Price Cap Filings (8678): 2009

Date             File # / Subject   Decision   
2009-11-17 8678-B54-200915663
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, and Télébec, Société en commandite – Application concerning Deflation Impacts on Price Cap Mechanics
2009-03-30 8678-C12-200905557
Annual report regarding the use of deferral account funds (further to Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-1)
Commission Letter
2009-03-23 8678-C12-200905276
2009 Annual Price Cap filing and related issues
2009-03-20 8678-T66-200905201
TELUS Communications Company - Application to recover the costs associated with the implementation of Competitor Digital Network Services
2009-01-08 8678-T66- 200900226
TELUS Communications Company - Application seeking exogenous treatment of wireline-related costs associated with the implementation of wireless number portability
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