Bell Canada - TN 7480 - 8740-B2-201512757

Special Facilities Tariff - Wireless Service Providers (WSP) Enhanced 9-1-1 - 2015-11-10

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2016-05-11 - Bell Canada
Description: On 20 April 2016, we filed responses to the requests for information posed to us by Commission staff in a letter dated 17 March 2016 on the cost study we filed in support of the revised monthly rate per wireless telephone number that we proposed in the above referenced Tariff Notice (TN).  This revised rate was for our WSP 9-1-1 Phase II service and was associated with the In-Call Location Update (ICLU) feature for wireless 9-1-1 service.  We received comments on our responses from Rogers and QMI on 29 April 2016.  This submission represents our reply to those comments.
Document: 2601105.docx - 61KB

2016-04-29 - Québecor Média
Description: Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron, soumet ses observations eu égard aux réponses aux demandes de renseignements déposées par Bell le 20 avril dernier dans le cadre de l’instance mentionnée en rubrique.
Document: 2593527.doc - 73KB

2016-04-29 - Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers)
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a CRTC Letter dated March 17th, 2016, within which the Commission issued various interrogatories to Bell Canada (“Bell”) concerning the above-mentioned subject. Bell filed its responses to these interrogatories on April 20th. As per the revised procedure set out in the CRTC March 17 Letter, Rogers hereby submits its comments to the Bell’s interrogatory responses.
Document: 2592845.docx - 916KB

2016-04-20 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's request for information as set out in a letter dated 17 March 2016, attached is the response of Bell Canada.
Document: - 150KB

2016-04-20 - Bell Canada
Description: In Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 7480, we proposed changes to Bell Canada's Special Facilities Tariff (SFT) Item G21 – Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1  Service
(WSP E9-1-1) to implement a revised monthly rate per wireless telephone number (WTN) for WSP E9-1-1 Phase II service, which is associated with the introduction of In-Call Location Update (ICLU) feature for wireless 9-1-1 service (the E9-1-1 rate), which was mandated by the Commission in Decision 2013-124.
Document: 2586807.docx - 61KB

2016-04-11 - Commission Letter - Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Subject: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7480: Request for extension to provide comments on Rogers Communications Partnership’s (Rogers) intervention

2016-04-08 - Bell Canada
Description: We are in receipt of a Commission staff letter dated 5 April 2016 associated with an intervention from Rogers dated 10 December 2015, and associated with Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 7480. In this letter, staff notes that a Rogers' intervention was not published on the Commission's website until 29 March 2016 and requests that we address the comments therein less than a week later, on 11 April 2016.
Document: 2577252.doc - 56KB

2016-04-05 - Commission Letter - Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Subject: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7480 request for information

2016-03-17 - Commission Letter
Description : Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Subjet: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7480 request for information

2016-01-21 - Bell Canada
Description: In Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 7480, we proposed changes to Bell Canada's Special Facilities Tariff (SFT) Item G21 – Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1 Service (WSP E9-1-1) to implement a revised monthly rate per wireless telephone number (WTN) for WSP E9 1-1 Phase II service, which is associated with the introduction of In-Call Location Update (ICLU) feature for wireless 9-1-1 service, which was mandated by the Commission in Decision 2013-124 .
Document: 2523584.doc - 37KB

2015-12-10 - Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers)
Description: Dossier CRTC # 8740-B2-201512757 – Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7480 (TN 7480) – Intervention of Rogers Communications Partnership (Rogers)
Document: 2568957.docx - 76KB

2015-12-10 - Québecor Média
Description: Dossier CRTC # 8740-B2-201512757 – Avis de modification tarifaire 7480 (AMT 7480) de Bell Canada (Bell) – Intervention de Québecor Média inc. (Québecor Média) au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron s.e.n.c (Vidéotron)
Document: 2501260.doc - 76KB

2015-12-08 - Procedural Letter
Description: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7480: Request for extension to file interventions and reply comments

2015-12-03 - Bell Canada
Description: In Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 7480 dated 10 November 2015, we proposed changes to Bell Canada's Special Facilities Tariff (SFT) Item G21 – Wireless Service Provider (WSP) Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) Service to implement a revised monthly rate per working telephone number (WTN) for WSP E9-1-1 Phase II service to more properly recover the actual costs associated with the introduction of the In-Call Location Update feature, originally mandated by the Commission in Decision 2013-124.
Document: 2494240.docx - 37KB

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