2009-02-26 - #: 8622-C151-200905102 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance (CCSA) - Request for Final Offer Arbitration to resolve a commercial dispute between the CCSA and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers)

File using the On-line Services

2009-05-22 - Broadcasting Decision  CRTC 2009-301 Request for dispute resolution by Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. relating to the service provided by Rogers Sportsnet Inc

2009-05-04 - Commission Letter
File #: 8622-C151-200905102
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Dispute between Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers) – Confidentiality of documents

2009-04-22 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Dispute between Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers) – Confidentiality of documents

2009-04-15 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: Please find attached CCSA’s responses to the Commission’s interrogatories as set out in the Commission’s letter of April 9, 2009.
Document: 1079892.zip - 220KB

2009-04-15 - Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet)
Description: Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet) is in receipt of CCSA's letter of 14 April 2009 concerning the confidential treatment to be accorded to the documents filed in this matter.
Document: 1078923.pdf - 30KB

2009-04-14 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: CCSA is in receipt of Sportsnet's Detailed Memorandum of April 2, 2009 and, also, the Commission's interrogatories delivered under the CRTC's letter of April 9, 2009.
Document: 1075378.pdf - 103KB

2009-04-14 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: As requested in the Commission's letter of March 18, 2009, please be advised that the following persons will be in attendance at the hearing on April 24, 2009.
Document: 1075382.pdf - 221KB

2009-04-14 - Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet)
Description: Please be advised that the following people will be in attendance at the above-noted hearing on April 24th, 2009:
Document: 1075384.doc - 47KB

2009-04-09 - Commission Letter
File #: 8622-C151-200905102
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Canadian Cable systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) request for Final Offer Arbitration to resolve a commercial dispute between the CCSA and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers)

2009-04-08 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Dispute between Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers) – Confidentiality of documents

2009-04-06 - Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet)
Description: RSN has received a copy of a letter from CCSA dated 3 April 2009 regarding confidentiality of documents in the matter referenced above. 
Document: 1065652.doc - 44KB

2009-04-03 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: In its submissions of April 2, 2009, Sportsnet says that "... any CCSA or RSN documents containing terms and conditions of offer or outlining any aspect of the history of the negotiations also represent commercially sensitive information..." Sportsnet requests that all such documents be withheld from the public record of this matter.
Document: 1065649.pdf - 98KB

2009-04-02 - Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet)
Description: Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (RSN) is pleased to submit its Detailed Memorandum in the manner referenced above.
Document: 1065637.pdf - 771KB

2009-04-02 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission for conduct of the subject dispute resolution proceeding in its letters of March 18, March 20 and March 31, 2009, the Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. hereby submits its brief to the Commission entitled "CCSA Statement of Fact, Issues and Law".
Document: 1065932.pdf - 1437KB

2009-03-31 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Canadian Cable systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) request for Final Offer Arbitration to resolve a commercial dispute between the CCSA and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers)

2009-03-26 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: We acknowledge receipt of correspondence from RSI dated March 25, 2009.
Document: 1065583.pdf - 186KB

2009-03-25 - Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet)
Description: We are in receipt of the Commission's letter of March 20th in response to our letter of March 19th regarding the above-noted matter.
Document: 1065532.doc - 59KB

2009-03-20 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Canadian Cable systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) request for Final Offer Arbitration to resolve a commercial dispute between the CCSA and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers)

2009-03-19 - Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Sportsnet)
Description: We are in receipt of the Commission’s letter of March 18th regarding the above-noted matter.  In its letter the Commission states that “[i]n light of the issues raised by the parties in their submissions and in accordance with the expedited process established in Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2009-28, the Commission will render a final determination on this matter on an expedited basis through an oral public hearing.” [emphasis added].
Document: 1065508.doc - 55KB

2009-03-19 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description: We acknowledge receipt of a copy of Sportsnet's letter to the Commission dated today, March 19, 2009.
Document: 1065515.pdf - 32KB

2009-03-18 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Media and Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. - Re: Canadian Cable systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) request for Final Offer Arbitration to resolve a commercial dispute between the CCSA and Rogers Sportsnet Inc. (Rogers)

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