Cochrane Telecom Services - TN 65 - 2012-11-19 - # 8740-C1-201214577

General Tariff - Wireless Access Service

Please note that the description following the name of the document has been supplied by an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act and is therefore offered as a courtesy only. Thus, the description is in the language in which it was transmitted to us.

2013-06-13 - Telecom order CRTC 2013-287 Cochrane Telecom Services – Revisions to Wireless Access Tariff and Carrier Access Tariff regarding network interconnection
File numbers: TNs 65 and 66

2013-03-01 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-C1-201214577 - 8740-C1-201215517
Description: Letter addressed to Cochrane Telecom Services - RE:  Carrier Access Tariff

2013-02-21 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-C1-201214577 - 8740-C1-201215517
Description: Letter addressed to Cochrane Telecom Services - RE: Carrier Access Tariff

2013-03-13 - Rogers Communications Partnership ("Rogers")
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) is in receipt of Cochrane Telecom Services (“CTS”) responses to the Commission’s interrogatories dated Feb 21, 2013 in regard to Tariff Notices 65 & 66. Rogers respectfully submits the following comments regarding CTS’ responses.
Document: 1874953.doc - 66KB

2013-03-04 - Cochrane Telecom Services
Description: The Corporation of the Town of Cochrane, dba Cochrane Telecom Services (CTS) submits its answers to a Commission interrogatory dated 21 February 2013 in connection with Tariff Notice 65.
Document: 1869052.pdf - 401KB

2012-12-20 - Cochrane Telecom Services
Description: The Corporation of the Town of Cochrane, dba Cochrane Telecom Services ("CTS") is in receipt of comments dated December 10, 2012 from Rogers Communications Partnership ("Rogers") in relation to the above-referenced Tariff Notice No. 65 dated November 19, 2012.
Document: 1812365.pdf - 1255KB

2012-12-10 - Rogers Communications Partnership ("Rogers")
Description: Rogers Communications Partnership ("Rogers") is in receipt of Cochrane Telecom Services ("CTS") Tariff Notice 65 dated November 19, 2012, proposing revisions to Section 230 of its General Tariff CRTC 25350 for Wireless Access Service.
Document: 1808597.pdf - 54KB

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