Distributel Communications Limited: 8622-D11-200917114

Application requesting the Commission to direct Rogers to release the numbers and to proceed with the coordination of the port activity (Bulk porting request to Rogers)

2010-07-23 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-511 Distributel Communications Limited - Application for an order to bulk port telephone numbers to its network
File number: 8622-D11-200917114

2010-05-11 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description:c Pursuant to the Commission letter April 30, 2010, Distributel Communications Limited hereby submits the following responses to interrogatory.
Document: 1392502.pdf - 132KB

2010-05-11 - Rogers Cable Communications Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedure set out by the Commission in a letter dated April 30, 2010 and a subsequent letter dated May 4, 2010, Rogers Cable Communications hereby submits its interrogatory responses.
Document: 1392498.zip - 48KB

2010-05-11 - Comwave Telecom Inc.
Description: The following constitutes the response of Comwave Telecom Inc. to the Commission's interrogatory of 30 April 2010.
Document: 1392489.pdf - 51KB

2010-05-04 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distributel Communications Limited, Comwave Telecom Inc., Rogers Cable Communications Inc., Goodmans LLP and Cybersurf Corp. - Re: Bulk Porting of Telephone Numbers Acquired by Distributel / CTI - Interrogatory

2010-04-30 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distributel Communications Limited, Comwave Telecom Inc., Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Cybersurf Corp. - Re: Bulk Porting of Telephone Numbers Acquired by Distributel/CTI - Interrogatory

2010-04-30 - Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP on behalf of Distributel Communications Limited and its affiliate Communications Télosystème Inc.
Description: We have received a copy of the letter from Godmans LLP on behalf of Comwave Telecom Inc. requesting a nine day extension from May 5, 2010 to May 14, 2010 for the submission of reponses to the above-noted interrogatories of the Commission.
Document: 1387629.pdf - 44KB

2010-04-30 - Godmans LLP on behalf of Comwave Telecom Inc.
Description: We are writing on behalf of Comwave Telecom Inc. (“Comwave”) in the above-referenced matter. Yuval Barzakay, Comwave’s President, received your letter and interrogatory of today’s date, requesting that parties submit their responses to the Commission no later than 5 May 2010.
Document: 1387583.doc - 80KB

2010-01-29 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Distributel Communications Limited (“Distributel”) is providing its final comments in relation to CRTC File: 8622-D11-200917114 concerning the Bulk Porting of Telephone Numbers Acquired by Distributel.
Document: 1349934.pdf - 32KB

2010-01-26 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: The follow letter serves as Cybersurf Corp (Cybersurf)’s final comments on the above cited matter.
Document: 1348160.doc - 72KB

2010-01-26 - Comwave Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission’s revised letter of procedure issued 21 January 2010, the following are the further comments of Comwave Telecom Inc. (“Comwave”) with respect to the above-referenced matter.
Document: 1348148.pdf - 44KB

2010-01-26 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Distributel Communications Limited (“Distributel”) is providing its reply comments in relation to CRTC File: 8622-D11-200917114 concerning the Bulk Porting of Telephone Numbers Acquired by Distributel.
Document: 1348135.pdf - 52KB

2010-01-26 - Rogers Cable Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (“RCCI”) has received copies of the comments filed by Cybersurf and Comwave on the above noted proceeding initiated by Distributel Communications Limited (“Distributel”).
Document: 1347743.pdf - 54KB

2010-01-21 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distributel Communications Limited, Comwave Telecom Inc., Rogers Cable Communications Inc., Goodmans LLP and Cybersurf Corp. - Re: Bulk Porting of Telephone Numbers Acquired by Distributel – Further Process

2010-01-20 - Distributel Communications Limited

Description: Distributel Communications Limited (Distributel) is in receipt of a letter dated 18 January 2010 addressed to Commission staff from Comwave Telecom Inc. (Comwave). In its letter, Comwave accuses Distributel of engaging in game-playing and flouting the regulatory process established by the Commission in its letter of December 23, 2009.
Document: 1345185.pdf - 59KB

2010-01-18 - Comwave Telecom Inc.
Description: On December 23, 2009, the Commission issued a letter respecting the above-referenced matter in which it set out a process and timeline for submissions by all of the parties involved in the issue.
Document: 1344374.pdf - 62KB

2010-01-15 - Comwave Telecom Inc.
Description: The following are the submissions of Comwave Telecom Inc. (“Comwave”) in response to the process set out in the Commission’s letter of 23 December 2009.
Document: 1343682.pdf - 44KB

2010-01-15 - Rogers Cable Communications Inc.

Description: On December 14, 2009 Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (“RCCI”) received a copy of a letter filed with the Commission by Distributel Communications Limited (“Distributel”), a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (“CLEC”) operating throughout Ontario and Quebec.
Document: 1343671.pdf - 63KB

2010-01-10 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: On December 23 by way of letter correspondence the Commission asked Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf) to respond to an Application by Distributel Communications Limited (Distributel) to require Comwave Telecom Inc (Comwave) to bulk transfer the DIDs of customers Distributel purchased from Cybersurf in June 2009.
Document: 1343697.doc - 87KB

2009-12-23 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distributel Communications Limited, Rogers Cable Communications Inc., Goodmans LLP and Cybersurf Corp. - Re: Bulk Porting of Telephone Numbers Acquired by Distributel

2009-12-15 - Doodmans for Conwave Telecom Inc.
Description: As briefly discussed in our telephone conversaton yesterday, CTI, an affiliate of Distributel Communications Limited, recently acquired the customer base of Cybersurf.
Document: 1337051.pdf - 160KB

2009-12-14 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Distributel Communications Limited (Distributel) is a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) operating in many Local Interconnection Regions (LIR) throughout Ontario and Quebec. As you are aware, Distributel has recently acquired the assets of Cybersurf Inc. (Cybersurf).
Document: 1337049.doc - 45KB

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