCI Broadband & Maskatel Inc.
Document: 0405043.doc - 147KO

2004-04-14 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à TELUS Corporation - Objet: Demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par FCI Broadband et Maskatel Inc. concernant la fourniture de services LAN autonomes par l'ESLT aux clients des services vocaux de l'ESLC desservis sur des réseaux parallèles

2004-04-07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS is in receipt of an Application filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure dated 22 March 2004 from FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. (the Competitors or the Applicants) seeking an order from the Commission "to apply the principle established by Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Document: 040407.zip - 61KO

2004-03-22 - FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. (the Competitors)
Description: FCI Broadband, a division of Futureway Communications Inc. and Maskatel inc. (together the Competitors) are filing this application pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure
Documen: 040322.zip - 52KO

Mise à jour : 2005-04-12

Date de modification :