MTS Inc. - AMT 749 - 8740-M59-201400077

Tarif des services d'accès - Interconnexion de réseaux locaux et dégroupement des composantes réseau - 2014-01-07

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2014-06-09 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2014-305 MTS Inc. – Interconnexion de réseaux locaux et dégroupement des composantes réseau. APPROUVÉ - Numéros des dossiers : avis de modification tarifaire 749, 749A et 749B

2014-02-04 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2014-39 Ordonnance simplifiée
Le Conseil approuve provisoirement les demandes tarifaires suivantes :
AMT 749, 751 et 752 de MTS Inc.

2014-03-13 - MTS Allstream
Description : TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) filed an intervention on 6 February 2014 regarding the MTS Inc. (MTS) Tariff Notice No. 749 application (TN 749).
Document : 2090940.docx - 123 Ko

2014-02-14 - MTS Allstream
Description : MTS Inc. is in receipt of an intervention filed to the Commission by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) on 6 February 2014 regarding the MTS Inc. (MTS) Tariff Notice No. 749 application (TN 749). The Commission has also posted an intervention on its website that was filed by Fido Solutions Inc. (Fido) on 4 February 2014; however MTS did not receive a copy. MTS is filing the following comments that address both Fido’s and TELUS’ position in their interventions that oppose the tariff wording clarification that was filed in TN 749.
Document : 2077291.docx - 126 Ko

2014-02-06 - TELUS
Description : MTS Inc. (“MTS”) filed its Tariff Notice No. 749 (“TN749”) with the Commission on January 7, 2014. In TN749, MTS proposes an amendment to its tariff for CCS7 Transit Services.
Document : 2071190.pdf - 59 Ko

2014-02-04 - Fido Solutions Inc.
Description : Fido Solutions Inc. (Fido) is in receipt of MTS Inc. (MTS) Tariff Notice No. 749, filed on January 7, 2014, proposing a revision to MTS’ Access Services Tariff CRTC 24006 to revise Item 105 – Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling. Specifically, MTS is proposing an amendment to the existing tariff wording associated with CCS7 Transit Services.
Document : 2069543.pdf - 26 Ko

2014-01-23 - MTS Allstream
Description : Attached is the response to the Commission staff interrogatory directed to MTS Inc. on 17 January 2014.
Document : - 184 Ko

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