2003/08/18 - #8740-B2-200301531 - Bell Canada - TN 6726/A - Amendment to TN 6726
2003/02/04 - #8740-B2-200301531 - Bell Canada - TN 6726 - General Tariff - Introduction of Ethernet Access
Reference: 8638-C12-80/02
2007-01-25 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-20 Ethernet services. Reference: 8740‑A53‑200602007, 8740‑B2‑200301531, 8740‑B2‑200307216, 8740‑B2‑200404822, 8740‑B2‑200405805, 8740‑B2‑200405904, 8740‑M59‑200407975, 8740‑M59‑200415572, 8740‑M59‑200501793, 8740‑S22‑200407628, 8740‑T66‑0065/02, 8740‑T66‑200401654, 8740‑T66‑200407553, 8740‑T66‑200502098.
2004/02/06 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5-1 The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraph 22 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5, 27 January 2004. Reference: 8622-A4-200304957, Bell Canada TNs 6726, 6726A and 6754, and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 65.
2004/01/27 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5 The Commission approves on an interim basis the introduction of Ethernet access service by Bell Canada that would also be available to Canadian carriers registered with the Commission or digital subscriber line service providers (competitors). The Commission also approves on an interim basis the introduction of Ethernet central office connecting link arrangements by Bell Canada for competitor use. The Commission further directs Bell Canada to provide, on an interim basis, an Ethernet interface service for competitor use. The Commission requires TELUS Communications Inc. to provide, on an interim basis, an Ethernet CO connecting link service for competitor use and to introduce, on an interim basis, an Ethernet interface service for competitor use. The Commission requires Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom), MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) to introduce, on an interim basis, Ethernet access service that would be available to competitors. The Commission further requires Aliant Telecom, MTS and SaskTel to introduce, on an interim basis, an Ethernet interface service and an Ethernet CO connecting link service for competitor use. Reference: 8622-A4-200304957, Bell Canada TNs 6726, 6726A and 6754 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 65. [.pdf]
2006-12-08 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) notes that the Commission recently concluded a proceeding to finalize tariff rates for wholesale Ethernet services.
701048.doc - 57KB
2006-09-15 - Télécommunications Xittel inc.
Description: Conformément aux procédures du personnel du Conseil établies dans sa dernière lettre datée du 21 Août 2006, Télécommunications Xittel inc. (Xittel) vous fait part de ses commentaires.
Document: 667280.doc - 282KB
2006-09-05 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in the Commission's staff letter of 21 August 2006 , please find attached the submission of MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) on the ILEC Ethernet tariff applications that are associated with above-referenced files.
661293.zip - 141KB
2006-08-21 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-A53-200602007 - 8740-B2-200301531 - 8740-B2-200307216 - 8740-B2-200404822 - 8740-B2-200405805 - 8740-B2-200405904 - 8740-B2-200609779 - 8740-M59-200407975 - 8740-M59-200415572 - 8740-M59-200501793 - 8740-S22-200407628 - 8740-T66-0065/02 - 8740-T66-200401654 - 8740-T66-200407553 - 8740-T66-200502098
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Ethernet Services.
2006-08-18 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is in receipt of a letter from Commission staff, dated 11 August 2006, providing interested parties with an opportunity to comment on the tariff notices associated with the above-referenced file numbers.
656536.doc - 81KB
2006-08-11 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-A53-200602007 - 8740-B2-200301531 - 8740-B2-200307216 - 8740-B2-200404822 - 8740-B2-200405805 - 8740-B2-200405904 - 8740-B2-200609779 - 8740-M59-200407975 - 8740-M59-200415572 - 8740-M59-200501793 - 8740-S22-200407628 - 8740-T66-0065/02 - 8740-T66-200401654 - 8740-T66-200407553 - 8740-T66-200502098
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Ethernet Services
2004/04/22 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. ("Call-Net") is in receipt of a letter from TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS), dated 7 April 2004, which was filed in response to comments that were submitted by Call-Net and Allstream Corp. in the above-referenced matter.
040422.doc - 26KB
2004-04-21 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream is providing the following comments.
040421.doc - 302KB
2004/04/07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: This letter constitutes TCI's response to Allstream's and Call-Net's comments.
040407.doc - 95KB
2004/03/31 - Call-Net Entreprises Inc.
Description: The following comments are submitted by Call-Net in response to new information contained in the Bell Canada and TELUS letters referenced above.
040331.doc - 30KB
2004/03/30 - Allstream Corp.
Description: The following comments are submitted by Allstream in response to the new information that is contained in the above-referenced letters of Bell Canada and TCI regarding the provision of EIS in their respective serving territories.
040330.doc - 303KB
2004/03/29 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached, as requested by the Commission in Paragraph 77 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5, is the revised cost study for the Ethernet CO Connecting Link service.
040329_1.zip - 44KB
2004/03/29 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached, as requested by the Commission in Paragraph 77 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5, is the revised cost study for the Ethernet Access service.
040329.zip - 101KB
2004/03/18 - Bell Canada
Description: The purpose of this letter is to respond to comments received from Xit Telecom (Xit), dated 10 February 2004 with respect to Bell Canada's letter of 9 February 2004.
040318.doc - 61KB
2004/03/12 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached, as requested by the Commission in Paragraph 76 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-5, are the revised cost studies in support of the Ethernet Interface component and the ATM interface component of the Ethernet Interface Service.
040312.zip - 66KB
2004/03/12 - Bell Canada
Description: Further to the Commission's letters of 3 March 2004 and 11 March 2004, this letter constitutes Bell Canada's response to Allstream's letter dated 26 February 2004 and Call-Net's letter dated 1 March 2004 on the above noted matter.
040312.doc - 90KB
2004/03/11 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Follow-up to Decision 2004-5 - Bell Canada's Proposed Tariff Item 123 - Ethernet Interface Service
2004/03/04 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of interventions with respect to the above subject, from Allstream, dated 26 February 2004, and from Call Net, dated 1 March 2004. The Company is also in receipt of a letter dated 3 March 2004 from Commission staff, requesting the Company to fully respond, by 8 March 2004, to the comments received from Allstream and Call Net on this above subject.
040304.doc - 58KB
2004/03/03 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Follow-up to Decision 2004-5 - Bell Canada's Proposed Tariff Pages - Item 123 - Ethernet Interface Service
2004/03/01 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of a letter from Bell Canada dated 9 February 2004 proposing rates, terms and conditions for an Ethernet Interface Service (EIS) which is to be included in General Tariff (GT) Item 123
0400301.doc - 38KB
2004/02/26 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: As you are aware, in October 2002, Call-Net Technology Services Inc. (Call-Net) and Bell Nexxia executed Schedule (A) Nexxia.LAN Select Wholesale Service with Carrier-to-Carrier Interconnection (CCI Agreement).
040226_1.doc - 27KB
2004/02/26 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream Corp. is in receipt of a letter from Bell Canada dated 9 February 2004 proposing rates, terms and conditions for an Ethernet Interface Service (EIS) which is to be included in General Tariff (GT) Item 123.
040226.doc - 268KB - Revised
2004/02/10 - Xit Telecom
Description: Follow-up to Telecom Decision 2004-5 - Ethernet Service
040210.htm - 2KB
2004/02/09 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 75 of Telecom Decision 2004-5 find attached proposed tariff pages outlining the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the Company's Ethernet Interface Service.
040209.zip - 48KB
2003/10/24 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada's Reply Comments re Tariff Notice 6726A to Xit Telecom, dated 19 September 2003, Allstream Corp. (Allstream), dated 26 September 2003 and Call Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net), dated 1 October 2003.
031024.zip - 96KB
2003/10/17 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream is in receipt of a letter from Bell Canada dated 10 October 2003 requesting that the timeframe designated for reply to the intervention on Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 6726A (TN 6726) be extended from 6 October 2003 to 24 October 2003.
031017.doc - 256KB
2003/10/14 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 6726A - Reply Comments
2003/10/10 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (the Company) is in receipt of comments on Tariff Notice No. 6726A, Ethernet Access, from Xit telecom, Allstream and Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net).
031010.doc - 59KB
2003/10/01 - Call-Net Entreprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of the comments filed by Allstream Corp. (Allstream) in respect of the Bell Canada and TELUS Ethernet Access services proposed in the Tariff Notices noted above.
031001.doc - 229KB
2003/09/26 - Allstream Corp.
Description: The following are Allstream comments.
030926.doc - 628KB
2003/09/24 - Câble-Axion Digitel inc.
Description: Le 2 juin dernier, la Commission scolaire des Hauts-Cantons, publiait un appel d'offres en son nom et comme mandataire de la MRC des Hauts-Cantons, dans le cadre du programme Villages Branchés du Gouvernement du Québec.
030924.doc - 341KB
2003/09/19 - Xit Telecom
Description: 4089316 Canada inc., opérant sous le nom commercial de Xit télécom, en son nom et au nom de Télécommunications Xittel inc. désire intervenir selon la partie II des règles de procédures en matière de télécommunications dans l'amendement tarifaire 6726A de Bell Canada.
030919.doc - 79KB
2003/09/17 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream Corp. (Allstream) (formerly AT&T Canada) is in receipt of Bell Canada's tariff notice (TN) 6726A proposing revisions TN 6726 for Ethernet Access service.
030917.doc - 246KB
2003/09/02 - Ralph Doncaster
Description: TN6726A should be amended to reduce the service charge to $600 with CPE included.
030902.htm - 1KB
2003/07/29 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of supplementary comments related to Bell Canada TN 6726 from Allstream and Call-Net Enterprises. The Company seeks the Commission's approval to offer Ethernet Access service to support the provisioning of Wide Area Networks.
030729.doc - 64KB
2003/07/18 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. is in receipt of a letter filed by Allstream Corp. requesting additional procedures in connection with the Ethernet Access service proposals contained in Bell Canada TN 6726 and Telus Communications Inc. TN 65.
030718.doc - 28KB
2003/07/17 - Allstream Corp.
Description: The following is a request for additional procedures submitted by Allstream Corp. (Allstream) in connection with the Ethernet Access service proposals contained in Bell Canada TN 6726 and Telus Communications Inc. TN 65.
030717.doc - 257KB
2003/07/11 - Bell Canada
Description: The Company realizes that a statement was not sufficiently clear and now is submitting its modified response.
030711.zip - 66KB
2003/06/13 - Bell Canada
Description: On 9 June 2003, Bell Canada (or the Company) provided its responses to staff questions regarding the above subject. The Company also stated in the cover letter that the responses to questions 8 c) to g) and 10 would follow on 13 June 2003. The Company is submitting those additional responses as an attachment to this letter.
030613.zip - 74KB
2003/06/09 - Bell Canada
Description: In response to the Commission's letter dated 29 April 2003 regarding the above subject, Bell Canada is submitting its responses to staff questions which are included as an attachment to this letter.
030609.zip - 214KB
2003/04/29 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Tariff Notice 6726 - Questions
2003/04/08 - Bell Canada
Description: The Company has become aware of a number of errors in the attachment to the Company's reply comments filed on April 1, 2003.
030408.zip - 131KB
2003/04/01 - Bell Canada
Description: The Company's reply will focus on the comments of MNSI, Call-Net, AT&T and Mr. Menard to the extent that they relate to this filing.
030401.doc - 891KB
2003/03/06 - AT&T Canada Corp. (on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company
Description: AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (collectively, AT&T Canada) is in receipt of Bell Canada's Tariff Notice No. 6726 (TN 6726) proposing to introduce Item 5020, Ethernet Access.
030306.doc - 388KB
2003/02/28 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. comments on Bell Canada's Tariff Notice No. 6726 (TN6726) dated February 10, 2003. This tariff notice proposes revisions to Bell Canada's General Tariff to introduce Item 5020, Ethernet Access, pursuant to the Commission's determination in Decision 2002-76.
030228.doc - 33.5KB
2003/02/14 - Managed Network Systems Inc.
Description: As an interested party, Managed Network Systems Inc. has reviewed Bell Canada's Tariff Application for Ethernet Access Services, TN 6726.
030214.doc - 28KB
2003/02/13 - Ralph Doncaster
Description: Support of the proposed rates for ethernet access in TN 6726.
030213.htm - 1KB
Date Modified: 2006-12-12
- Date modified: