2008-03-06 - #: 8678-C12-200803702 - 2008 Annual Price Cap filing and related issues

File using the On-line Services

Reference files: 
MTS Allstream Inc. - TNs 646, 647, 648, 649
TELUS Communications Company (TCC) - TNs 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300
TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI ) - TNs 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607
TELUS Communications (TCBC) Inc. - TNs 4296, 4298 , 4299, 4300, 4301, 4302, 4303
TELUS Communications (Quebec) Inc. - TNs 479 - 481, 483,

2008-03-31 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 244 of Decision 2007-27, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits its 2008 annual Price Cap model.
Document: 883968.pdf - 76KB

2008-03-28 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to paragraphs 242 to 244 of Decision 2007-27, MTS Allstream is filing its updated calculation of the Service Band Limits (SBLs) and Service Band Indices (SBIs) for 2008, with supporting calculations, formulaw and spreadsheets, for each basket/sub-basket of capped services, to demonstrate compliance with the applicable pricing constraints that the Commission established for each service basket.
Document: 882571.zip - 144KB

2008-03-26 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  In Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, dated April 30, 2007, at paragraph 244, directed that the price cap compliance filings, including the calculation of the Service Basket Limit (SBL) and Service Band Index (SBI) with supporting calculations, formulae and spreadsheets, would be filed on March 31st of each year for each basket of capped services.
Document: 881907.zip - 160KB

2008-03-14 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  In Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, dated April 30, 2007, at paragraph 243, directed that the price cap compliance filings, including the calculation of the Service Basket Limit (SBL) and Service Band Index (SBI) with supporting calculations, formulae and spreadsheets, would be filed by March 31st of each year for each basket of capped services.
Document: 878795.zip - 52KB

2008-03-06 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  In Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-27, dated April 30, 2007, at paragraph 243, directed that the price cap compliance filings, including the calculation of the Service Basket Limit (SBL) and Service Band Index (SBI) with supporting calculations, formulae and spreadsheets, would be filed by March 31st of each year for each basket of capped services.
Document: 875637.zip - 220KB

Date Modified: 2008-04-01

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