2000/05/29 - #: 8340-C13-0648/00 - Canadian Cable Television Association on behalf of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw & Videotron - Customer Services Group Agreement

2001/09/17 - Ordonnance 2001-701 - Le Conseil approuve, avec des changements, une entente de non-divulgation type concernant les services d'accès Internet que les petites entreprises de câblodistribution fournissent à des tiers. Référence : 8340-C13-0648/00.

2000/11/30 -  Ordonnance 2000-1079 - Approbation d'une entente GSC pour des services d'accès Internet de tiers fournis par de grandes entreprises de câblodistribution. Dans la présente ordonnance, le Conseil approuve, avec des changements, une entente type régissant les demandes de service d'accès adressées par des fournisseurs de services Internet concurrents à de grandes entreprises de câblodistribution. L'entente entrera en vigueur en même temps que les modalités et conditions de service, approuvées provisoirement dans l'ordonnance 2000-789 [accès de tiers (ADT)], entreront en vigueur de façon définitive. Le Conseil amorce également un processus visant à approuver une entente de non-divulgation type applicable aux petites entreprises de câblodistribution.

2001/10/16 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: In accordance with paragraph 4 of Order CRTC 2001-701, attached is a revised non-disclosure agreement reflecting the changes required by the Commission.
011016.zip - 74KO

2001/01/29 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established in the above-noted Order, this constitutes CAIP's Reply submission respecting a standardised non-disclosure agreement (NDA) applicable to smaller cable carriers.
010129.doc - 170KO

2001/01/29 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: In accordance with the Commission's directive in Order CRTC 2000-1079, the Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA) is filing these final comments on its proposed Non-Disclosure Agreement ("ND Agreement") for smaller cable systems offering Third Party Internet Access.
010129.doc - 32KO

2001/01/09 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established in the above-noted Order, please find attached CAIP's proposed standardised non-disclosure agreement (NDA) applicable to smaller cable carriers.
010109.zip - 128KO

2001/01/09 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: The CCTA is filing the attached Non-Disclosure Agreement for smaller cable systems offering Third Party Internet Access in accordance with the Commission's directive in Order CRTC 2000-1079.
010109.zip - 21KO

2000/12/04 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
DESCRIPTION: In accordance with paragraph 9 of Order CRTC 2000-1079, the CCTA has revised the CSG agreement reflecting the changes required by the Commission.

2000/07/20 - Canadian Cable Television Association
Description: CCTA provides its comments on the proposed CSG agreement for third party access.
000720.doc - 31KO

2000/07/17 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers
Description: CAIP has received the June 19, 2000 comments of CCTA on CAIP's June 7, 2000 comments regarding the proposed CSG Agreement filed by the CCTA on May 29, 2000 on behalf of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Videotron.
000717.doc - 33 KO

2000/06/19 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: The CCTA is filing reply comments to CAIP's submission of June 7, 2000 regarding Telecom Order CRTC 2000-317 - Proposed CSG Agreement for Third Party Access.
000619.doc - 55KO


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