2002-02-13 - #: 8622-W28-01/02 - Westman Communications Group - Demande relative à l'incapacité de MTS de se conformer à l'ordonnance  2000-425

2004-05-14 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2004-32 Le Conseil (a) conclut que les services qui forment le Provincial Data Network et que MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) fournit au gouvernement du Manitoba (Manitoba) aux termes de trois ententes distinctes ne sont pas des services de réseau étendu qu'il s'est abstenu de réglementer; (b) conclut que les arrangements fournis par MTS aux termes de l'entente de services de réseau et de l'entente de services d'accès respectivement sont des arrangements personnalisés de type 2 et; (c) ordonne à MTS de déposer des tarifs distincts à l'égard de chacune de ces ententes. Il enjoint également à MTS de déposer un tarif distinct si elle fournit ou compte fournir un service à une entité qui ne correspond pas à la définition d'abonné unique et qui s'applique au Manitoba ou de justifier pourquoi ce tarif n'est pas nécessaire. Référence : 8622-W28-01/02.

2004-10-01 - Westman Communications Group
Description:  Westman has recently obtained copies of the MTS Allstream letters to the Commission, dated August 31 and September 10, 2004. MTS Allstream did not provide copies of the letters to Westman.
Document: 041001.pdf - 75KO

2004-09-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream wishes to inform the Commission that it will file the CSAs for the network and access portions of the Provincial Data Network on Monday, October 18, 2004.
Document: 040910.doc - 429KO

2004-08-31 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-3, the Commission directed MTS Allstream Inc. (formerly MTS Communications Inc.) to file within 30 days of the Decision, separate Type 2 customer specific assembly (CSA) tariffs for the network service and access service components of the Provincial Data Network (PDA) that MTS Allstream provides to the Province of Manitoba
Document: 040831.doc - 429KO

2004-06-14 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: In Telecom Decision 2004-32, issued May 14, 2004, the Commission directed MTS Communications Inc. (MTS or the Company) to file within 30 days of the Decision, separate Type 2 customer specific assembly (CSA) tariffs for the network service and access service components of the Provincial Data Network (PDA) that MTS provides to the Province of Manitoba
Document: 040614.doc - 189KO

2002-07-16 - Westman Communications Group - "Version imprimée" Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's letters of May 23 and July 4, 2002 Westman Communications Group (Westman) files this response to Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. 's (MTS) comments of July 4, 2002

2002-07-04 - MTS Communications - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure established by the Commission in its letter dated May 23, 2002, MTS Communications files the following repy with respect to Westman Communicatinos comments on MTS's responses to interogatories posed by the Commission regardingWestman's Part VII application.

2002-06-26 - Westman Communications Group - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated May 23, 2002, Westman files these comments respecting the information filed by MTS, dated June 13, 2002.

2002-06-20 - Westman Communications Group - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Westman is hereby requesting an extension to the timeline that was indicated in your letter of May 23, 2002.

2002-06-16 - Westman Communications Group - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's letters of May 23 and July 4, 2002 Westman files this response to MTS comments of July 4, 2002.

2002-06-13 - MTS Communications - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Pursuant to the letter from Commission dated May 23, 2002, MTS posing staff interrogatories to the Company respecting the Part VII application by Westman with respect to MTS's failure to comply with Order CRTC 2000-425, MTS is filing responses to the interrogatories.

2002-06-05 - MTS Communications - "Version imprimée"
Description:  MTS is in receipt of a letter dated Mary 23, 2002 posing staff interrogatories to the Company respecting the Part VII application by Westman with respect to MTS's failure to comply with Order CRTC 2000-425.

2002-05-23 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. - Objet:  Demande en vertu de la Partie VII de Westman Communications Group relativement à l'incapacité de MTS de se conformer à l'ordonnance  2000-425

2002-03-21 - Westman Communications Group - "Version imprimée"
Description: Pursuant to the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Westman Communications Group (Westman) files these Reply Comments in response to Manitoba Telecom Services Inc.'s (MTS's) Comment, dated March 11, 2002 and received March 12, 2002, concerning Westman's February 13, 2002 Part VII Application.

2002-03-11 - MTS Communications
Description: Letter of response to Westman Communications Group Part VII Application
Document: 020311.doc - 142KO

2002-02-13 - Westman Communications Group
Description: This application is submitted by Westman Communications Group (Westman) pursuant to sections 25, 27, 32, 33, 37, 48, 57 and 60 of the Telecommunications Act and is filed in accordance with the procedures set out in Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 020213.doc - 39KO

Mise à jour : 2004-10-19

Date de modification :