2007-12-19 - #: 8663-C12-200718604 - Public Notice 2007-21 - Regulatory framework for local wireline service promotions of incumbent local exchange service

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Public Notice 2007-21 Schedule


 Deadline Dates

Notice of intention to participate 2008-01-18
Comments 2008-02-04
Reply comments 2008-02-19

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Public Notices, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Interested Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties

Section 2 - Documents from Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, TELUS Communications Company, Télébec, Limited Partnership
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 4 - Documents from parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents
a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Public Notices, Decisions, etc.

2008-05-22 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-41 Regulatory policy
Forbearance from the regulation of promotions for retail residential and business local wireline services
Reference: 8663-C12-200718604

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

No document

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 2b) Comments

2008-02-04 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the process set out at paragraph 15 of Public Notice 2007-21, MTS Allsream Inc. hereby submits the following written comments.
Document: 862631.pdf - 1203KB

2008-02-04 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Télébec, Société en commandite (the Companies)
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure contained within PN 2007-21, issued 19 December 2007, the attached comments are submitted on behalf of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Télébec, Société en commandite (collectively, the Companies)
Document: 862063.zip - 231KB

2008-02-04 - TELUS Communications Company and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description:  In accordance with the Commissin's procedures as provided in PN 2007-21, TELUS Communications Company and Saskatchewan Telecommunications herewith file their comments in relation to this proceeding.
Document: 862028.zip - 83KB

Section 2c) Reply comments

2008-02-19 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream hereby submits its reply comments in response to Public Notice CRTC 2007-21.
Document: 868277.pdf - 77KB

2008-02-19 - TELUS Communications Company and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description:  In accordance with the Commission's procedures as provided for IN PN 2007-21, TELUS Communications Company and Saskatchewan Telecommunications herewith file their Reply Comments in relation to this proceeding.
Document: 868270.zip - 6KB

2008-02-19 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Télébec, Société en commandite (the Companies)
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure contained within PN 2007-21, issued 19 December 2007, the attached reply comments are submitted on behalf of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Télébec, Société en commandite (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 868265.zip - 54KB

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 4b) Comments

2008-02-04 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description:  In Telecom PN 2007-21, the Commission invited comments on the appropriateness of granting forbearance from the regulation of promotions for residential and business local wireline services.
Document: 862015.pdf - 178KB

Section 4c) Reply comments

2008-02-19 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description:  CCSA is in receipt of comments files by Bell Canada on behalf of itself and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, and Télébec, Société en commandite Bell et al), MTS Allstream Inc., and TELUS Communications Company on behalf of Itself and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (TELUS et al).  Pursuant to paragraph 16 of PN 2007-21, CCSA hereby files the following reply comments.
Document: 868194.pdf - 176KB

2008-02-19 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) for Videotron Ltd.
Description:  QMI, on behalf of its affiliate Videotron Ltd., is pleased to provide the following reply comments on the matters raised in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: 868112.doc - 153KB

Section 8a) Costs

No documents

Section 8b) Others

No documents

Date Modified: 2008-05-22

Date modified: