Persona Communications Corp. - AMT 6 - 8740-P45-201506891

Tarif général - Service d'accès Internet de tiers (AIT) - 2015-06-26

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2016-02-15 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is in receipt of Eastlink Tariff Notice (“TN”) 35A filed with the Commission by Bragg Communications Inc, (“Bragg”) operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”). Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 5 February 2016 (“CRTC Procedural Letter”), this constitutes CNOC’s intervention with respect to TN 35A, inclusive of Eastlink’s proposed Third Party Internet Access (“TPIA”) Service Agreement and Eastlink’s 9 February 2016 response to the request for information (“RFI”) posed in the CRTC Procedural Letter regarding the location of Eastlink`s TPIA point of interconnection (`POI`).
Document: 2541675.pdf - 67 Ko

2015-09-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8740-E17-201511064, 8740-P45-201506891, 8740-P45-201510777
Description : Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 7 et 35 concernant le service AIT d’Eastlink – Lettre de procédure

2015-09-09 - ISN Inc.
Description: It is necessary to reply to the Eastlink 'Out of Process Comments' letter of today's date.
Document: 2427483.pdf - 44 Ko

2015-09-09 - Eastlink (Persona Communications Corp.)
Description: Eastlink is in receipt of comments from ISN Inc. dated August 20, 2015 in reply to Eastlink’s Reply filed on the same date. Eastlink submits that these comments were entirely out of process and should be removed from the record of this proceeding.
Document: 2426453.pdf - 78 Ko

2015-09-04 - Eastlink (Persona Communications Corp.)
Description: Pursuant to Commission instructions, Persona Communications Inc. and Bragg Communications Inc., both operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”) hereby withdraws Tariff Notice 6.
Document: 2424986.pdf - 49 Ko

2015-08-20 - ISN Inc.
Description: Resellers in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island are under contract with Bragg Communications Incorporated, and not Persona Communications. Bell and its 100% owned affiliate Bell Aliant file separate tariffs, and in the case of Bell Aliant, have different tariffs for Ontario and Quebec than in Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island.
Document: 2417272.pdf - 71 Ko

2015-08-20 - Eastlink (Persona Communications Corp.)
Description: Eastlink is in receipt of interventions to Eastlink’s tariff application TN6 filed by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC), Navnet Communications and ISN Inc. (together the “interveners”) dated July 27, 2015 and we provide our reply herein. Eastlink is filing certain information in confidence pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act.
Document: 2416810.pdf - 155 Ko

2015-08-05 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Eastlink et au Consortium des Opérateurs de Réseaux Canadiens Inc. - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 6 d’Eastlink – Demande de prorogation du délai pour déposer les répliques

2015-07-31 - Eastlink
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as Eastlink (“Eastlink”), is in receipt of CNOC’s reply to our extension requested dated July 30, 2015.
Document: 2404729.pdf - 62 Ko

2015-07-30 - Eastlink
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as Eastlink (“Eastlink”), is in receipt of the intervention by CNOC filed on July 27, 2015. We respectfully request a two-week extension to August 20, 2015 to file reply comments with respect to this Intervention.
Document: 2404881.pdf - 59 Ko

2015-07-30 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) in in receipt of a request from Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business a Eastlink (“Eastlink”) for an extension to August 20, 2015 to file its reply to CNOC’s intervention with respect to Eastlink TN 6.
Document: 2404895.pdf - 37 Ko

2015-07-27 - ISN Inc.
Description : This letter is dated today, July 27, 2015 as July 26, 2015 fell on a Sunday and neither the CRTC nor the executive offices of Bragg Communications appeared to be open on the weekend.
Document : 2403236.pdf - 46 Ko

2015-07-27 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”)
Description: On June 26, 2015, Persona Communications Inc. and Bragg Communications Inc. (“Bragg”), both operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”) filed Tariff Notice (“TN”) 6 proposing changes to General Tariff CRTC 21280 (“Eastlink’s General Tariff”, with the proposed changes collectively called “proposed TPIA Tariff”).
Document: 2402490.pdf - Ko

2015-07-24 - Navnet Communications
Description : We have been a reseller of the high speed internet service offering from Eastlink for 12 years.
Document : 2403675.pdf - 81 Ko

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