2005-09-09 - #: 8661-C12-200510562 - Public Notice 2005-13 - Bell Canada proposal for VoIP service pricing in Ontario and Quebec

Public Notice 2005-1 Schedule


 Deadline Dates

Comments 2005-09-28 (revised)
Reply comments 2005-09-30 (revised)

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Public Notices, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Interested Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties

Section 2 - Documents from Bell Canada
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply Comments

Section 4 - Documents from parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents
a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Public Notices, Decisions, etc.

2007-04-05 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-21 The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6900, except for an aspect of Bell Canada's proposed tariff related to local number portability and subject to Bell Digital Voice service being included in the sub-baskets of residential optional services. It also approves Bell Canada's request to withdraw General Tariff item 7030, Bell Digital Voice . Reference: 8662-Q15-200512443, Bell Canada TNs  6899 and 6900

2005-10-20 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-62 The Commission renders its determination in the proceeding initiated in Bell Canada proposal for VoIP service pricing in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13, 9 September 2005 and amended in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13-1. The Commission approves, on an interim basis, Bell-Canada's Tariff Notice 6900. The Commission notes that its determination to allow Bell Canada the ability to price its service differently in Ontario and Quebec is limited to its Bell Digital Voice service proposed in Tariff Notice 6900. References: 8661-C12-200510562 and Bell Canada TN 6900.

2005-09-21 - Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13-1 The Commission revises the timelines for the proceeding in which the Commission invited comments on that aspect of an ex parte application by Bell Canada proposing to allow it to have distinct price ranges in Ontario and Quebec for a voice over Internet Protocol service. Reference: 8661-C12-200510562 and Bell Canada TN 6900.

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

2005-09-15 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

No Documents

Section 2b) Comments

2005-09-13 - Bell Canada
Description: This is further to letters, dated 12 September 2005, submitted respectively by Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) and Quebecor Media (on behalf of its subsidiaries, Videotron ltee and Videotron Telecom Ltd) (collectively, VTL) in which Cogeco and VTL take issue with the procedure set out in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13 (PN 2005-13). Bell Canada (or the Company) is also in receipt of a letter from Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc (Primus), dated 13 September 2005.
Document: 050913.doc - 72KB

Section 2c) Reply comments

2005-09-30 – Bell Canada
Description:In accordance with the revised procedure set out in Public Notice 2005-13-1, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits the following reply comments.
Documents: 050930.doc - 102KB

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

2005-09-13 - Primus Telecommunications Canada
Description: Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) is in receipt of a letter from Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco), dated 12 September 2005, in which Cogeco requests that the Commission revise the expedited process and modify the scope of Bell Digital Voice Service, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-9, 7 July 2005.
Document: 050913.doc - 75KB

2005-09-12 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: Quebecor Media inc. (QMI) is filing this letter on behalf of itself and its subsidiary corporations, Vidéotron ltée (Vidéotron) and Videotron Telecom Ltd. (VTL). Vidéotron is the largest cable system operator in Québec, while VTL is a registered Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC).
Document: 050912.doc - 42KB

Section 4b) Comments

2005-09-28 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 8 of Bell Canada proposal for VoIP service pricing in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13-1, 21 September 2005 (PN 05-13), Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) hereby files its comments.
Document: 050928.doc - 97KB

2005-09-28 - MTS Allstream
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13 (PN 2005-13), Bell Canada proposal for VoIP service pricing in Ontario and Quebec, dated 9 September 2005, as amended by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13-1, dated 21 September 2005, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) provides the following comments on Bell Canada's (Bell) proposal to charge different rates within a rate band in Ontario and Québec.
Document: 050928.doc - 131KB

2005-09-23 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: In Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13-1 (PN 2005-13-1), issued at 2:00 PM last Wednesday, the Commission directed Bell to place on the public record an electronic version of its Tariff Notice 6900 and allowed without further procedures a short extension of the dates specified in PN 2005-13 to file supplementary comments
Documents: 050923.doc - 136KB

2005-09-14 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in PN 2005-13, Quebecor Media inc. (QMI) is filing these commest on behalf of itself and its subsidiary
Document: 050914.pdf - 597KB

2005-09-14 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of Bell Canada comments, dated 13 September 2005, with respect to Cogeco and Quebecor Media’s interventions, dated 12 September 2005, filed on the PN 2005-13 proceeding
Document: 050914.doc - 114KB

2005-09-14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission’s directions set out in paragraph 11 of Public Notice CRTC 2005-13 (hereinafter “PN 2005-13”), the following constitutes TELUS Communications Inc. (“TELUS”) response to Bell
Document: 050914.doc - 39KB

2005-09-14 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description:Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) received the above Subject Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13 requesting comments on Bell Canada’s (Bell’s) proposal in TN 6900
Document: 050914.doc - 77KB

2005-09-14 - Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA)
Description: Pursuant to the process, the CCTA offers the following comments
Document: 050914.pdf - 31KB

2005-09-14 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is in receipt of a letter from Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco), dated 12 September 2005, in respect of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13 (PN 2005-13)
Document: 050914.doc - 91KB

2005-09-14 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process established in the above-noted Public Notice, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) is pleased to provide the following comments
Document: 050914.doc - 249KB

2005-09-14 - Ministère de la Culture et des Communications
Description: Conformément au paragraphe 11 de la procédure décrite dans l’Avis public de télécom CRTC 2005-13, le ministère de la Culture et des Communications soumet, au nom du gouvernement du Québec, les observations ci-jointes.
Document: 050914.zip - 7KB

2005-09-14 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 11 of PN 2005-13, dated 19 September 2005, this letter constitutes the comments of Aliant Telecom Inc.
Document: 050914.pdf - 73KB

2005-09-12 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: In Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-13 (PN 2005-13), issued at 2:00 PM last Friday, the Commission initiated an expedited process to consider Bell Canada's ex parte application dated 2 September 2005, in which Bell proposes to have distinct price ranges in Ontario and Quebec for a digital voice service, thereby permitting Bell to charge different rates within a rate band in Ontario and Quebec.
Document: 050912.doc - 151KB

Section 4c) Reply comments

No documents

Section 8a) Costs

No documents

Section 8b) Others

No documents

Date Modified: 2007-04-05

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