2006-06-08 - #: 8661-M59-200607442 - MTS Allstream Inc. - Rates for 800/888 Carrier Identification Service
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2006-09-12 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-57 The Commission directs Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, and TELUS Communications Company to file within 45 days of the date of this Decision amended tariff pages with supporting cost studies for their 800/888 Carrier Identification service. In light of this directive, the Commission makes the 800/888 Carrier Identification service tariffs of these carriers interim pending the review of the amended tariff pages and supporting cost studies. Reference: 8661-M59-200607442.
2006-09-28 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: The attached tariff items have been granted interim approval in Telecom Decision 2006-57.
Document: 688420.pdf - 89KB
2006-09-22 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Please find attached copies of the revised tariff pages as directed bythe Commission in Telecom Decision 2006-57.
Document: 688419.pdf - 113KB
2006-07-27 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS is in receipt of comments dated 17 July 2006 from Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications, TELUS Communications Company and Rogers Communications on MTS Allstream's 8 June 2006 Part VII Application.
Document: 649177.pdf - 66KB
2006-07-17 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: The comments are filed in response to the above noted Part VII Application by MTS Allstream on behalf of TELUS Communications Company.
Document: 645355.pdf - 21KB
2006-07-17 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated 29 June 2006 in which the Commission issued further directions on procedure with respect to the above noted Application.
Document: 645358.pdf - 84KB
2006-07-17 - Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a Part VII application dated 8 June 2006 and received 13 June 2006 by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) requesting the Commission:
Document: 645335.doc - 139KB
2006-07-05 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter of 29 June 2006, MTS hereby files, in the attached, information regarding TELUS Communications Company's offer of a rate of $0.0022 per query that was referred to in MTS Allstream's Part VII Application
Document: 641679.zip - 47KB
2006-06-29 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: MTS Allstream Inc. - Part VII Application - Rates for 800/888 Carrier Identification Service
2006-06-22 - Rogers Telecom Inc.
Description: Rogers Telecom is in receipt of the above-noted application filed by MTS Allstream requesting that the Commission make the telephone companies' tariffs for 800/888 Carrier identification service interim in order to allow the Commission and interested parties to conduct a review of the costs for the service.
Document: 637718.pdf - 428KB
2006-06-21 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: These initial comments are filed in response to the above noted Part VII Application by MTS Allstream on behalf of Telus Communications Company.
Document: 637377.pdf - 26KB
2006-06-08 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: This is an application submitted by MTS Allstream Inc. requesting that the Commission make the telephone companies' tariffs for 800/888 Carrier Identification service interim in order to allow the Commission and interested parties to conduct a review of the costs for this service.
Document: 633734.pdf - 98KB
Date Modified: 2006-11-21
- Date modified: