Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC) : 8661-P8-201116807
Application regarding certain billing practices of the Wireless Service Providers which contravene Section 27(2) of the Telecommunications Act - 2011-12-22
2012-10-16 - Telecom orders CRTC 2012-565 Determination of Cost Award
Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of l’Union des consommateurs in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-206 proceeding
File numbers: 8661-C12-201204057, 8620-R28-201202598, 8661-P8-201116807, and 4754-404
2012-10-16 - Telecom orders CRTC 2012-564 Determination of Cost Award
Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the
Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Canada Without Poverty, and the Consumers’ Association of Canada in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-206 proceeding
File numbers: 8661-C12-201204057, 8620-R28-201202598, 8661-P8-201116807, and 4754-402
2012-10-11 - Telecom decision CRTC 2012-556 Decision on whether the conditions in the mobile wireless market have changed sufficiently to warrant Commission intervention with respect to mobile wireless services
File numbers: 8661-C12-201204057; 8620-R28-201202598; 8661-P8 201116807
2012-04-04 - Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2012-206 Call for comments - Proceeding to consider whether the conditions in the Canadian wireless market have changed sufficiently to warrant Commission intervention with respect to retail wireless services
Deadline for submission of interventions: 3 May 2012
File numbers: 8661-C12-201204057; 8620-R28-201202598; 8661-P8-201116807
2012-10-02 - Commission Procedural Letter
Letter addressed to
Distribution List
Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and the Consumers’ Association of Canada in the proceeding initiated by a Part 1 application regarding certain billing practices of the wireless service providers, Telecom Order CRTC 2012-420
2012-08-22 - MTS Inc. and Allstream Inc.
MTS Inc. and Allstream Inc. (collectively, MTS Allstream) are in receipt of comments put forth by TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or the “Company”) and Quebecor Media Inc. (Quebecor Media) in regards to Telecom Order 2012-420, dated 2 August 2012, concerning determination of costs award with respect to certain billing practices of the wireless service providers.
Document: 1755257.doc - 116KB
2012-08-22 - Rogers Communications Partnership
Description: Rogers Communications is in receipt of the above-mentioned letter filed by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) dated August 17, 2012. Rogers is also in receipt of a letter filed on August 21, 2012 by Quebecor Media Inc. (Quebecor) in support of TELUS’ letter.
Document: 1755244.pdf - 49KB
2012-08-21 - Quebecor Media, on behalf of its affiliate Videotron
Description: In its letter, TELUS points out a continuing problem with the methodology and manner in
which costs for certain awards are calculated and allocated for payment amongst
interested parties.
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2012-08-17 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or the “Company”) is in receipt of Telecom Order 2012-420, dated August 2, 2012, in relation to the above noted Part 1 application regarding certain billing practices of the wireless service providers.
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2012-06-19 - Commission Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Application for costs by PIAC/CAC for their participation in the proceeding initiated by PIAC pursuant to Part 1 of the Rules of Procedure regarding certain billing practices of wireless service providers, File 8661-P8-201116807 – Our file 4754-399
2012-06-20 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (“PIAC”) and the Consumers’ Association of Canada (collectively, “PIAC/CAC”) are in receipt of Commission staff's letter of 19 June
2012 requesting answers to two questions in regard to Mr. Léger's time spent on this
matter regarding "research" and research and drafting.
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2012-06-11 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: Thank you for your letter of 8 June 2012 regarding the above-noted applications.
Document: 1727400.pdf - 507KB
2012-06-08 - Commission Procedural Letter
File #: 8661-M59-201115403 - 8661-P8-201116807 - 8661-C12-201204057 - 8663-B54-201200501
Description: Letter addressed to
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Re:
Applications for costs by PIAC for its participation in various Commission proceedings (MTS Part 1 re reclassification of Ethernet services, File 8661-M59-201115403; PIAC Part 1 re certain billing practices, File 8661-P8-201116807; Telecom Notice of Consultation 2012-206; and Bell Part 1 re revised requirement for negotiated agreements, File 8663-B54-201200501) Our files 4754-398, 4754-399, 4754-402, and 4754-403
2012-04-05 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and the Consumers’ Association of
Canada (PIAC/CAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (“PIAC”) and the Consumers’ Association of
Canada (collectively, “PIAC/CAC”) are in receipt of comments issued 29 March 2012,
respectively by Bell Mobility and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel.) and 30
March 2012 by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS), regarding an application for
costs filed by PIAC/CAC on 19 March 2012 pursuant to section 66 of the CRTC Rules of
Practice and Procedure (“the Rules of Practice”) in relation to our participation in the
above-referenced proceeding.
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2012-03-30 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or the “Company”) is in receipt of
an application for costs filed by PIAC/CAC for the above-noted proceeding.
Pursuant to Rule 67 of the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure (the “Rules”),
TELUS files this Answer to PIAC/CAC’s application for costs.
1697640.pdf - 85KB
2012-03-29 -
Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) is in receipt of an application for costs filed by the Public Interest Advocacy Center (PIAC) in relation to the above-noted proceeding. Pursuant to Rule 67 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the “Rules”), SaskTel files this Answer to the application for costs.
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2012-03-29 -
Bell Mobility
Description: Bell Mobility (or the Company) is in receipt of an application for costs dated 19 March 2012 from PIAC in relation to the above-noted proceeding. Bell Mobility has concerns with respect to the cost respondents named by PIAC as well as the costs claimed by PIAC.
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2012-03-19 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC, as counsel for the Consumer's Association of Canada and PIAC (collectivily, "PIAC/CAC") hereby submits its costs claim in the above-noted proceeding.
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2011-12-22 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC)
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (“PIAC”) on its own behalf and the Consumers’ Association of Canada (collectively, “PIAC/CAC”) hereby make application to the Commission to issue certain
directives to the Respondent Wireless Service Providers and to all of the wireless service providers it Regulates directly or indirectly (via Canadian Carriers) (collectively, “WSPs”) as further described below.
Document: - 165KB
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